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My alarm went off at quarter to seven, just like every morning. What made this morning special was it was finally the last day of school. Even better than that, my dad was coming home this afternoon. Sarah was going to pick me up after class then the two of us would drive out to the airport to meet dad as soon as he got through customs.

I reached over and hit the button ontop of my cute pink clock, then rolled out of bed and stretched. I took in the shelf full of cute plushies over my bed. The frilly pink blankets and pillow on my bed matched the pink shag carpet. My closet was full of skirts and dresses, the only pants in there were skin-tight jeans.

My dresser was full of lacy panties and bras, I didn't own any undergarments that weren't lingerie.

I moved to stand in front of the full length mirror on the back of my door, and took a good long look at myself. I was petite, five-foot-one if I was lucky. My hair was a wavy bubblegum pink that reached down past my shoulders. My face was cute and rounded, I had a pert little nose, light green eyes, and full wide pink lips. I smiled at my reflection, revealing the cute little dimples in my cheeks.

My boobs were ample without being freakishly huge. They suited me, along with my narrow waist, wide hips, and rounded ass. My nipples were a nice soft pink, and they were maybe a tad on the large size. They were also a little more sensitive than what was perhaps normal, but nothing too distracting. 

Apart from the hair on my head, there wasn't a speck or strand of it on my body. My pussy and mound were smooth, and just like my nipples my vulva was maybe a little more sensitive than most. 

I grinned widely, then finally opened my bedroom door and skipped into the washroom. I didn't spend too long in the shower, I didn't need to wash my hair this morning so I was careful not to get it wet. Other things got very wet though, and the time I saved not doing my hair got wasted as me and the shower-massage had another intimate encounter.

Still, it was all fairly routine and by eight o'clock I was dried off and in one of my favourite outfits. I wore low heels, sheer black stockings, a short black and pink skirt, and a tight green t-shirt. I did my make-up, and finally grabbed my little purse and backpack and hurried down the stairs.

Sarah was in the kitchen sipping some coffee and eating toast. As usual she was in casual but slightly-revealing clothes. Short-shorts, a tight scoop-neck tee, and some open-toe pumps on her feet. She was tall, blonde, strong, and beautiful.

She watched with a faint smile as I got myself some OJ and a little bowl of cereal.

That little grin on her face was probably due to me not being as quiet as I thought while I was in the shower. Either that or she simply knew how much I enjoyed the shower massager. I quietly smiled back at her as I poured some milk in my cereal.

"G'morning Jazz," she said as I sat down across from her to eat. "Ready for your last day of school?"

I rolled my eyes, "More than ready. Better still, I'm really looking forward to seeing dad again!"

"Me too," she replied with a happy smile. 

After breakfast we both headed for the garage. She drove me to school like usual, and same as always I complained about my hair getting messed up by the wind because she insisted on keeping the top down on her convertible.

And as soon as I got to my locker the first thing I did was get out a brush and fix my hair, before hurrying to class.

All the classes today were quiet and easy. Nobody was interested in doing work, not even the teachers. So we read or we pretended to review whatever the last lessons were. Some of us didn't even bother with that and just did our nails or played games on our phones.

At noon I headed into the cafeteria and got myself something light, then sat by myself like usual. I nibbled on a tuna sandwich, careful not to mess up my lipstick, and reflected on the last three weeks of my life.

I hadn't seen the magic stone since that first night. I knew Sarah probably had it somewhere safe, but I didn't bother looking for it and I didn't ask her about it. In fact apart from a conversation the day after and another a few days later, neither of us ever even mentioned it. 

Sarah messed around with me a few more times those first few days when I wasn't looking, but she didn't do anything nasty and to be honest I kind of loved it so I wasn't going to complain. And by the end of the first week she stopped messing with me completely and left my body and mind and stuff in a form I really liked. I was cute and sexy, and I could be slutty and submissive when it was appropriate and I wanted to, but I wasn't some kind of sex-starved bimbo or anything.

And after that first week our relationship settled down to being friends but nothing more. There were still the occasional knowing smiles or friendly lewd teasing, but we didn't have sex with each other anymore. She was dad's girlfriend after all, and it wouldn't be appropriate for the two of us to have that sort of relationship together.

That was another thing, as I got to know her better as a person I realized my earlier suspicions weren't true. She wasn't just into dad for his money, Sarah's feelings for him were genuine. That wasn't just some magic-stone induced delusion either.

For whatever reason, I was aware of all the reality changes Sarah did. I figured maybe it was because I used the stone first, like maybe once you used it you remained attuned to it or whatever. Nobody else noticed any of the changes though.

The first day I came to school as a short cute busty pink-haired girl, nobody so much as batted an eye. Teachers and other students already knew my name was Jasmine. Even my student card and my drivers license and everything else magically changed to match the new me. 

It was like the whole world just accepted me as a girl, which was pretty awesome.

I was still kind of a loner, but that was ok too. The last couple weeks of high-school wasn't a great time to start making friends, considering we'd all probably go our separate ways over the summer anyways. And in September I'd be at college, that would be the perfect chance to start making friends and getting to know people.

After half my sandwich I washed it down with a sip of my cola, then glanced over at the table with the popular clique. Glen and Jake were still the cutest couple in the school, while Cheryl and Steph were probably the hottest couple. They were still the same people as before, still rich, still attractive, still popular. The biggest difference was they weren't assholes anymore, they weren't queerphobic bigots or bullies. And I thought that was a win, for everybody.

I finished my sandwich and my soda, then when the time came I got up and prepared to face my last two classes. Math was boring and quiet, but I passed the time reading a hot lesbian fantasy story on my phone. And finally English was my very last class of high-school. 

I sat at the back like always, and Miss Clark was her typical happy and bubbly self. She was wearing a short skirt and a tight t-shirt today, technically everything was covered like it was supposed to but the shirt left very little to the imagination. 

As the last few minutes of high-school counted down, she grinned and addressed the class. "Congratulations students, you've all survived high-school. I hope every one of you has a wonderful summer, and whatever dreams you all have, I hope every one of them comes true."

"I know mine have," she added with a sparkle in her eyes. She held up her left hand to show off what had to be an engagement ring, and with an even bigger smile she told us all she was getting married in August.

Me and a few other girls cheered, but most of the students didn't care. They were watching the clock count down the last minute. I was happy though.

When Sarah and I talked about the magic stone that second day, I told her about the stuff I did at school. I told her about making Glen and Jake and Steph and Cheryl gay. And I told her what I'd done to Miss Clark, and about turning that one girl from a blonde to a brunette. I asked Sarah if she'd make them all back to normal again, because I felt guilty about doing all that stuff.

Instead of fixing things right away, she told me to give it a week and keep an eye on things. She said if people were unhappy, if it looked like they didn't enjoy it, then she'd come with me to school and fix things. She explained she wasn't in a hurry to fix that stuff because after things worked out so well for me, she thought maybe there was more going on with that magic stone than just messing things up.

And it turned out Sarah was right. 

The four popular kids were happy, and more than that it changed the tone for the whole school. With the four most popular kids all openly queer, it meant the less-popular queer kids could come out as well. We had four trans kids and more than a dozen gay students who all felt safe enough and comfortable enough to be out now, including myself. Even Miss Clark seemed a lot happier than before too. 

So at the end of that first week I told Sarah what I'd seen, how it seemed like things were better because of those changes. And we both agreed not to undo anything, since it felt like this was a big improvement for everyone, even people who weren't directly affected.

Now finding out Miss Clark had got engaged was like the icing on the cake. 

When the bell finally rang, everyone got up and started for the door. I lingered long enough to congratulate Miss Clark, then hurried to my locker. It was almost empty, but I grabbed my last few things and stuffed them into my backpack.

Sarah was waiting for me out front, and happily she brought dad's Buick SUV instead of her little convertible so I didn't have to worry about my hair getting messed up again. Of course we needed the extra space for dad's luggage and everything. 

I slipped into the passenger seat and dropped my backpack on the floor between my feet as I greeted her, "Hi Sarah!"

"Hey Jazz," she smiled back. As soon as I had my seatbelt on she got us moving again.

It took about an hour to get to the airport, and the closer we got the more nervous I became.

Sarah found a place to park and we climbed out of the car. I took a moment to move my backpack into the back seat, then with just my little purse slung over my shoulder I walked with her towards the Arrivals area.

"What's wrong Jasmine," she asked as we entered the large facility. "You look a little uptight, aren't you excited about seeing your dad again?"

I grimaced, "Very excited to see dad again. But also kind of scared? I mean, last time I saw dad I kind of looked really different, you know?"

She gave me a friendly hug and reassured me, "It'll be fine Jazz. Everybody thinks this is who you've always been. Heck even your birth certificate says Jasmine. Even your baby pictures got changed!"

It was true, and even that was kind of freaky. Last week I started worrying about this stuff, and me and Sarah looked through the old family photos and stuff. Even way back when I was a kid, everything had changed. Pictures of my seventh birthday showed a cute little pink-haired girl in a tiara blowing out candles on a Diznee princess cake.

As far as the rest of the world was concerned I was born a girl, I'd always been Jasmine. Everyone who ever knew me before still knew me now. They just knew me as Jazz.

"Ok Sarah," I forced a smile. "I know you're right. I still feel kind of jittery though. Um, like worst case scenario I guess? Like what if the magic didn't reach all the way around the world or something? You still have the stone right?"

She rolled her eyes, "Nothing will go wrong. And seriously, I'm not stupid enough to carry that thing around with me. Yes, I still have it. It's somewhere very safe. I didn't leave it at the house though, there's no way we want your dad getting his hands on it."

She gestured to the information display screen, "Look, it says your dad's plane's already disembarked ten minutes ago. He's probably going through customs right now, he'll be with us any minute."

I nodded, "Yeah I know. But you can still use the stone right? Just in case?"

"All I'm saying is it's safe," she stated. "And no, I'm not telling you where it is. You've been a very good girl these past three weeks, but I think we can both agree it's a terrible temptation."

My cheeks coloured and I grimaced again, "I know. And you're right. I'm sure everything will be fine."

I was still anxious regardless, but my nerves were all but forgotten when I finally spotted my dad. He emerged through the security doors with his carry-on bag over his shoulder and the strap from his suitcase in his hand, the big heavy-looking luggage rolled along behind him on its little casters.

Dad spotted us as me and Sarah waved, and he headed straight over to the two of us.

He came to a stop in front of us but Sarah got to him first.

She gave him a big hug and a kiss and grinned, "Welcome home honey! We missed you!"

Dad returned the hug and the kiss, then glanced at me before looking back at Sarah again. He had a confused frown on his face as he asked, "Sarah who's this girl? And why didn't you bring my son with you?"

• • • • •

Dad and Sarah and me all sat around the kitchen table. The last couple hours had been the scariest, most uncomfortable time of my life. 

Sarah convinced dad not to make a scene at the airport, then as we drove home me and her tried to explain everything to dad. He didn't believe a word of it, which wasn't really a surprise. 

Before we got home we stopped at the bank, it turned out Sarah put the stone in a safety deposit box. Then once we got into the house, we tried again to explain stuff to dad but this time Sarah demonstrated with the magic.

And it would have been way easier for her to just use the stone to make dad think he'd always had a daughter, to make it so he didn't know anything was wrong, but she didn't want to do that. And I didn't blame her. I'd already learned my lesson about messing with people, and I sure didn't want to see her mess with dad's mind that way.

Dad had a picture of the old me in his wallet, and more pictures in his phone. Sarah used the stone to change those pictures to the new me, as part of her demonstration that all this was really magic. 

She also figured out somehow that my fears turned out to be correct. The stone's magic didn't reach all the way around the world. Dad was in Thailand when me and Sarah changed everything, and while everyone around here was affected, dad wasn't because he was too far away.

There were a couple more little demonstrations of the magic, but it was all really safe simple stuff. Like changing clothes, changing some of the decor in our house. No changes to dad or me or Sarah.

Dad finally looked back and forth from Sarah to me. He looked kind of shocked, maybe a little freaked out. He focused on Sarah and asked, "So you don't just look taller than I remember, you really are taller? And you didn't just get a make-over or anything, you really are...?"

"Yes," Sarah smiled. "I'm taller, a natural blonde, and...a few other little tweaks and improvements here and there."

My dad nodded slowly, then looked at me again. He gulped, "And you're really my son?"

I shook my head, "I'm really your daughter. I'm trans. Dad I was never happy as a boy, I was never any good at it. I never wanted to 'be a man' and I was never into any of that 'guy stuff' that everyone thought I should be. This is the real me, this is who I am."

"Is this really what you want?" he asked as his eyes flicked up and down over me, taking in my petite figure, my pink hair, and the ample boobs hidden under my tight t-shirt.

"Yes," I stated, though I felt my cheeks colouring slightly. "I've been Jasmine for the last three weeks, and I'm happier like this than I've ever been before in my life."

Dad took a deep breath, then let out a deep sigh. "Ok Jasmine. If you're happy, then I'm happy for you. It's still going to take me some time to get used to all this, but I'll do my best."

I felt a wave of relief over me and I grinned "Thanks dad!"

He grimaced and added, "It's a hell of a thing to come home to after a business trip."

There was a happy relieved smile on Sarah's face too. She asked, "So we're all good? It's too late to get back to the bank and put this thing away, I'll get it back to to the safety deposit box first thing tomorrow."

"No," my dad shook his head. "It's too dangerous for any of us to have access to."

Sarah frowned, "I don't leave it laying around, it's normally locked up at the bank."

He shook his head again, "And you got it out in thirty minutes. After everything you've told me, what you've showed me... No. We need to get rid of it Sarah, it needs to be lost so nobody can get their hands on it."

Sarah was still frowning, even I felt kind of sad. I never wanted to mess with it again myself, but I couldn't deny it was fun when Sarah used it. And there were so many ways it could come in handy, it almost felt wrong to get rid of it forever. I was positive Sarah felt the same.

Dad looked thoughtful for a few moments, then he decided "Tomorrow morning all three of us are going downtown, down to the harbour-front. We'll get on the ferry, and Sarah? You'll throw that into the water in the middle of the harbour. Let it sink to the bottom of the lake, where nobody will ever see it again."

"Aww," Sarah pouted. "Are you sure we can't just leave it locked up at the bank?"

"I'm sorry hon, but no. It's too dangerous."

And that was that. The next day we did what dad said. Though I couldn't help noticing dad looked a little younger and a little healthier in the morning than he did the night before.

The three of us went downtown and took the ferry over to the island. And partway there, Sarah tossed the little magic stone off the upper deck of the ferry. There was a tiny splash and it vanished into the dark waters of the harbour.

We all had a nice quiet family day on the island. Dad and Sarah talked about the possibility of a spring wedding, and I thought about college in September.

All three of us were happy, I absolutely loved my new life, and for maybe the first time ever I was looking forward to the future.

~ End of Episode 1 ~



Cute storyline, although I feel like it was posted somewhere else.


I like this story so far! A lot even. After your introduction of it being rather dark, I expected a worse end. :D