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*** content warning: mind control & non-consensual sex. this isn't my usual innuendo then fade to black sort of thing, its actual graphic sex. if sex and / or mind control bother you, then you should probably stop reading right now because this story is not for you. go read my Magic of the Moon series instead, it's alot more wholesome. ***

I lay curled up in my big comfy bed and sighed again as I thought once more about everything I learned today. It was almost overwhelming.

The best part by far was meeting Candi. Not just because she was nice and friendly, but she had a month's head start on me in terms of learning how this place worked and she was happy to share it with me.

My roommate Evelynn was basically queen bitch of year two. Her parents were rich and politically powerful. She was popular and had a bunch of other girls on her side, whatever that meant. Including the three who were there watching me and Candi talk and eat together.

I also figured out, partially thanks to Candi's help, that I was the only non-human here. Not just currently, but quite possibly ever. Like from the sound of it, I was the first non-human to ever be accepted into sorcery school. Even worse, Candi admitted she didn't know non-humans could even do sorcery. She'd been taught other races had their own way of doing things.

That left me worried that instead of some cool bonuses or cheats, maybe I was going to find out my species was a massive liability. Like maybe being half-human would let me do some sorcery but not enough. That made me wonder once again why the headmistress even let me in the doors. 

The answer to that wasn't hard to guess though. Maybe she could cash in the scholarship letter for money, whether or not I passed. Or whether or not I survived. 

I sighed yet again as I lay there in bed. I was exhausted after the day I had, but I couldn't sleep yet. At least I had the room to myself.

Attendance wasn't mandatory for dinners or other meals, except for certain special occasions. So I ate my fill in the break room while I talked with Candi, then when everyone else headed out to the dining hall I came back to my room and had it all to myself. I unpacked my clothes and put them away in the closet, and stuffed my still-packaged uniform in a desk drawer, then I visited the washroom.

While I had the place to myself I had a shower, and yes I did take the opportunity for a little self-exploration. I was still very new to the whole being-a-girl thing, but so far I was pretty pleased with it.

After I was finished in the shower I put on a nightgown then came back to my room and got into bed. I had no idea when my roommate would be back, but part of me hoped I'd be asleep before then. And part of me was scared to sleep in the same room as her, just in case. 

It actually crossed my mind to sleep in the closet, since I knew she couldn't open the door to that. I couldn't quite lay down flat in there but I could curl up, or sit with my back to a wall. But I had this big beautiful bed, and so far it seemed like a better choice than the closet.

And as it happened, I drifted off before Evelynn was back. I was tired and the bed was comfy enough, I didn't even wake whenever she finally returned.

For the first part of the night my sleep was deep and dreamless, but eventually the dreams started. My subconscious was picking together parts of this new life of mine and matching up faded memories from those stories I read in my previous life. All girl's school. Magic. Candice. Evelynn. Gender-bent. My new existence as a girl. Getting familiar with my new body in the shower. Evelynn. The way her pink blouse clung to her chest and accentuated her curves. The glimpse I had of her legs, from her knees down to her feet. Long, slim, supple, smooth. Her bare arms were lithe and strong.

I dreamed about being held by those arms, my face pressed against the two big soft mounds on her chest. Her hands guiding me, helping me out of my nightgown so I could reveal myself to her fully. Her skirt slowly lifting up so I could take my place on my knees, my head between her legs...

The room was still dark when I woke, it felt like the middle of the night. I could feel my heart racing and I was trying to control my breathing. I was horny as fuck, I already had one hand between my legs and the other was cupping my left boob. I didn't know what happened to my nightgown, I figured I must have pulled it off in my sleep.

I kept my eyes closed for now, and forced myself to lie still as I strained to listen for any sign of movement from the other side of the room.

There was nothing, just slow rhythmic breathing. 

My hands started moving again, and I bit my tongue to try and force myself to stay quiet. My left hand pinched and tugged at my nipple while my right hand started rubbing up and down along my slick labia. I couldn't remember much of my past life, but I could remember fantasizing about this countless times. Except doing it for real felt so much better than it ever did in my daydreams.

The dream that woke me was already fading from my mind as I mostly focused on the sensations I was giving myself, while the rest of my attention was on staying quiet. Every now and then I'd notice a red light in the lower-right corner of my vision, but I ignored it. It was just distracting me from what I really wanted, what I needed.

Despite my best efforts I let out a very happy squeak as I slipped a couple fingers inside myself. I couldn't even force myself to stop moving anymore. I was starting to loose myself to the pleasure, when that damn red thing in the edge of my vision caught my attention again.

That couldn't stop my fingers from bringing me closer to orgasm, but movement from the other side of the room sure did. I froze as I heard Evelynn shift and move. 

Then she spoke, but instead of telling me off for waking her up she almost cooed at me, "Hey Abby. That's so much more fun when you have someone to help. Why don't you come here? I know you're interested."

Her words sent my libido through the roof and I opened my eyes and looked at her.

Evelynn was sitting on the edge of her bed, and she was nude. Her blanket was strategically resting across her lap, but her big boobs were fully visible in the dim moonlight that filtered in through our window. Her knees were parted, and an image from my dream flashed through my mind. My head between her legs. 

I found myself licking my lips as I slipped out of my bed and padded across the room. I ignored that damn red light again, my eyes were fixed on those gorgeous orbs on her chest. 

"You're a cute little thing aren't you?" she smiled as her eyes traced up and down my tiny naked body. I found myself smiling proudly at her words. She nodded towards her crotch and whispered, "You know what to do, don't you Abby?"

I gulped but nodded and sank to my knees in between her legs. She smiled and pulled the blanket away, and somewhere in the back of my mind I thought to myself, Futa. Check.

In my past life I was a straight guy, I was sure of that. And I was equally sure I'd never had my face this close to a cock before. I expected to be turned off, maybe even grossed out. 

I really didn't expect the sight of it to turn me on as much as it did. I found myself staring as I licked my lips again. 

"You know what to do Abby," Evelyn cooed at me. Her voice was soft and gentle, almost loving. "Do this for me, and I'll look after you. I'll protect you. I'll keep you safe. I'll make all the difficult choices for you from now on. Your life will be so much easier, won't it? You'll be mine."

It all sounded perfectly reasonable to me. Suck her long thick beautiful cock, *and* let her make all the decisions for me? That was win-win.

I had no idea what to expect in terms of taste, but it tasted good. Really good. I imagined the finest fanciest most expensive champagne didn't taste half as good as Evelynn's hard thick gorgeous shaft. If only that damn red light would leave me alone then I could just totally relax and enjoy this like I really wanted to.

"You're doing so good Abby," her soft whisper caught my full attention. "Faster though, and deeper. Use your hands."

I couldn't talk but I nodded as I hurried to obey. I had no idea how long I'd been doing this but I didn't want to keep my better waiting. I took as much of her into my small mouth as I could, as deep as I could get her. My lips were wrapped around her throbbing shaft while my tongue danced around it in moves I desperately hoped would make her happy. Meanwhile I had one hand pumping the rest of her shaft that wouldn't fit in my mouth, while my other hand found her wet pussy and started stroking and fingering her.

Mistress Evelynn's muscles were tensing and I could almost sense my reward was coming soon, but that damned red light was burning brightly in the corner of my vision and I couldn't ignore it any more.

Without stopping my important work I sort of focused on it as I shouted in my mind, What?!

'Magic detected: You are being enspelled!'

My head was still bobbing up and down on mistress Evelynn's big beautiful cock while I fingered her wonderful pussy, and I knew better than to stop what I was doing. I didn't want to displease her, but I knew how to get rid of that stupid warning thing that was distracting me.

I thought at it, Dispell the magic then leave me alone!


My response was instant, Yes now fuck off I'm busy!

Mistress was so close, so unbelievably close and I was as desperate for it as she was. I needed to taste her, I knew it would please her immensely for me to swallow her hot seed. And more than that, I wanted it for myself. I craved it, needed it.

"Yes!" she moaned, "Faster! I'm- Ah! Almost!"

Suddenly my vision was full of notifications scrolling past while a fog cleared from my mind. 

I pulled myself back just as her muscles started to spasm, and my hand on her gorgeous cock kind of reflexively pointed away. Like fireworks, 'aim away from face' and all that. Well, away from my face anyways.

"Wha-ah-Aaaaaaah!" she let out a loud long cry as all the muscles in her hips and groin twitched and spasmed while I watched wide-eyed from my front-row seat.

I thought I'd be grossed out but instead I was honestly kind of impressed as I watched her blow ropes up and down over her own boobs. Her first blast was strong enough to hit herself in the face. 

When it was finally over she slumped back and sprawled across her bed, her chest rising and falling deeply as she panted. Her legs were splayed apart and I was still kneeling between them, with my left hand holding her shaft and my the first two fingers of my right hand buried deep in her pussy.

Her impressive cock was starting to go limp and I let it go as I pulled my right hand free. I got to my feet then wiped both hands off on her blankets as I watched her. I had only a vague idea of what just happened, but I was pretty sure I saved myself at the last possible moment. 

Evelynn's brain seemed to be just coming back online after her orgasm, and I saw her eyes grow wide in surprise as she stared at me. Then she sort of closed and opened her mouth as her expression shifted to shock. Some of her jizz was on her lips, and I realized she probably got a taste of it in that first blast.

I figured that was part of the spell or magic or whatever she was trying to do to me, and I was pretty sure if I'd swallowed it that would have completed the spell. 

On a whim I told her "Swallow that."

To my surprise her mouth closed and she swallowed. Then her eyes bulged and she gasped, "Oh fuck!"

A grin settled on my lips as I tried again, "Lick your lips, and swallow again."

The second year, level four sorceress did what I told her.

My smile grew wider, "How long till that wears off?"

"Seven or eight days," she responded without hesitation, then gasped again. 

I knew it wouldn't be permanent, but if she'd got me in her clutches for a week she could probably just keep repeating the thing every week before it wore off. Well, who knows how generous I'd be in six or seven days. Right now though, I wasn't feeling very charitable. And I was still really damn horny.

"Are your boobs big enough to get them in your mouth?" I asked her. "Let's see you lick up as much of that magical jizz as you can."

A look of hatred flashed in her eyes as she sat up. The answer to my question was yes, and I watched as she leaned over while cupping and raising her breasts. She obediently lapped up as much of her enchanted fluids she could.

That was about all I could take and I padded back to my own bed and slipped under the blankets. I half whispered, "Keep quiet, don't disturb me, and don't get out of bed in the morning until I say so."

Then I turned my back to her and took care of my own very substantial need.



This was good