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After the meeting with Lily, me and my girlfriends spent the rest of Thursday enjoying ourselves and each other both inside and outside the cottage. That night we had another bonfire, many more vodka coolers were enjoyed, and there was even some naked dancing around the fire pit. 

Then Friday morning once all four of us were up we found everyone had their appetite back, so I made us all some breakfast. We were all pretty hungry so I used up all the bacon and eggs and made a bunch of toast with the rest of the bread.

Susan and Melissa sat together on the sofa again, while me and Amber were in the cushy chairs. As usual my two tall girlfriends were drinking coffee, while Amber was having root beer with her breakfast and I had one of the few remaining bottles of juice. Amber was in a very oversized nightshirt, I put one on as well while I was cooking, but the other two stayed naked for now.

"So we have a couple hours before we need to pack up," Susan commented while chewing on a piece of toast. "I'm up for more sex if that's what everyone else wants to do, but if you've had enough of that for the moment I was thinking I could try and teach you how to tap into the shape-shifting stuff? Amber, Melissa?"

She added, "I know you said you weren't interested Melissa but since you've got the ability you may as well learn to use it, right? Especially since Amber's proved that it can happen subconsciously."

Our tiny brunette girlfriend grimaced and cringed slightly, but she nodded "I'd like to learn how to do it Susan."

Melissa looked thoughtful as she munched on some bacon, but she finally agreed "Yeah ok. You're right, I ought to learn how it works, even if I don't really plan on using it."

"Sorry Mara," Susan gave me an apologetic look. "I don't mean to leave you out but from what you and Lily said yesterday, I don't think you'll benefit much from this stuff."

I smiled, "It's ok Sue. I'll listen in, but I might get a head start on cleaning up and packing or whatever? But don't worry about me, I think you're right about getting Melissa and Amber trained on that stuff. It sounds pretty cool regardless."

Sue waited till we were all finished breakfast, then she had Amber sit next to her and Melissa on the sofa. I got up and took the dishes back to the sink and started cleaning up, but I did my best to keep it quiet. I didn't want to disturb them but I also wanted to listen in, even if I couldn't actually do the shape-shifting thing myself.

Apparently it wasn't like the stuff Lily taught me. Back at halloween when she taught me to make my horns and tail appear as a costume that was more like a magic spell, it just did the one thing. Then after the solstice when she taught me how to make them go away, that was another spell. And finally the thing I did nowadays that made them invisible, that was a third spell. But each one was a separate spell that I had to memorize. 

The stuff Susan was explaining to our other two girlfriends was different. It wasn't so much a magic spell as a kind of meditation. There was a sort of mantra Sue used to help her control it, but it was the same thing regardless what she was trying to achieve.

She explained how she'd chant the mantra in her head while focusing on the mental picture of what she wanted to change, then when she had the image ready in her head and she felt like it was clear and accurate, she'd sort of push power into her body through the image. Like the power would carry the image out to her body and make the changes.

Melissa and Amber listened quietly, and as Susan talked they all eventually got more coffee and root beer. I finished up the dishes and dried them off then started packing them away, along with the pans and other cooking stuff. When I was finished I finally got myself a bottle of water then sat down on the cushy chair again to continue watching and listening to Sue's lesson.

It took about forty-five minutes for Susan to explain it all, then she finally looked at Amber and suggested "You could try focusing on yourself being your normal height again, the same size as Mara, then try doing that chant in your mind as you picture the mental image. See if you can't make yourself back to your normal size?"

"Hmmm," Amber frowned, then closed her eyes like she was trying to focus.

Sue turned to look at Melissa and grinned, "I have no idea what you might want to try and test with, if you wanted to make yourself taller or make your boobs even bigger or something? But you ought to give it a try, see if it works."

"I don't know," Melissa seemed reluctant. "Like I said yesterday, this is all I ever wanted. It's different for Amber, she's trying to get herself back to where she wants to be. I'm already there. What if I did some test like that and got stuck or something?"

"That's what Sue was worried about, remember?" I asked from my seat on the sidelines. "And you remember what Lily said yesterday, you'll always return to the form you're most comfortable with."

Susan agreed, "Mara's right. You won't get stuck. And if somehow you did, I'll bet Lily can help nudge you back to where you want to be."

"I can," Lily said in my head, "And I will if necessary."

I relayed that to Melissa.

"Thanks Lily," our tall blonde girlfriend said quietly. 

She still looked uncertain, but after a few more seconds she finally sighed "Ok, I guess there's no risk. I'll give it a try."

Me and Sue watched as Melissa closed her eyes and started to focus.

Amber was still doing that too, her cute face was sort of scrunched up with concentration but she hadn't changed at all. Or at least, not that I could tell.

With both her students attempting the exercise, Susan was quiet for now. She just glanced back and forth at the two of them as she watched and waited for something to happen.

I had questions but I kept my mouth shut for now, I didn't want to interrupt and break anyone's concentration. 

Another minute or so passed without anything happening, and Amber finally gave up. She opened her eyes and sighed, "I'm not sure I can do it. I don't really understand the part about 'pushing energy'?"

Susan asked, "When you enchant products at work, can you feel anything happen? Do you feel magic or power or energy inside you?"

Amber looked thoughtful for a moment then nodded, "Yeah. Not at first, but I can now. It's really hard to put into words though?"

"Think of that feeling," Sue suggested. "The way it feels when you use magic for Lily, try and recreate that feeling but using the magic or power for yourself."

Before the cute mousey brunette could respond, all three of us were a little startled as Melissa's form suddenly changed. Not just part of her, but her entire body. When it was over she was like a completely different person.

My first reaction was she wasn't even recognizable anymore, but a moment later I realized I did recognize her, but in a very different way.

She was a couple inches shorter, she was more like five-foot-five or five-six. Her hair had grown darker, it was a sandy-blonde and it was shorter now, sort of wavy and just came down to her shoulders. Her eyes were the same shade of blue, but her skin had taken on more of a tanned complexion. Her boobs were significantly smaller, they were closer to my size now. She still had hips and a waist and everything, but she wasn't all skinny anymore. She wasn't as curvy as Susan, but she had some healthy weight on her. 

Basically instead of looking like a tall beautiful blonde bimbo she had a more wholesome girl-next-door thing going on.

And the wildest part was her face was recognizable as her old self, like before Lily's enchantments. Actually her skin, her hair, everything was a lot more like she used to look. Basically instead of a tall busty bimbo she looked like Sam Perry's little sister.

Me and Susan and Amber were all staring at her in surprise. 

After a long awkward silence I finally spoke up first. "Wow Melissa! You look... Wow!"

She grimaced, "I look weird don't I?"

Even her voice was different. She sounded fine, but the pitch was slightly lower and the tones were a little different. Still very much a feminine voice, but it was one which suited this new look.

"No!" I insisted. "You look great! Just, very very different. Like... Almost the complete opposite of your normal look."

I knew Susan had seen a picture of pre-transition Melissa but I doubted she remembered. Neither she or Amber would realize this was probably what the 'natural' Melissa would have looked like.

"What made you want to try that kind of look?" Sue finally asked. "Mara's right, it feels like the complete opposite of the normal you. Pretty, in a girl-next-door way? But yeah, extremely unexpected."

Melissa blushed and shrugged, "I guess I just wanted to give it a try? I'm going to go have a look at the mirror."

She got up and disappeared into the washroom to see for herself what she looked like. 

Me and Susan were both still looking in the direction of the washroom when a frustrated sigh from Amber brought our attention back to the cute brunette.

"Still no luck?" Susan asked with a sympathetic smile.

Amber shook her head, "Not really. Maybe I didn't get that magic after all."

"I think you must have," I pointed out. "According to Lily you made yourself smaller with it, remember? So you must be able to make yourself taller again."

Sue looked thoughtful for a moment, then she suggested "Keep practicing Amber, I'm confident you'll get it. It's possible that it's not working right now because the changes require power to drive them, and maybe you're low on power. Me and Melissa probably have a bigger reserve since we've been part-succubus since December, but for you this is very new right? Just over twenty-four hours now."

After a moment she added, "You could also try and start with something easier. Like instead of changing your whole body, just try and focus on one thing. Like your hair for instance? You could play with the colour or the style or length."

Amber nodded slowly, "Yeah ok. I'll keep trying. Maybe later though, I'm a little tired of this right now."

Melissa finally emerged from the bathroom and moved to sit down with Sue and Amber again. She had a sort of distant, thoughtful look on her face.

"Melissa? Everything ok?" I asked.

She looked over at me then replied. "Yeah, I'm fine Mara. It was just kind of weird seeing myself like this? Like it's so different and strange, but at the same time sort of familiar, you know?"

I gave her a warm smile as I agreed, "I know. I was surprised to see you like that, but I think I understand why you wanted to try it."

The look in her eyes told me she knew what I was saying. Like this was what she might have been if she could have transitioned early, or if she'd been AFAB. It wasn't the real her, but maybe if things had turned out very differently this could have been her.

After a few more quiet moments she finally looked to Susan and asked, "So how do I get back to normal?"

That kicked off another short lecture from the curvy redhead, but it was more or less the same as the first lesson. It boiled down to just focusing on being her normal self, the self she was most comfortable as, and repeating the process.

Susan added, "I figured out through some trial and error, that the more you try to focus on every tiny detail the more likely you are to get some of them wrong. Or at least that's what happened in my case. Rather than worrying about getting every last freckle right and every hair in the right spot, just aim for what's comfortable, what feels right. That'll get you where you want to be."

"So you didn't need all those pictures and measurements after all?" I asked Sue.

She smiled, "I'm still glad we did all that, but I guess I should have just trusted Lily all along. She was right, it's easier to be comfortable than to worry about all the minute details. And if what I'm comfortable with changes over time, then why not change with it?"

That left another thoughtful look on Melissa's face for a few moments, before she closed her eyes and started to focus. After about fifteen seconds her whole form changed again, and she was back to her normal tall busty self.

"Ok," she grinned. "I've done it professor Susan, can I be excused from the rest of class?"

Sue smirked, "Class is dismissed. We should probably all start cleaning and packing up now anyways."



i'm guessing amber's having such a hard time getting back to "normal" not because she's having a hard time with the magic itself, but because she secretly loves being a very smol


merci pour le chapitre, hier j'ai tous ratrapé miam miam miam avec les point de vue aussi de lily c'est encore mieux ^^ préséd'avoir la suite mais je vais attendre ^^