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Hello to all my beautiful amazing awesome patrons! <3 <3 <3

With "Demon Mom" finished, I figured we were due for another status update. So we'll have a quick look at all the current / ongoing stories I'm working on right now, and a little talk about what's coming up:

"aka Amy" - Amy and Tess sort of resolved all their immediate problems at the end of book 1, and Inner Circle & higher patrons got a 3-chapter NSFW mini story that took place a few months after the pair moved in together. There is a Book 2 in the works, but progress has been slow. We haven't given up on it, but it might take another couple months before it's ready.

"Club Luna" - This is a commissioned story, and sadly folks have stopped commissioning chapters lately. I'm hoping someone will ask for more chapters so we can wrap up the first arc. ^^ 

"Lesbian Magic School" - Absinthe and Candice are still going strong, we have more chapters of LMS queued up. I think the story ends in a good place, but there's loads of potential for a second book. And I do have some plans and ideas for a second installment. I can't promise anything yet, my muse has been very distracted lately. (Plus we need to be in a certain mindset to write stories like this one.)

Mara & Lily - Our favourite demon girl and her succubi girlfriends have lots more trouble and fun in the works. Mara's fifth installment will start posting in 2 days, same Mara time, same Mara channel. And we have a sixth installment planned after that. 

"Ruinstone" - this collection of short dark NSFW stories is restricted to Inner Circle and above. There's one more episode left, which will probably get posted next week. 

"Welland Revisited" aka "Tale of a Fox in Welland" - this is another commissioned story and it's been going strong. I'm not sure how much farther we have to go with this, that'll depend on what the folks commissioning it want to see. (As an aside, I have to admit I absolutely adore the Watson family. They're the family I wish I had.) 

New / Upcoming - We've been working really hard to finish our very first science fiction story. That's been a huge departure for us, since up till now all our stories have been set in modern-day Earth (or alternative Earths) and all our stories have been based on magic. Sci-fi has been a challenge because of all the worldbuilding, like stuff you don't need to establish or explain when the story is set in present-day Earth. The sci-fi story is scheduled to launch (ha!) in a couple weeks, after LMS is done.

Miscelleneous - I have a few more irons in the fire, but these are all very much 'no promises' in terms of whether or not they'll ever see the light of day.

I have some half-baked ideas for a Faet sequel / spinoff that features Elise, Saoirse, and Willow, but nothing concrete. At the moment it's mostly just a few vague ideas that build on some events and clues dropped in the last couple Faet Extras. 

I also have a short MotM story that's a departure from the format of the first six installments. It involves Skye, Danni, and Emily, but we kind of got a few chapters into it then my muse got distracted & never looked back. 

Finally my muse has started going on about another reality-bending story, with elements from LMS and Ruinstone, but hopefully nowhere near as dark as the latter.

So that about wraps up all the stuff I'm working on (or thinking about working on). Reminder, we have a discord server! You should already have access if your discord is linked to your patreon. 

Thanks again for all your ongoing support, I really appreciate it!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3



You are amazing! Thank you for so, so many enjoyable reading hours.

Cassidy Marble

Skye’s coming back!? Day. Made.