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*** content warning: mind control; graphic sex ***

By the time our next rest-day came around I'd been a student and a sorceress for about three and a half weeks. The last week had been fairly quiet, aside from having Evie re-do the Obedience spell on herself a fourth time. I updated her instructions but didn't change much this time around, mostly just reinforced the stuff I already had going on. And I figured maybe one more application of that spell next week and she'd be all mine.

It was just after breakfast and things were kind of quiet this time of day. Most students were either sleeping in or taking care of chores, such as laundry. That's what Evie was up to anyways. She graciously volunteered to wash my uniform along with her stuff, which saved me the trouble. 

I didn't bother with my hose but I was wearing my black tunic dress and panties, and I had my school sandals on. It was kind of funny but going commando six days a week made wearing underwear feel kind of risqué or something.

For today I decided to enjoy the time away from classes and found some peace and quiet in the school's impressive library. I picked out one of the more promising looking first-year books and settled into a chair in a back corner to do some reading.

The book I was looking at was supposedly full of 'advanced' spells, though advanced was a relative term. It was more like stuff we'd be learning in second semester, and maybe some early second-year stuff. The funny thing was I already knew half of them, thanks to Evie.

I started glossing through it till I spotted a spell that I didn't recognize, but just as I settled in to start reading an unfriendly voice interrupted me.

"Still can't believe they'd let a gross little half-breed like you in here."

I sighed as I looked up, "Seriously Alice? You're opening with an insult? I hoped you'd be smart enough to leave me alone completely, but if you had to start something why didn't you start with a spell?"

She sneered, "I just wanted to see the look on your face when it happened!"

My red magic warning lit up and I slammed it down with Dispell. She'd have no idea I was already better than her, she probably assumed I got lucky last time. Well I was going to get lucky again this time, and maybe this time she'd learn.

'Magic detected: You are being enspelled! Spell recognized: Arrousal (1)'

'Dispell successful!'

Just like the first time it was over before it started. Her eyes widened, but I didn't give her a chance to escape. I cast my Control at her again, except things didn't work out like I expected. 

My magic detection thing lit up green which I'd never seen before, and I got a brand-new alert too.

'Magic detected: You are enspelling yourself.'

Alice probably saw the surprise on my face, and I sure as heck saw the satisfied smirk on hers. She practically repeated my commands from last week back at me, "No magic. Stay quiet. Now follow me."

Fuck fuck fuck! How the fuck did she do that?!

My mind was racing as I walked quietly behind her. I couldn't use any magic, I couldn't call out for help. She didn't tell me to act natural so I was looking around all over the place, like if I could spot Candice I could wave or something. 

There was no such luck though. She was probably off tormenting Brianna or Hannah. Then it hit me, maybe Alice used her friend as a decoy, like set things up so Candi was distracted with Hannah or one of her other pals. And I didn't have any other friends in the whole damn school. I couldn't even get Evie to help if I saw her, she'd be acting like we hated each other's guts.

Before I knew it Alice had led me up to the third floor of the dorm, then into her room. Like Candi's room there were three beds in here, and from the look of it all three were in use. Not right now though, Alice probably arranged to have the room to herself.

She gloated, "What's the name of that spell? How long is it in effect?"

I responded without hesitation, "It's called Control. It lasts for forty-five minutes."

Fuck fuck fuck! I'm level three so of course it's going to work longer than it did last week.

The smile on Alice's face grew even wider, "So you're mine for about forty more minutes. I'm going to have fun with you, bitch."

My expression probably revealed just how scared I was. Though not for the reasons she was thinking. If she told me to tell her how I learned this stuff I'd have to comply. I found myself hoping she just wanted to embarrass and degrade me for a while. And I couldn't help wondering how fucked up was it that I was actually hoping she'd just degrade me rather than get me to reveal my secrets.

And thank goodness she wasn't reading my mind or she'd know. In fact if she was smart she could just ask me what I'd hated or feared the most. I filed that thought away for later.

Alice actually wasted a whole minute of the control spell just standing there gloating at me and watching me sweat. Finally she seemed to realize she was wasting precious time as she smirked and ordered, "Strip naked."

In fifteen seconds flat my dress and panties were on the floor next to me, and I stepped out of my sandals.

"Kneel before me." 

She smiled wider as she watched me move to my knees in front of her.

Alice grinned "That's your proper place, half-breed. On your knees before your betters. Isn't it?"

"Yes ma'am," I responded in a meek tone.

She was wearing her uniform and she unbuttoned then removed her skirt as she commented, "You will address me as mistress from now on. And I seem to remember last week you said something about making a fantasy come true?"

"Yes mistress," I replied nervously, as I watched her sit on the edge of one of the beds and spread her legs. 

Alice smiled as she ordered, "Kneel between my legs slut. Bury your face in my pussy, and do your very best to please your mistress."

I quickly moved forward into position and next thing I knew I was kissing and licking up and down along her labia. 

She was already wet, and it crossed my mind she was probably getting off on the whole power trip thing. As if in response, one of her hands ran through my hair then she grabbed a handful of it and pressed me harder against her sex as I continued doing my best to please her. 

At first the whole thing was kind of surreal, like I was doing this because of the Control spell. I only wanted to do it in the sense of her command to do my best to please her. So I focused on technique and stuff, figuring out what made her moan more, but I wasn't actually into it.

Like she was an enemy and this was breaking my 'no sex with enemies' rule, except I'd give myself a pass since I couldn't help it.

It also crossed my mind as feeling weird that here I was at a lesbian magic school and it actually took more than three weeks to wind up with my face in another girl's pussy. I might have laughed if my mouth wasn't busy.

Probably by luck more than anything else, during her happy moans and gasps she happened to give me a command that actually irked me. Even at that it only annoyed me because it meant I couldn't think clearly anymore. I'd just finished sucking her clit and she moaned, "Yes! You love that! You love having your tongue deep inside me, you little slut!"

And that pretty much ended my internal monologue for a while, because for the next fifteen or twenty minutes the only thing that mattered to me was the taste of her pussy.

It wasn't till after she'd come a couple times she ordered me to stop. She was panting and quivering, which honestly filled me with pride knowing I'd done a good job and given my mistress the best pleasure I possibly could.

Mistress shifted on the bed so she was laying on her side, then ordered me to move slightly so she could get a proper look at me. Once I was in position she stated, "Now you're going to make yourself come as many times as you can while you think about how much you love eating me out."

And that took care of any rational thought for the next fifteen or sixteen minutes. From that point till the Control spell wore off all that mattered was my thumb on my clit, my fingers deep in my own folds, and my other hand on my boobs and nipples, while I replayed the memories over and over of how divine my glorious mistress's pussy tasted and how much I hoped she'd let me bury my tongue inside her again.

When my spell wore off I found myself sprawled on the floor stark naked, legs spread wide, and the taste of Alice still in my mouth. I was tired and panting but I wasn't exhausted, and all her commands evaporated when the spell ended. 

She was still laying on her bed with her eyes closed. It looked like she'd fallen asleep but I had a hard time believing she was that stupid. I had a quick peak at my stats to see how much mana I had left. Control on her would have cost me ten points, but on a third level like me it should have cost fifteen. Instead I was only down seven points from where I started.

I thought for a moment, then realized. I used two mana when I Dispelled her first spell. So casting Control on myself cost me five. That confirmed what I'd wondered earlier with Evie. Casting spells on yourself only cost the base amount. I figured that had to be because on yourself there was no struggle or fight as such. Whereas enspelling someone else you were trying to beat them.

After a few more seconds I decided to risk a spell on my nemesis, and cast Mind Read on her. It worked and I had six minutes to poke around before it ended, not that I needed that long.

I quickly determined she used a defensive spell called Mirror. It basically did what it said on the tin, when it was in effect any spells cast at Alice were mirrored back onto the caster. I was impressed, she goaded me into attacking when she knew it'd backfire on me.

I also found out she didn't really have a plan for what to do afterwards. Like she didn't have anything set up for how to handle me when the spell wore off. In fact the more I saw, the more I realized she just expected me to scuttle away in shame or something. Which to be fair is pretty much what she did after our last encounter.

According to her memories, her roommates wouldn't be back till mid-afternoon so we had a few more hours of privacy before anybody might intrude. And my earlier guess was correct, she sent three of her friends to go distract Candi so there'd be nobody around to help me. 

I had to hope Candice was ok, but I was pretty sure she could handle herself against three level-one girls. Considering the stuff I'd taught her, the biggest risk was she'd run out of mana before dealing with all her foes. 

See Candi, that's why we need to snoop their stats and find out how much mana they have!

Speaking of, I double-checked my own stats. I was down to forty mana left. It would take thirty to cast Obedience on Alice, and Control took ten. We weren't supposed to let our mana hit zero, so I didn't have enough mana left to cast both. But Obedience required the subject to perform a submissive gesture...

I grinned as I got an idea. It was a risk, but it might work. First things first, I cast Arrousal on Alice. That only cost eight points, it'd keep her busy for up to an hour, and it'd give me something fun to watch while I got ready for the next step.

Alice woke with a start, and her hands immediately went to her boobs and her pussy. My mind reading spell hadn't run out yet so I got to hear her panicked thoughts as she realized she'd fallen asleep watching me masturbate. Her head started filling up with images of sex, but I picked out a few more thoughts among all the horny stuff. She realized the Control spell had expired on me, she knew I'd just cast Arrousal on her, and she was panicking about not having a back-up plan or even an endgame in mind when she got me to enspell myself.

That's why I was cocky. She won a battle, but I was about to win the war.

Though I did end up wasting a couple more minutes as I got distracted watching her sexy thoughts. I wasn't surprised to see she was thinking about me eating her out, and I wasn't surprised to see her picturing me on my knees performing for her. I was surprised to see she was still thinking about eating me out, after I told her to fantasize about that when we first clashed. 

I hadn't expected that to last longer than the spell, and it left me wondering if maybe there was more going on with these spells than what was written in the books and the system Info.

Something to worry about later on. For now, it would actually make the next step even easier.

When my mind read spell finally expired, I started preparing to cast Obedience for the very first time. It was a complicated spell, and I had to be very careful to do it right. Otherwise I'd burn thirty mana points for nothing. For the act of submission, I picked something that could never, ever backfire on me. Then I finished the preparations for the spell.

With my magic sight on, I could see the lines of force twist inwards and wrap around my groin. They settled deep within me like a coiled spring, ready to release when triggered.

Alice had already come once and was quickly fingering her way to a second orgasm as she lay on her bed. 

I climbed onto the bed as well, and positioned myself so I was straddling her face. Then I lowered myself down and told her, "Lick me Alice. Lick my pussy, I know you want to."

She wasn't actually under any kind of control or compulsion, but she was overwhelmingly distracted by the Arrousal spell and she already had images of eating me out in her head. I figured it was just a matter of time. Sure enough it took two or three minutes, but I felt her face press closer against my inner thighs then her tongue ran along my labia. 

I'd never used thirty mana points at once before, and I wasn't prepared for how much it actually burned. The last thing to cross my mind before I passed out was something about a newfound respect for Evelynn, for having got that spell up to grade three.


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