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*** content warning: sexual hijinks, discussion of mind control ***

Despite being back to full health all I really wanted to do was go straight to my room and curl up in bed and hide for a little while. My mana was still low, even after levelling up I was hovering around fifteen points available. The rest would be back soon enough but I wasn't keen on getting into another fight just yet.

Unfortunately I knew Candi might be in trouble. She had three of Alice's friends after her, and I needed to know she was ok. 

So after I left Alice's room I went to Candi's door and knocked, but there was no answer. I had a quick look in the third floor washrooms but apart from two first-year girls showering, there was nobody else there.

There were a few girls in the break room on the ground floor, including some second- and third-year girls but I wouldn't risk talking to them. Fortunately there were two first-years and I approached them.

"Sorry to bother you," I said quietly, "You wouldn't happen to know where Candice is would you?"

One girl shook her head, the other one said "I saw her after breakfast, she was with a couple other girls. They were heading over to the school building for some reason. Maybe doing extra studies or something?"

"Thanks," I gave her a friendly smile while inside I was worried. The classrooms would be empty today, it was an ideal place to get up to no good.

As I headed out of the dorms and over towards the school building I checked my Status again. I had sixteen mana at my disposal. Last time I checked all Alice's friends were still level-one, which helped. If I had to get in a fight, Sleep or Arrousal were the cheapest way to handle them while leaving me some points left to defend myself.

When I got to the building I entered quietly and sort of crept along the halls as I watched and listened for any hint of Candi or her three attackers. Fortunately they weren't that hard to find. As I neared the room where we got our 'math' lessons I heard the sound of what I took to be someone caught in the Arrousal spell. It didn't sound like Candi's voice, but I was still cautious as I took a peek in the door.

Then with a wide smile on my face I walked into the room and asked, "What the fuck happened in here?"

Candice was there, along with three of Alice's friends. I knew Hannah, but I couldn't remember the names of the other two and I didn't bother to use Info to find out. One of them had short brown hair, the other was a cute redhead. And all of them were naked, including Candi. Clothes were scattered about, on the floor and on chairs and desks. 

Hannah and the brunette were both sprawled naked on the floor sound asleep, while the redhead was on her knees and currently working off the effects of the Arrousal spell. Candi was slouched on one of the chairs, she was naked too and looked tired but she was watching the redhead.

I couldn't help taking a moment to admire my best friend's body. I'd never seen her naked before, and it was a nice sight. 

First thing I noticed was that bubblegum pink hair didn't just mean on her head. She had a cute little strip of it just above her glistening pink folds. Her boobs were cute and perky, and tipped with pretty pink nipples. They were currently sticking out ontop of puffed-up pink aureolas. Either she was really enjoying the redhead's performance, or maybe she'd just got through one of her own.

Candi didn't bother trying to cover up when I spoke, she just glanced at me and grinned. "Me and some of our classmates had a bit of a misunderstanding, but I think we've got it all sorted out now."

"I can see that," I smiled back at her. I sat down in the chair next to her and asked, "So what happened? You're ok now right?"

Her expression got more serious as she replied "I'm ok now. They started hassling me at breakfast, and Mia there challenged me to a 'duel'." 

Candi nodded towards the redhead, then continued "I don't know how she did it but I tried using that Control spell you taught me? Somehow it hit me instead of her, and I was pretty much screwed for the next half hour."

"Fuck," I grimaced. "Mirror spell. We need to learn that as fast as we can. And anything else like it, other defensive type spells. Alice did the same thing with me, same spell too. I hope Red didn't mess you up too much while you were under her control?"

My friend shook her head, "I'm ok now. It was a really weird experience being controlled like that? She had me strip, then made me..."

Candice blushed but she kept talking. "She made me display myself, then had me go down on Hannah and Robin. I still had my face between Robin's legs when the spell wore off. I used Arrousal spells on all three of them, then when they wore off I hit Robin and Hannah with Sleep and redid the Arrousal on Mia just for the hell of it."

"Oh and," she added with a wide grin before her voice dropped to a soft whisper, "Guess who levelled-up?"

'Candice - Human - Sorceress - Level 3'

I grinned back at her and whispered "Congrats! Lot of that going around lately."

She gave me a funny look, then her eyes flicked up above my head for a moment before looking back at me in shock.

After a few quiet seconds she asked "Wait Alice got you too? What happened, are you ok?"

"Ok now," I replied with a shrug. "I spent most of the Control spell on my knees. Like you said, it's an interesting experience. There's more I need to talk with you about, but not till we're somewhere private."

Candi nodded and got to her feet, "So let's go back to my room."

I stood up too and watched as she gathered up her clothes. She picked up her dress ok but it took her three tries to get both her panties and bra. I actually had to suppress a giggle after the second time she dropped one trying to pick up the other. I wouldn't pry but I had a feeling her dexterity score was like my constitution or strength.

Finally Candi slipped on her sandals, then sort of looked at the dress and undergarments in her hands for a moment before she pulled the dress on. It was fancier than my simple tunic dress. Hers was forest green and more shapely than mine, and it had about twenty buttons down the front to do it up. Candi did up two or three buttons to keep it closed at her waist, then headed out of the classroom with her bra and panties rolled up into a bundle in her hand.

There were some more questions circling around in my head as I watched her walk across the campus barely dressed, but they'd definitely wait till we were in private. 

She and I got a few looks, but nobody said anything. Her roommate wasn't around when we arrived, and I took a seat at the table while Candi undid the buttons on her dress then sat down on her bed. She didn't remove the dress but the way it was hanging open it wasn't hiding anything. And she just left her bra and panties on the foot of the bed.

"So what's going on?" she asked. "What happened with Alice?"

I self-consciously rubbed the back of my head, "Uh, she had me under her control for a while, same stuff as you I guess? Had me go down on her, then had me masturbate. She thought I'd run away in shame when the spell ended, so she was kind of unprepared. Anyways I turned the tables on her and that worked out ok. I had an accident afterwards and Alice had to get the school healer, but I'm ok now."

Candi listened quietly till I got to the end, then her eyes widened "What? Was it serious?"

"I guess?" I shrugged. "I hit my head pretty hard and got a concussion, but the healer gave me an elixir and I'm fine now. It's mostly because my constitution is so low? Kind of left me feeling delicate and fragile if you know what I mean."

I added quickly, "I'm ok though, really. That's not what I wanted to talk with you about."

She was still concerned as she asked, "So what's going on then?"

"Remember the stuff I told you about the Control spell? About using it so people don't realize they're under it?"

Candi grinned, "Yeah. I've been practicing a lot with Brianna and it's pretty wild."

"I bet. So while me and Alice were uh, fighting earlier, I noticed something about that spell. I think the information in the system is wrong, or at least it's incomplete. Same with what's written down in books."

Candice didn't know about the Obedience spell yet and I wasn't ready to tell her about it, but I was positive what I'd figured out applied to that spell too. It would explain what Evie said about how she used it, how some of the effects became persistent after the spell was over.

Candice sounded uneasy as she asked, "What is it? What have you figured out? I didn't think the system could be wrong."

I took a moment and thought back to an hour or so ago, when I was on my knees. I pictured Alice naked in front of my with her legs spread, and... Damnit. As soon as I thought about it I wanted my tongue inside her again. It wasn't as strong as before, but it was there.

Then I thought about Evie, and even three and a half weeks later just the thought of her big beautiful cock still made me wet. I didn't know what commands she gave me when I was under that Control spell but based on my reaction I could guess at least one of them.

I finally sighed, "Not everything wears off when the spell ends. I'm not sure yet if it's emotions or desires, or a bit of both? But yeah the commands end, we stop doing the stuff we're told to do, we stop obeying them. But there's some other things that I'm positive linger, long after the spell's over."

Candi asked, "How do you know?"

"The first time I used the Control spell on Alice was almost two weeks ago right? The last thing I told her was she'd be fantasizing about having her face buried between my legs? She was still thinking about that today. And uh..." I blushed, "She did something similar with me and it's still with me now, more than an hour after the spell ended."

"Fuck," she frowned, then looked thoughtful. "That's why it's so insidious if they don't know they're under the spell. Then the stuff that sticks, they don't know it's not theirs. They're left thinking it's natural or something."

"Exactly," I nodded in agreement. Finally I asked, "Uh, Candi? Do you remember what the redhead told you, when she had you strip?"

She shrugged, "She ordered me to get naked."

"Did she say anything else about your clothes, or about being naked?" I asked her.

Candice frowned slightly as she thought back. "Um, yeah after she had me on my knees and displaying myself, I was kind of scowling I guess, unhappy I was in that position? Then Mia told me I was so much happier being naked and showing off my -- Aw fuck."

She sighed as she realized what I was getting at. Though she didn't rush to cover herself or do up her dress or anything.

We were both quiet for a few seconds, then she asked "It'll wear off eventually right?"

"Uh, maybe?" I grimaced, "Please don't ask for details but there's one that I'm pretty sure has been on me for more than three weeks and it's still there."

I added, "The good news is you can fight it. I've been fighting that other one all this time and I only just figured out what it was a few minutes ago."

There was a thoughtful, slightly embarrassed look on Candi's face as she admitted, "I kind of don't want to fight it?"

I blushed, "Me neither. But it can be done. And you'll have to anyways, at class at least. We have to be in uniform."

We were both quiet for a few moments, then Candice laughed. It was a sort of self-deprecating laugh but at least she was smiling.

"Oh Gods, I knew there'd be risks coming to this school. But I never thought picking up a new kink might be one of them."

Her laugh made me feel better, even if it wasn't exactly joyful. At least it sounded like she wasn't too upset or freaked out by the whole thing.

"I don't know if that's actually a kink," I replied with a small smile. "From the sound of it she just gave you a tendency towards nakedness or nudism? It's not like she made you get off on it."

"And at least you didn't wind up with an oral fixation for your enemy." I added with a blush.

Candi grimaced, "Ugh, sorry you got stuck with that Abby."

"No worries," I shrugged. "I'll manage."

After another brief lull in the conversation, my friend got to her feet again and suggested "Let's head over to the library. We need to find out about that Mirror spell."

I agreed, and she even did her dress up partway before the two of us left her room.



I'm pretty sure that our favorite Green Fairy finds a way to dissipate her new urges safely. :D