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*** Content warning: reality manipulation ***

It was just past six when I finally got back to my apartment. My heart was racing slightly with excitement. If everything went well then tonight I was going to share my biggest secret. Or one of them anyways. Maybe I'd even share both, if things worked out like I expected.

My boyfriend would be here in less than a half hour so I had to hurry to get ready. I stripped off my work clothes as I hurried into the washroom, then took a few minutes to freshen up and redo my make-up. There wasn't time for a shower but I figured I'd be ok without.

Finally I checked myself over in the mirror, and even after two years my reflection still made me smile.

Not like I was some kind of super-model or movie-star, I wasn't drop-dead gorgeous. But I was cute, attractive, and feminine. Five-foot-seven, shoulder-length wavy auburn hair, bright blue eyes, slightly tanned skin. Narrow shoulders, slim supple arms, my bust was about average but just the right size for my frame. Narrow waist, wide hips, my legs and ass were just perfect as far as I was concerned. 

In fact my whole body was perfect, I thought. A million times better than the one I was born with anyways. Being trans was my second-biggest secret, and it was something nobody else in the world knew, thanks to my first-biggest secret. A smile played on my lips as I thought about that again. 

It started when I was sixteen. It was another boring family vacation, day-camping with my parents and my sister. Dad loved fishing, mom was into nature, and me and Sophie were forced to endure a whole week without internet or phones. It was the second last day and mom made us go on a nature walk. 

I found it at the edge of the river, among the other pebbles and stones. It stood out, its smooth black curves and flat sides didn't fit in with the rest of the river rocks. When I turned it over I saw that weird mark engraved in it and I knew it was something cool, so I kept it.

The sad thing was it took me four more years to discover what it really was. It wasn't till I was twenty, I'd finally figured out I was trans and was trying to get started on hormones. I happened to come across my 'lucky rock' in my desk while I was looking for something else. I was thinking about my transition while I held that funny little good luck charm, and inadvertently changed reality.

All that was two years ago, and in that time I never shared that knowledge with another soul. I'd been careful with it too. The first week or two I messed around a lot as I learned how the magic worked, and I made a lot of improvements in my life. Nothing too big or too greedy, but I made things comfortable.

My body went through a couple revisions and changes in short order, till I found what I enjoyed best. The rest of the world believed I was a cis girl, even my parents thought I'd always been their daughter. They thought my name had always been Angela. Hell even old family photos changed to depict my childhood as a little girl, it was wild.

I lived in a nice uptown apartment building, and it was fully paid for. I worked nearby at a fancy independent cafe, but I actually enjoyed the work. I liked coffee, and after maybe one or two really minor adjustments my boss Dale was a pretty decent guy to work for. Plus it wasn't so far that I needed a car, and if the weather was too unpleasant to walk I could ride the bus.

With that magic stone I probably could have made myself super rich, I definitely could have made myself look like a super-model. In fact for a day or two I did, but I much preferred the more down-to-earth look I had now. That rock could probably give me anything I ever wanted, but I didn't like being greedy and I didn't like to over-do it. I was comfortable with my life and with my body, and that's all I really needed.

I kept the magic rock secret, it stayed hidden in my memory box in a drawer beside my bed, and nobody else in the world knew about it. Until now. I was planning on sharing that secret with my boyfriend. I almost told my last girlfriend, but we ended up drifting apart before I felt ready to share it with her. Now I was ready.

A lot of that stemmed from certain suspicions and feelings I got from him. He reminded me of myself in a lot of ways, specifically me before I realized I was trans. We'd been together for six months and I'd been watching, paying close attention. I was almost positive he was either repressed and in the closet, or he was an egg and hadn't realized it yet.

And I already tried dropping hints, I made sure he knew I was bi and queer-positive, that I had zero problem with trans people. I even told him I used to be really close to a trans girl, though I didn't let on I was talking about myself. 

If he really was an egg, I figured his shell was pretty damn dense. So if all went well, I'd try using magic to help him hatch. I figured there wasn't a trans girl alive who wouldn't jump at the chance of using magic to get her ideal body. Even if it was 'only temporary' and 'just to try it out', or perhaps as 'an experiment'. Whatever, once he knew I could change reality I was confident if he was a girl at heart we'd find some way to let that true self out.

The timing was perfect too. This was Friday night and Monday was a holiday. We both had the next three days off, so we could do whatever we wanted and didn't have to worry about work or anything else for a while.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror, then quickly picked out what to wear. I opted for skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt. Part of it was for practical reasons, the jeans had pockets while most of my other clothes didn't. Then I gathered up my work clothes and stuffed them in the hamper, and finally I got my memory box out of the drawer by my bed. I carefully picked up that magic stone, then grinned as I tucked it in my pocket. 

My boyfriend buzzed from the lobby as I was putting the memory box away, and I smiled at the perfect timing.

An hour later the two of us were relaxing on the sofa sipping wine and eating the pizza we got delivered. I had some music playing in the background but mostly I was listening to my boyfriend talk. 

He'd been telling me about the rough day he had at work. He was a junior programmer, he worked at one of the big banks downtown. It paid well, particularly if he could hold onto it for a few more years and get another promotion or two. It was high-stress though, and he had rough days like today often enough that I was grateful the most responsibility I had to deal with at work was not mixing up the almond milk with the regular milk when I made someone's latte. 

"So yeah," he sighed and took another sip of wine. "That's basically the crap I had to put up with today. How about you hon, what was your day like?"

I smiled, "The usual. Coffee, latte, espresso, biscotti. I know being a barista's not for everyone, but I enjoy it."

My boyfriend grimaced, "To each her own, right? So now that we're just about done dinner, what's the plan? Stream a movie, take it easy?"

"Actually there's something I want to show you," I told him. I felt my heart rate quickening again, "It's a secret, but I'm ready to share it with you."

"It's nothing bad, don't worry!" I added when I saw the anxiety on his face. "It's actually really cool."

He frowned, "Ok? What is it?"

I took a deep breath then gulped and half-whispered, "I can change reality. I have a kind of magic that lets me change things. It's really powerful, and it's... Well it's almost like a miracle I guess."

He stared at me for a few seconds, then sort of giggled and snorted "C'mon Angela! That's your big secret? Is this a joke or something?"

"It's no joke," I said. I expected he'd react like that, I knew a demonstration was required. I kept my voice serious and level and told him, "Watch."

While he was looking at me I slipped my hand into my pocket and held the stone. Then I concentrated, and a moment later my shoulder-length wavy auburn hair grew several inches, lightened to blonde, and the waves tightened up into large loose curls.

"There," I stated.

"There what?"

"My hair?" I asked. "It's long, blonde, and curled?"

"Yeah?" he shrugged. "Just like it's always been?"

"Crap," I sighed as I realized the flaw in my plan. Nobody else noticed when things changed, so only I knew my hair used to be auburn. 

My hand was still in my pocket touching the stone as I puzzled over the problem. The answer appeared in my mind, and I realized it had to have come from the stone. My boyfriend needed to use it once, after that he'd be able to notice changes to reality. 

I pulled the stone from my pocket but kept it firmly in my grasp, with only part of it visible between my fingers.

"Ok here's what we're going to do," I said in a slow serious voice. "Put your finger on this stone then concentrate on changing something small, like my hair colour or something like that ok? Just trust me and try it."

"Right," he rolled his eyes as he reached out and placed his forefinger on the stone in my hand. "So you want me to try and change reality with your magic rock?"

"Yes," I nodded. "Like I said, something small and simple."

He still looked skeptical but his eyes flicked up and down over me. Then I saw a glint in his eyes, and a moment after that I felt the change.

"Hey I said a small change! Like hair colour!" I cursed as I snatched my hand back. I tucked the stone in my pocket then frowned as I looked down at myself.

My t-shirt was suddenly straining to contain my boobs, which had grown to at least double-Ds, maybe even bigger. I could tell they'd already overflowed my bra and the strap had broken or come undone. I reached under my shirt and pulled the bra away completely then tossed it in the direction of my bedroom.

It was such a typical guy thing, I momentarily second-guessed my suspicions about him being a closeted trans girl. Then I recalled my own early experiments with the stone and realized it was another thing we had in common.

Meanwhile my boyfriend was just staring at my chest with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open. He clearly didn't expect the magic rock to actually work.

"You... They... It..." he was having trouble forming sentences as it took another minute or two for his brain to finally process that I wasn't joking and my magic stone was real.

After a few more moments he finally gulped and asked, "Is that... Will they stay that big forever?"

"No," I stated. "Boobs this big might be fun for a little while, but they'll lead to back pain and shoulder problems if they stay like this. Not to mention how uncomfortable they are when you're not used to them. Now that you're coherent again I'm going to turn them back to normal."

He almost pouted, "Aww come on Angela! You just said they're fun for a little while right? How about until the end of the long weekend? If that rock's so powerful then I'm sure it could make it so there's no pain or problems. Maybe it can even make it so you enjoy them like that? Or at least so you're used to them, so they aren't uncomfortable?"

"Seriously?!" I glared at him. "You like huge boobs that badly you want to mess with my mind so I'd think I liked them like this?"

"That's not what I meant," he shook his head as he back-pedalled, "I just meant for the weekend right?"

A moment later he asked, "Wait, could the rock actually make you like them? Can it do stuff like that?"

I was still glaring as I replied, "Yes it can and no we're not doing that! And seriously, you have no idea how inconvenient it is having boobs this big. I've tried it before, and they're always getting in the way."

"You've tried it before?" He looked somewhere between excited, confused, and curious. 

"Yes," I admitted with a grimace. "Two years ago, when I first figured out how to use the rock I experimented a bunch, tried on a few different looks before I picked this one. It only took a week or two for me to get all that out of my system, so it's been nearly two years that I've been the Angela you've known since we met."

After a moment I added, "Well, except for the long blonde hair. I prefer auburn and shorter, long hair's too much of a chore. I only turned it blonde and made it longer to show you."

"But it's always been long and blonde," he responded. "As long as I've known you anyways."

I shook my head, "That's part of the magic. When I change things, nobody else knows anything's different. It rewrites reality so things were always that way? So when I changed my hair you thought it was always like that."

He looked thoughtful for a few seconds, then asked "So how come you noticed when I made your boobs bigger?"

"Because I've used the stone before," I explained. "And now that you've used it too, you'll be able to tell whenever it makes any changes to reality."

While he was processing that I adjusted my t-shirt and grumbled, "If you were going to make my boobs this big you could have at least made my shirt bigger."

My boyfriend's eyes widened again as he asked, "You can change clothes with it too?"

"I can change almost anything babe," I replied with a smile. "It's like a miracle in my pocket."

His eyes were alight and his smile grew wider, and I knew he was suddenly imagining all sorts of ways to abuse the magic.

I shook my head, "Just settle down. I've already gone through that crazy phase, I'm not going to do it again. It's powerful but it's not a toy. It's not something to mess around with, ok?"

"Aww," he nearly pouted again. "So if you have this god-like power, why are you living in a little two-bedroom apartment slinging espresso for a living? Why don't you have a mansion, or rule the world?"

"Because that's a lot of responsibility?" I shrugged. "And it would mean messing with a lot of people, doing all kinds of massive changes to things. Seriously, I'm happy with my life and my body just the way they are. Or the way I looked earlier. Once my hair and boobs are back to normal."

He protested again before I could fix my chest, "Wait! Seriously, please leave them like that for the weekend? Think of the fun we can have..."

I sighed, then got an idea of my own. "Ok how's this sound? I'll keep them this big for now, but only if I can change something about you. Then when you decide you've had enough and want to change back, we'll both go back to normal."

He gulped as he thought it over. His eyes were on my chest again, and I leaned forward slightly and wiggled my shoulders so my boobs jiggled under the tight fabric of the t-shirt.

"Ok," he nodded. "It's a deal."

I grinned and slipped my hand into my pocket. Before I did it I reminded him, "I can change you back at any time ok? If you decide it's too uncomfortable you say so and I'll fix everything. But when I change you back, my boobs and hair go back to normal too."

"Got it," he nodded again. He looked and sounded confident as he added, "I know you won't do anything too weird to me Angela. I know you love me as much as I love you. We've been looking forward to spending this long weekend together for a month. You're not going to turn me into something you wouldn't want to be with."

"You're right," I agreed. "I just hope you haven't forgotten that I'm bi."

He blinked, and opened his mouth to say something just as everything changed.

This wasn't quite how I hoped things would play out, but I figured it was definitely one way to hatch an egg. But if I was wrong and this made him flip out I'd change him back immediately.

My boyfriend was about six feet tall and slim. He had longish messy dark blond hair. His eyes were brown, his skin had a slightly olive complexion. He was wearing faded blue jeans, an old t-shirt, and a pair of worn-in white sneakers. 

Right before my eyes he morphed and shrank into an adorable young woman with long jet-black hair, pale green eyes, and fair skin. She was about five-foot-four and petite, apart from her boobs which were ample but not quite as big as the pair she'd given me. 

Her clothes shifted simultaneously to accommodate the changes to her body. Jeans became black tights, sneakers became black ankle-boots, underwear became panties and a bra, and the t-shirt grew into a knee-length black tea-dress. In only a couple seconds my tall slim casual boyfriend changed into the petite goth girlfriend I always wanted. 

As the changes finished I told her, "By the way, your name is Autumn."

Her eyes were wide as she looked down at herself, and she took a few deep shaky breaths. She tentatively touched her chest, then cupped her boobs as she figured out they were real. Next her hands moved down to her lap and she groped around for a couple seconds.

It was all very familiar to me. I remembered going through that same self-examination two years ago, after I accidentally turned myself into a woman. Of course for me the shock gave way to overwhelming euphoria. I was keeping a close eye on Autumn to see if she'd have a similar reaction, or if things were about to go bad.

She stopped groping herself, but she stayed quiet for another half minute or so as she just sat there staring down at herself. Her eyes remained wide, and I started to worry that she was about to freak out.

"Autumn?" I asked warily. "Are you ok?"

She slowly turned to face me. Her eyes were still wide and I couldn't quite pin down her emotions. 

After a gulp she sort of half-asked half-stated, "You changed my name? I can't even remember what I used to be called. All I remember is Autumn."

"I can change it back," I told her. "If you want I can undo all of this."

"What about my ID?" she asked. She reached for her hip but realized she was in a dress, there were no pockets and no sign of her wallet.

I gestured, "I think that's your purse on the coffee table."

With another shocked look, she slowly picked up the black velvet bag and looked inside. She found a cute black leather wallet with skull decorations on the clasp, and in that was all her ID. 

"Holy fuck," she whispered. "Is this what I look like?" 

She was staring at her drivers license. I didn't have to look, I already knew it had her new image and her new name.

"Yeah, but license pictures suck. Go look in the mirror, you're adorable."

She gave me a funny look then got to her feet. She wobbled once or twice on the boot heels, then I accompanied her to the washroom.

"Holy fuck," she repeated as she stared at herself. Then she glanced at me, "We're the same size now?"

We were standing eye to eye, where normally she'd be almost a half foot taller than me.

"Not exactly," I grinned. "I'm barefoot and you've got heels on. Take those boots off and you're a couple inches shorter."

Autumn's eyes widened more as she glanced down at our feet then she said it again, "Holy fuck..."

She looked at me again and asked, "What if someone sees me like this? What if my mom calls or there's an emergency at work?"

I shrugged, "Reality's changed now, right? You and I are the only people in the world who know you weren't always Autumn."

She frowned and stared at herself in the mirror then whispered once more, "Holy fuck..."



Awesome chapter,this one looks a lot more fun .