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*** content warning: mind control, sexual shenanigans ***

Me and my girlfriend were still cuddling together under the blankets, enjoying the afterglow of our mutual confessions followed by some really epic sex. I'd lost track of time and forgot all about my roommate until the door suddenly swung open and Evelynn strode into the room. 

I felt Candi's body go tense with shock and fear. Despite what I'd told her about me and my roomie being friends, she was still scared of the 'queen bitch of year two'.

Then to my surprise a tall blonde stalked into the room right behind Evelynn. Her light-blonde hair hung down to her shoulders, she had blue-green eyes and a pretty face. She shut the door behind her as I automatically checked her Info.

'Becky, Human, Sorceress, Level 4'

Evelynn threw my laundry onto the foot of my bed as she demanded "How dare you! You snuck your filthy rags in with my clothes, you tried to trick me into washing up after you?!"

My mind raced as I lay there under the blankets in my girlfriend's arms. It felt like Candice was clinging to me now as her heart pounded in fear. I decided this had to be part of Evie's act. Her friend Becky was here, Candi was here, so this was still 'public' and she had to pretend to hate me. 

Suddenly that red light lit up the lower right corner of my vision, along with a pair of notifications.

'Magic detected: You are being enspelled. Spell recognized: Control (5)'

'Magic detected: Candice is being enspelled. Spell recognized: Control (5)'

That was another shock. It had to be Becky, Evelynn's Control was only at grade two. Sure enough Becky started giving orders while I scrambled with my Dispell and Scrutinize abilities.

"Stay still, keep quiet, and no magic, you little freaks!"

'Dispell successful! Upgraded spell acquired!'

I breathed a sigh of relief. I freed myself before she got to the 'no magic' part of the commands. And as a bonus, my Control (2) had just been replaced with Control (5), which was about to come in handy.

Becky looked surprised as she realized one of her spells just failed, and I cast the upgraded Control right back at her. I followed up immediately with the same orders, "No magic, stay still, and shut up!"

Evelynn looked back and forth between me and Becky, she looked surprised and confused. Like she wasn't sure whether to keep up the act or not. And she wasn't sure if she should be pretending to intervene on Becky's side or if she should be apologizing to me for Becky's behaviour.

I sighed as I sat up, "Evie you can drop the act. We're in private now and Becky's probably going to freak out a little but she can do it quietly."

With my eyes on my tall brunette roommate I added, "Candice is my friend, I want you to treat her with as much respect as you do myself."

The tall brunette's posture and expression immediately became relaxed and she smiled, "Sorry Abby, I thought I needed to do the performance thing. Sorry I said that stuff and threw your laundry at you. It's all clean by the way. And hello Candice, it's nice to meet you. Any friend of Abby's is a friend of mine."

Candi didn't respond and I realized I forgot something. I dispelled Becky's control spell from her then apologized, "Sorry! Are you ok?"

Candice sighed, "I'm ok now. Thanks Abby. Um, I'm kind of very confused though?"

"Yeah," I grimaced. "There's lots more explaining to do, but I have to deal with those two first."

I looked back towards my roommate again and stated, "Evie I have to ask you a question, and I need you to tell me the truth. When was the last time you cast a Control spell on me? Have you ever cast any other spells on me without me knowing?"

She shook her head, "I only ever cast it once, the very first night you were here Abby. And I'd never, ever use magic against you without you telling me it was ok first. I promise!"

She looked and sounded upset by the question, like she was almost scared I was accusing her of doing something.

I frowned as I thought about that for a few moments. I still had Detect Truth running all the time, and according to the green blinking in the upper-right corner of my vision I knew Evie was telling me the truth. I was pretty sure she couldn't or wouldn't lie to me anyways, at least not while she was under the Obedience spell.

After a few moments I got another idea and asked, "Evie do you know if anyone else might be enspelling me? Maybe one of your friends?"

My roommate blushed and glanced towards the tall attractive blonde standing silently in the middle of the room. "Um... Becky might be? She's hinted a few times how jealous she is that you got to be my roommate."

I sighed and looked back at Becky. I could just ask her, but I didn't want either Evelynn or Candi to hear what she might say on that topic. After a few moments I decided Mind Read would be the best way to get what I wanted without anyone else overhearing. 

I cast it on Becky and immediately started looking for what I wanted to know. It wasn't hard to find, especially with her staring at me and thinking hateful thoughts. She was jealous of me for getting to be Evie's roommate, she hated that a tiny pathetic little half-breed first-year got to sleep in the same room as the perfect amazing wonderful Evelynn. And she was determined to make me properly appreciative of Evelynn's gifts.

The memories of what she'd been doing to me were pretty clear. A couple times a week for the past month she used her Control spell on me while I slept, the latest was only three nights ago. Just as I started wondering how she got into our room to give me commands, I saw the answer in her thoughts. She had a Telepathy spell that allowed her to beam her orders straight into my head. She didn't even have to leave her room at night, thanks to the range of the two spells.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I realized Becky figured out the same things Candi learned in her experiments, to get the most out of the Control spell. And unfortunately for me, knowing what commands she'd been giving me didn't do anything to lessen their effect, especially after a month of those 'treatments'.

She'd taken some of the stuff Evie did to me that first night, and basically reinforced it and built on it ever since. And she knew what my roommate did because they talked about it that evening at dinner, Evelynn told her posse what she was planning to do to me

So for the past month, Becky had been making it so the thought of Evie's big beautiful cock would make me wet, and the sight of it would make me increasingly horny. She even had me dreaming about this stuff regularly, and the fact that I didn't consciously remember any of those dreams was part of her orders. She wanted me to be infatuated, obsessed with Evie's wonderful delicious cock. Beyond just getting wet at the thought of it, or horny at the sight of it, she wanted me to worship it, to crave it, to...

"Crap," I grimaced as I forced myself to stop thinking about it. Even just seeing that stuff second-hand while reviewing the commands in Becky's mind was enough to get me dripping wet and horny as fuck again.

Candi asked nervously, "Abby? Are you ok?"

I nodded, "I'll be ok. I just found out what she's been doing to me."

"Abby I swear I had no idea!" Evie spoke up. "If I'd known she was using magic on you I would have told you! You know that right? I'd never let anyone hurt you."

"Thanks Evie," I replied to her. "Perhaps you can make it up to me later." 

She nodded, "Anything Abby, just tell me what you want."

I wasn't sure yet what to do about Becky. I couldn't cast Obedience on her, even if I had full mana I wouldn't want to try dropping sixty points on a single spell. Before coming to any kind of decision I decided to check the information on my upgraded Control spell, to see how long I had Becky under my thumb.

'Control (5): Active spell (cost: 5 mana/level). You can attempt to temporarily control the thoughts of another sentient being. If successful you can influence their thoughts, mood, emotions, decisions. Effects wear off as soon as the spell ends. Casting range: 5m. Maximum duration: 1hr/level.'

A smile tickled my lips. An hour per level, so I had her for four whole hours. That was all right. Except it meant she had me for four hours every night she used it on me. That was less nice.

Candi was obviously dying for answers but too nervous to speak up with the two second-year girls here with us. I decided my girlfriend and I needed some privacy anyways, so I'd give Evie and Becky something to do to keep them occupied.

I slipped out of my bed and stood up then moved next to Becky. I was still naked, and for that matter still horny and wet after what I'd seen in the blonde's mind. I ignored all that as I motioned her to crouch down so I could whisper in her ear.

"You're going to take Evelynn back to your room and you're going to absolutely worship that big beautiful amazing cock of hers for the next three hours. You're going to let her do whatever she wants to you, with you. And every time she makes you come you're going to think about how grateful you are that I've given you this gift. Every orgasm you have with her is my gift to you. After three hours you'll come back here and await my next gift."

Then I whispered to Evelynn, "Take Becky to her room. Use that spell you showed me last night, do the same thing you did last night. Then let Becky experience it as much as you two can manage. See how many times you can make her come in three hours."

Then I told them both, "Now go."

The pair of them hurried out of the room together and closed the door behind them.

Candi let out a loud sigh of relief once we were both alone again. Then she fixed her eyes on me and demanded "Ok Abby, what the fuck?!"

"It's another long story," I sighed as I moved to sit down on the edge of the bed. "So that first night, after I broke free of Evelynn's Control spell..."

I told her how Evie tried to enspell me but I saved myself at the last moment, and how a stroke of luck meant her big nasty spell triggered on her instead. I told her how I got Evie to explain the Obedience spell to me in the morning, and how I used it to set it up so she thought we were friends and stuff, without remembering the spell was active. And I told her how I had Evie repeat the spell every six or seven days, so it never wore off. 

I didn't mention my Scrutinize ability and I didn't tell her what sort of instructions I gave Evie. Candi already knew Evie was teaching me spells and helping me in other ways, that was all she needed to know about that. 

When I finished that story I added, "So today marks thirty days that Evie's been under that spell. I'm going to let it wear off this time. In four days she'll finally be free of it, and we'll see what sticks."

After hearing me explain the whole situation between me and Evelynn, Candice needed a minute or two for the whole thing to sink in. She looked shocked, maybe a little freaked-out, and kind of impressed.

Finally she looked at me and asked, "That's what you did to Alice? You used that spell?"

I nodded, "Yeah. The day she and her girls attacked us? After I got free of the Control spell I used Obedience on her. And I'm renewing it every time it's nearly over. I don't plan on letting it wear off until... Whenever I decide it's done its job."

"Holy crap," she said quietly. "Is this allowed? Can you do this? I mean what if the headmistress finds out?"

"Evie said it was allowed," I replied with a shrug. "Actually she said it was encouraged. She's got three of her year-two friends in that state. And remember you said she did something to Michelle? This is what she did, this is the spell she used."

"Damn," Candi said as she slowly shook her head. "So are you going to cast it on Becky?"

I grimaced, "I don't have enough mana left right now. It costs fifteen points per level. I'm assuming Evie got her friends converted when they were lower levels, I doubt she has the mana to cast it on someone who's level four. Even level three would probably be a stretch for her."

My friend's eyes widened again as she gasped, "Fifteen?! Holy crap. I guess it makes sense, if it's that powerful..."

Her voice trailed off as she gave me a funny look. "Wait you don't have enough mana 'right now'? You mean if you hadn't already used some, you could actually do it? It'd take sixty points to cast that on a level-four like Becky..."

I blushed, "My max is just barely enough. I wouldn't burn sixty points at once if I could help it though. It'd drain me, and I'd probably pass out again."

Before she could question further I changed the subject, "Anyways I'm happy to teach it to you. I have something else to teach you too, that Evie just showed me last night."

That brought a smile to Candi's face, but she was still thinking about my newest nemesis. "So what are you going to do with Becky then? What happens when that Control spell wears off?"

I shrugged, "If Becky knows the Obedience spell, I'll have her cast it on herself and start the ball rolling with her. I don't know if you knew this, but casting spells on yourself only costs the base mana? So instead of costing sixty points it'd only cost her fifteen to use it on herself."

Candi frowned, "You know she probably won't have enough for that? She already used Control on both of us, that would have cost her thirty-five mana. I sincerely doubt she has another fifteen left."

I sighed "It sure would be useful being able to snoop other people's stats."


Demon Llama

If Abby wants to be free of Becky's suggestions couldn't she let Candi cast control on her and giver her instructions to countermand it? Although now that Candi knows about obedience and that you can make people cast it on themselves it's a bit risky. For that matter is there anything stopping Abby from casting control on herself to give herself the counter orders?

Day Dreamer

The plot thickens again! I love it.