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*** content warning: mind control; masturbation. Reminder: if chapter 5 bothered you then this story is likely not for you and you should probably go read something more wholesome. ***

I lay in bed quietly staring at my status screen. It hadn't changed much from yesterday afternoon, except that column on the right now had a new heading. I had a spell. And of course I got Info on it.

'Control (2): Active spell (cost: 5 mana/level). You can attempt to temporarily control the thoughts of another sentient being. If successful you can influence their thoughts, mood, emotions, decisions. Effects wear off as soon as the spell ends. Casting range: 2m. Maximum duration: 15mins/level.'

I was pretty sure the cost referred to the level of my target, while the duration was based on my own level. So it would cost me twenty mana points to try and cast it on my roommate, and if successful I'd control her for fifteen minutes. Fortunately I didn't need to do that.

The only other thing that changed was when I did Info on my Level, I learned I was more than half-way to level two. That was pretty wild. Like in less than twenty-four hours I'd defeated my level-four roommate in a magical duel and gotten halfway to level two.

Maybe my cheats and bonuses were pretty good after all.

I still hadn't figured out how to retrieve past notifications, but I could guess what they said and what happened last night. It seemed like Evelynn used that control spell on me while I slept, and while I was under the influence of that spell she got me to give her a beej which would have unleashed an even more potent spell on me. 

And for once I was actually lucky. My detect magic thing worked, and now I knew what it looked like so I'd never ignore that blinking red thing again. And even better, my dispell and scrutinize abilities worked, so I was able to free myself from her clutches while also learning the spell she used in the first place.

The icing on the cake was thanks to a truly spectacular turn of luck, good for me and bad for her, the big nasty spell Evelynn had planned for me ended up affecting her instead.

I finally turned over on my side to look at my roomie. She was awake, staring angrily but quietly at the ceiling. It was early morning and there were classes today but not for about three hours. Breakfast was in two hours. Lots of time for me and her to get acquainted.

"Hey Evelynn," I said softly. "Speak quietly and tell me the truth. What's the spell that backfired on you? What's it called, what level?"

She responded angrily, through gritted teeth. "It's called Obedience. I don't know what you mean by 'level'. If you're referring to year, it's something they don't teach till third year."

That was more useful information. If she didn't know about levels then she probably didn't know anything about the stats or any of that stuff. I couldn't say for sure I was the only 'player' in this world, but I was confident she wasn't one. That gave me another potential advantage.

"Ok forget I mentioned anything about level," I replied. "If it's a third year spell, how'd you learn it?"

"They encourage independent learning. Proactive students do better and come out on top."

"I bet they do," I smirked. "So describe the spell, what are its limits, what can it do?"

Evelynn sighed. She obviously didn't want to tell me this stuff since I could just immediately turn around and take advantage of her with it. But she had no choice. And I might have been more forgiving but the bottom line was, if she had her way I'd be the one obeying her without hesitation.

"It's like an advanced form of the Control spell. It's harder to cast, it requires physical contact and somatic actions and an act of submission by the recipient to seal the spell. The duration is measured in days rather than minutes, which is why it's that much harder to cast."

I thought about what I just read for the Control spell and smiled. Before I put that to the test I asked, "So what was the act of submission?"

I was curious what exactly made it trigger on her, since she didn't seem that submissive. I was the girl on her knees when it happened, after all.

My roommate blushed, "That's something the caster chooses when they cast the spell. It's letting me come in your mouth..."

I bit my tongue for a few moments. The thought of that long thick hard shaft of hers sent butterflies through my stomach, and I could feel myself getting wet as I pictured it standing up tall and proud between her long slim legs. And I knew her control spell was long gone, so it wasn't her influence making me feel like that. Instead I forced myself to focus on what to do next.

"Ok Evelynn," I sighed. "I don't really want to do this but I can guess how things would have played out if you'd got your way last night. So let's go all in and see what happens."

There was a look of fear in her eyes which didn't make me feel any better, but it also didn't stop me. I took a deep breath then went for it.

"I'm your new secret best friend. You trust and admire me. You want to help me, you want to see me do well at this school. You have a reputation to uphold though so you're not going to let anyone else know we're best friends. That's our little secret. So unless we're in private, you'll keep up the act about hating me. We both know it's just an act though. You know I have to maintain that act as well, neither of us want our secret to get out. So you won't feel hurt if you see me making friends with other girls. You know that won't diminish what you and I have together in secret. And Evelynn, as my secret best friend who loves and trusts and admires me, it's only natural and normal that you do what I ask, whatever it is, anything at all, without question or hesitation. That's how close we are. You're going to close your eyes for five seconds, and when you open them you won't remember anything about this conversation, or any magical hijinks that happened last night. All we did last night was a little mutual masturbation. Now close your eyes."

Yes I felt bad for doing that, but I also remembered she had me thinking she was my mistress and convinced me I wanted to give up my free will to her. So while I felt bad, I didn't feel that bad. And if this worked, then the queen bitch of second-year would be my best friend and ally for the next six days or so. 

Which meant I had six days to decide whether or not I wanted to keep her. And if not, I had to figure out how to release her without having her immediately turn and attack me. That was a problem I'd be worrying about for the next six days.

For the present though, I was eager to find out if it worked. When I stopped talking she closed her eyes for the count of five, then opened them again. And she smiled at me.

"Good morning Abby," she grinned. "How'd you sleep last night?"

"Ok," I replied. "First night in a new bed you know? I'll get used to it. How about you?"

She blushed slightly, "I slept really good. Dreamed of you."

I pretended to be surprised and embarrassed, "Good dreams I hope?"

Evelynn bit her lower lip and half-whispered, "Very good dreams. Sexy dreams. Now I'm all worked up..."

Oh my. This was going to be an awful temptation, wasn't it? Then again, we still had nearly two whole hours before breakfast, so...

Before I could decide how to spend the next hour or two, a thought stuck out in my mind. I really didn't want to start crushing on my roommate. 

She was my enemy and if I fell for her then sooner or later she'd take advantage. And while I might not have much experience, I was smart enough to recognize that I was currently vulnerable. I was new to this world, this life, and this body. She was tall, strong, sexy, and I was pretty sure I was bi or something because the thought of her big beautiful cock still did things to me.

So I made my mind up, I would not have sex with Evelynn. At least not until I was the same level as her, preferably not until I was a higher level. That didn't mean I couldn't have fun with her though.

I smiled and suggested, "If you're all worked up, you should probably take care of that. Actually that's something I'd really like to see."

Evelynn's blush grew brighter but she smiled. She pulled her blankets aside and sat up, then shifted so she was kneeling on her bed facing me. She was still stark naked, so was I for that matter. Then my second-year, level four sorceress roommate started to masturbate in front of me, because I told her I wanted to watch.

An awful temptation all right. Truly awful.

Not to mention it wasn't long before I was rubbing and fingering myself too, but I kept a blanket over me. It was a symbolic thing, she could tell I was doing it but I wasn't performing. She was. And I made sure to give her lots of little pointers and tips, so she knew what I wanted to see.

I had her play with her boobs, she showed me how she could kiss and lick and suck her own nipples. Then I let her show me her favourite technique and she soon had her right hand fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit while her left hand was stroking and pumping her long thick shaft. When she got close I suggested she make sure to aim for her mouth, and of course she was happy to oblige her best friend.

Just like last night her eruption was strong enough to score a direct hit. By the time it was over, her face boobs and belly were painted with sticky white strings.

I came a half minute later, and by that point I wasn't even sure what turned me on more, between her performance and the knowledge that she only did all that because I wanted her to.

As we were both coming down from the high I had her lick her lips and her tits and stuff just for the hell of it. Her jizz wasn't enchanted this morning but I decided to get her into the habit anyways. 

After that bit of fun we both rested and talked some more. 

"Hey Evelynn," I asked. "Last night you were already calling me Abby before we became friends. How'd you know that was my nickname?"

She looked sheepish, "Three of my girls overheard you introduce yourself to that pink-haired girl. I'm sorry, I should have asked if it was ok to call you that rather than just assuming."

"It's ok," I replied as I acted cool about it. "I don't mind you calling me Abby when we're alone."

She smiled happily, "Thank you."

I moved on to the more important question, "What do you mean, 'your girls'?"

Evelynn grinned mischievously, "This is something they won't teach you till second semester, and it's not really in the handbook either. But I've got you covered Abby."

She went on to tell me how that thing about encouraging rivalry and stuff, encouraging students to practice magic on each other, included sort of getting classmates on your side. Starting in the second half of first year girls would form little cliques and have power struggles. The strongest, most charismatic girls would rise to the top while the others would fall in line beneath her.

Evelynn announced proudly that by the end of first year she had three of her friends practically eating out of the palm of her hand. And the past month she'd already picked up a fourth, although that was just a first-year so it wasn't much of a victory.

I found myself staring at her for a few moments. 

Harem, check. 

I asked casually, "So how do you get them to be yours? I know you can't do any permanent magic and stuff. Do you just keep doing spells over and over?"

She gave me a conspiratorial smile and half-whispered, "There's this spell called Obedience? It's like a control spell, but it's good for days rather than minutes? Just keep refreshing it before it wears off. If you keep that up for about a month, then whatever stuff you do with it sort of becomes habit for them? Then you don't need to keep enspelling them."

Evelynn added, "There's some more nuance to it than that, but I can teach you everything I know about it."

"Wow," I grinned. "Thanks Evelynn, you're a great friend!"

She beamed at the praise.

When it was time we both got cleaned up and dressed. I finally got my uniform out of the paper package. It was identical to hers, except my blouse was white.

"There's no underwear," I realized as I looked at the blouse, skirt, and sandals.

My roomie pulled her skirt up and did the buttons on the side as she replied, "Underwear's not part of the uniform."

I rolled my eyes. Of course it wasn't. Smut, check. Actually that could have been checked a dozen times over the past twelve hours, come to think of it.

My clothes were marked as 'extra small' but they were still too big for me until I put them on. Then they magically contracted till everything fit just right. 

Finally Evelynn and I emerged from our room, and her demeanour shifted immediately. She scowled and quickly put some distance between us. She joined up with some other second-year girls while I made my way alone towards the dining hall.



I have a feeling she's gonna be Abbys Bitch even after the spell wears off, cute