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I wasn't all that surprised when Troy gave his verbal consent. And I knew from before, that meant whatever Lily did to him would last up to twenty-four hours unless she decided to end it early.

Lily raised our right hand towards Troy as he sat on the love-seat and I felt us smile. Sam was seated next to his boyfriend and he cringed slightly in anticipation, while Melissa and Susan and Amber were all looking on with curiosity. And in Melissa's case, an eager smile.

Just like last November with Sam, Troy let out a startled yelp as Lily's magic took hold. His body seemed to ripple and shift as it contracted and changed, then after two or three seconds it was over. At first glance it looked like Troy received a very similar treatment to what Sam got a few months back. Except in Troy's case it was actually harder to tell if he was still a guy. 

Troy let out another yelp, though this one was higher-pitched, as he leaped to his feet and reached behind him as if he'd sat on something or been bitten by something. And in doing so, his large black jeans slipped straight down off his much-smaller figure while his glasses fell from his face and landed on the coffee table. Fortunately they didn't appear damaged by the fall.

He let out another yelp as he squirmed again while his clothes rippled and changed, but that only took a second. When it was over we all just stared.

In his normal shape, Troy was a twenty-one year old guy. He was about the same height as Melissa. He was kind of stocky, like he had some extra weight on him and he was sort of soft but fun. He had short wavy brown hair, dark eyes, and he wore dark-rimmed glasses. In the few times I'd met him he seemed to prefer loose dark jeans and loose dark t-shirts.

Now he was probably shorter than me, his figure had shrunk and contracted into a much more slender, petite size and he looked a little younger, like eighteen or nineteen. His waist was narrow and his hips rounded. His large loose t-shirt had become a small tight crop-top which revealed the contour of what could only be described as small breasts. His hair had grown to about shoulder-length, and what I was pretty sure had been a pair of boxers was now something more like a loincloth. A tell-tale bulge revealed he was still a 'he', but he definitely got a 'femme-boy' treatment similar to Sam last year. Except for Troy, the needle went a few steps further away from 'boy' and into 'femme'. 

And all that wasn't even the most surprising thing.

A pair of short cute stubby antlers stuck up from his head, and his ears had grown longer and more animal-like, and were covered in a very fine layer of reddish-brown fur. Same with his legs, they were covered in that same fine soft-looking reddish-brown fur. And they weren't even shaped like human legs anymore. They were sort of like a horse or a goat or something but they looked more slim and sleek. They even ended in little hoofs that I'd almost describe as dainty. It wasn't till he turned slightly and I caught sight of the cute little tail sticking up with the reddish-brown and white fur that I realized he'd become part-deer.

Troy took a couple uncertain steps away from the love-seat and especially away from me and Lily as he looked like he was trying to figure out if he needed to freak out or not. He was looking down at himself, like up and down all over himself, from his small chest down to his hooves and back at his tail. He held his hands and arms out as he stared at them too.

Sam was staring wide-eyed and slack-jawed. Amber's expression looked about the same. Susan had a wide smile on her face, and Melissa looked like she wasn't sure whether to be amused or concerned. If I'd been in our body I would have been over there checking on him, making sure he wasn't going to collapse or something. 

"Lily?" I asked. "Can I take over now? I want to make sure he's ok."

A moment later she was back inside with me, and as she sat on the leather sofa she replied "I can undo the magic early if necessary, but I don't believe there's anything to worry about Mara."

I didn't hang around to debate that, I went straight back out to the body and got to my feet, but before I could go to Troy he turned around to look at the rest of us. 

He still looked shocked and a little freaked out, but rather than panic or horror the look on his face was more like he was having an adrenaline rush.

"Holy shit!" he half-whispered. His voice was definitely different, it matched his mostly-femme appearance and sounded more like a girl's voice. "This is unbelievable!"

Sam stood up and the two of us moved to either side of Troy. 

"Are you ok?" Sam asked his boyfriend. "Are you freaking out?"

I asked, "Do you need to sit down?"

Melissa commented unhelpfully, "I hope those hooves aren't going to scratch up our brand-new floors."

Troy looked at me then at his boyfriend and his eyes widened as he realized how much smaller he was. He was maybe an inch shorter than me now, which put him about four or five inches shorter than he was before. His eyes were still wide with shock, but his lips started to curl up into a smile and he actually laughed.

"I'm not going to faint or fall over," he assured us. "I need to see a mirror, this is incredible!"

Sam and I exchanged a slightly surprised glance then followed as Troy hurried up the stairs and into our washroom. There was a big mirror over the sink and Troy was studying his reflection with wide eyes and an equally-wide smile. When he pulled off the crop-top and started shimmying out of the loin-cloth, I turned around and headed for the stairs.

"Stay with him Sam," I said as I retreated, "Just in case."

As if that wasn't enough, there was a knock at our front door signalling the arrival of dinner.

That spurred the rest of us into action. Sue went to get the door while me and Melissa got plates and cutlery and napkins and stuff out of the kitchen, and Amber just stayed hunkered down on the sectional. She kept an eye on the stairs though, so she could warn Sam and Troy incase they tried to come back down while the guy was still at the front door.

Fortunately everything went smoothly, and ten minutes later we had a bunch of food spread out on the coffee table, along with the plates and everything else. Everyone had fresh drinks, and our guests returned from the washroom. And Troy was once again wearing the crop-top and the loincloth which was a bonus. 

The two of them returned to the love-seat, and as I looked over at them both I realized Sam actually looked more freaked-out than his boyfriend.

"Sam, Troy?" I asked in a slightly worried voice. "Are you both going to be ok? If this is too freaky Lily can always fix things ahead of schedule."

Troy laughed, though it came out more like a giggle as he replied "Are you kidding? This is awesome! I got to experience real actual magic! And I get to be a mythological creature? It's wild, it's... It's faun-tastic!"

Several of us groaned at the pun, but Susan grinned as she asked "What about the rest of the package? How do you like looking and sounding like a cute girl?"

"It's weird," he replied with a shrug. "But it's still an amazing experience? It's a chance to explore gender in a way almost nobody else can."

I turned my attention to our other guest and asked, "What about you Sam? Are you going to cope ok with a day of this?"

He still looked freaked out, but he also looked thoughtful. Finally he nodded, "I'll manage. I was more worried about Troy but he seems to be doing just fine. And yeah, knowing this is temporary helps a lot."

Melissa smirked, "Well you two can explore gender all you like in the guest room tonight. For now the food's getting cold, and we still want to play that other game again after dinner."

We had a good mix of sushi and cooked dishes, and everybody started to dig in. I even had a couple of the 'safe' sushi things that I liked, though mostly I stuck to the normal stuff.

Amber and Susan both bonded a little with Troy and Sam over their love of sushi, apparently the guys liked it almost as much as Amber did. And I still couldn't get over how Troy seemed to be enjoying his current predicament, while Sam remained a bit uneasy.

At one point while everyone else was still marvelling at Troy's new appearance and how well he seemed to be taking it, I slipped back inside to see Lily again.

"Did you pick that form because you knew he'd like it?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Yes Mara. As you surmised at new years, Troy is an avid 'Dungeons and Dragons' fan and he's role-played a wide variety of creatures. I picked this because I knew he'd appreciate it."

I frowned, "What if he wants to stay that way?"

"I'm confident that won't be the case," she replied. "Now you should return to your friends. Enjoy yourself Mara, everything will be fine."

"Ok Lily," I replied. I trusted her, and I figured she knew what she was doing.

The food was tasty and there was plenty of it, everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal and the drinks and some conversation. Once we all had enough to eat we packed up the left-overs and put them away, then Troy got out that other game that I really liked. We all got more drinks then the six of us settled in to start playing again, though we had to take a minute to explain the rules and everything to Amber. 

She was a bit shy and wary at first, but she got into it soon enough. She even took off her hoodie and got herself comfortable, curled up next to me on the sectional which was nice. Meanwhile I couldn't take my eyes off Troy half the time, especially when he had one of the cards that meant he had to act out a scene. He actually seemed to be having fun with his new temporary body.

By the time the game was over it was about eleven and Amber decided that was late enough for her. I almost forgot she already put in a full shift at work, and she had to be at the store again tomorrow too.

She slipped her hoodie back on and bid everyone a good night, then I walked her to the door and gave her a hug. 

"Mara," Lily said as I was holding my cute brunette girlfriend. "Please ask Amber to drop by tomorrow after work. I'd like to meet with all four of you."

I was surprised but didn't question. I just passed on the message to Amber who looked just as surprised. 

"Ok," she nodded. "It'll be around five-thirty or six but I'll come straight here."

I thanked her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then she headed out.

The rest of us stayed up a while longer but we all decided to pass on a third game. Instead we drank and talked more, and Sue let the fire slowly burn out. Around half past one in the morning we all decided to turn in for the night. Sam and Troy helped the rest of us tidy up, then the two of them disappeared into the guest room together while me and Melissa and Susan headed to the master bedroom.

With us and them on opposite ends of the house and both bedroom doors closed, we didn't hear anything the two of them got up to, and I hoped they didn't hear what the three of us were doing before we finally fell asleep.

Sunday morning everyone slept in, or maybe we all just spent a little more time enjoying ourselves in bed when we woke up. It was about ten by the time we were all finally up. Me and my girlfriends just pulled on nightshirts, while Sam was in track pants and a t-shirt. And Troy ended up borrowing one of my nightshirts too. He actually looked pretty cute in it, especially from the back where the hem of the shirt caught on his little tail and left his cute fuzzy behind exposed.

I drank some juice while everyone else had coffee, and both Sam and Troy seemed pretty relaxed as the five of us sat together in the living-room.

Melissa couldn't help trying to tease though, she smirked and asked "So did you two guys have a good night? How'd the whole 'gender exploration' thing work out?"

Sam rolled his eyes and replied, "None of your business sis."

"It was fine," Troy said with a smirk of his own as he shifted to sit closer to his boyfriend. "Different and unusual but fine."

In fact Sam seemed to be a lot more calm about things this morning which was a relief. Despite Lily's assurances I found myself worried Troy might ask for at least some of this to become permanent. Especially considering both he and Sam seemed fairly comfortable with Troy's new figure.

Susan almost took the words out of my mouth as she asked, "So you seem pretty comfortable like that Troy. You're not thinking of asking Lily to let you stay that way, are you?"

Troy giggled, "Oh hell no! I can't even begin to imagine how much of a mess that'd cause. How would I even start to explain being half-deer to everybody? Not to mention the rest of the changes."

He shook his head, "Nah. It's been pretty cool and I'm glad I got to experience it. And maybe some day if Lily was willing, I could see trying this again at some point. Fun for a little while, but there's no way I'd want to stay like this forever."

That was another huge relief for me. And I saw the look of relief on Sam's face as well.

The five of us continued to be fairly lazy. The others had more coffee, I had more juice, and eventually we got the left-overs out and had that for breakfast. Some time around noon Lily dispelled the magic on Troy and turned his clothes back to normal as well. 

After he was dressed he hunted around and located his glasses then sighed as he put them on, "Actually that was one thing I would have liked to keep. I've been wearing glasses so long I forgot what it was like not to need them."

And with that, the two of them packed up and got ready to head for home. We all gave them both hugs and wished Sam a happy birthday, then watched as they got into Sam's pick-up truck and headed off.

"Well that was pretty wild," Melissa commented after they were gone. "And Troy's full of surprises. I'm glad he and Sam are together."

Me and Susan agreed with all those sentiments.



Thanks for sharing! I loved the surprise! Awesome chapter


This was extra cutee, thanks for the double chap!