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As Lady Grace led me back down the hall towards the stairs I asked, "Um excuse me ma'am? Who's Elizabeth? What's going to happen next?"

The knight ignored me completely as she descended the large staircase. On the main floor she led me through another doorway and down a long hall, and finally into what looked like a combination office and supply room. There were several rows of shelving at the back of the room, and in the front was a small wood desk with a chair on either side. 

One chair was occupied by a middle-aged woman in a long grey dress, and of course I got 'Info' on her as well.

'Elizabeth, Human, Administrator, Level 18'

Elizabeth looked to be in her mid to late forties. She had shoulder length blonde hair, dark eyes, and a stern expression on her face. She looked me up and down then asked the knight, "What am I supposed to do with this?"

Grace replied, "New student. Headmistress Siusaidh just accepted her application. She'll need the usual."

With that, the knight turned on her heel and left.

The administrator sighed deeply as she looked me over and said to herself, "Well this will be interesting."

"Um, what do I do?" I asked nervously.

The woman replied "Just wait there."

She wandered back among the shelves and spent five or six minutes moving back and forth and going from one aisle to the next. When she finally returned she had two bundles with her. Both were wrapped in brown paper and tied closed with twine. She set them both down on her desk then dug a collection of books out of a drawer, along with a pot of ink and a pen.

She motioned for me to sit in the chair across from her as she opened the first book. It was some kind of log or register. She dipped her pen in the ink then made a few notes in the first and second columns on the sheet. Then she turned the book around and had me write my name and sign it in the third and fourth columns. 

With that done, she took the book and pen back then handed me the first paper bundle. It was lighter than my bag, and the contents were mostly soft.

"That is your uniform. You will wear that, and only that, to all of your classes and any other official school functions unless instructed otherwise."

As she spoke I received a notification. 'Primary goal achieved: Uniform acquired!'

She added, "You're responsible for keeping it clean and in good repair, and when your time here is over you will return it in pristine condition or you will be penalized."

We repeated the process with the next register book and the next bundle. This one obviously contained books and it was heavier than both my bag and the uniform combined. I suddenly found myself worrying if I'd be able to even carry them around to classes.

She told me what I already guessed about that being my books, and at the same time I received another notification about that goal being completed. I also got the same spiel about looking after them and being in trouble if I lost or damaged them.

Then Elizabeth opened the third book in front of her and looked through it quietly for a few minutes. Her lips twitched as she seemed to be fighting a smile. She picked up her pen and wrote some details into a box on the page, then once again turned it around for me to add my name and signature.

When I was done she stated, "You'll be in room twenty-three, bed B."

'Primary goal achieved: Room assignment acquired!'

I was already getting bored of the notifications. Especially when they were notifying me of stuff I was already aware of. Especially when they were boring administrative crap like this.

"Thank you ma'am," I replied. "Do I get a key or something?"

She gave me a look that conveyed exactly how foolish she thought my question was, before responding "It's a magic school. The room will know you."

I blushed, "Oh right."

Elizabeth started putting her books away, then glanced at me and asked "Was there anything else?"

"Umm," my mind raced for a few seconds then I checked my Status again. Finally I nodded to her "Yeah. I need class assignments?"

She sighed as though I was annoying her, but she pulled one of those books back out of her desk drawer, along with her pen and ink again. Then from another drawer she took out a blank piece of parchment.

I watched as she opened the book and we went through the same process a fourth time. She wrote some information first, then I put my name and signed it. As soon as I did that, the sheet of parchment magically filled with text.

My eyes widened as I stared at that, it was my first time seeing actual real magic happen in front of me and it was pretty cool. Even if it was just boring administrative crap, at least it was magical boring administrative crap.

"Here you go," Elizabeth said as she handed me the parchment, and of course I got another notification to inform me that the boring thing that just happened, happened.

I tucked it into my bag for now, then got to my feet. It was going to be a struggle carrying my bag, my uniform, and my books. 

"Oh, um I have another question?" I asked before I picked everything up.

She sighed again, "What is it now?"

I asked, "Where's room twenty-three? Like, is there a dorm building or something?"

The woman rolled her eyes and said, "There's a student guide among your books. Since you're a month late for orientation you'll have to do some reading to get caught up on that."

I thought about putting everything back down to open the book bundle, but I realized there was no way I could manage an armload of loose books as well as my uniform bundle and my bag. It was hard enough carrying everything already with it all neatly wrapped up and bound with string.

Elizabeth was glaring at me, perhaps in hopes of scaring my away so I'd leave her alone. Instead of fleeing, I hesitated there a moment longer. It occurred to me that maybe I could get some directions out of her, if I made it sound like that was the quickest way to get rid of me.

"I'm sorry ma'am," I apologized nervously. "Could you give me a hint? I don't want to waste too much of your time but if I have to dig through my books here I'll probably end up needing your help wrapping them back up again..."

She took a deep breath then sighed. I'd almost believe she'd rather give me gold, her lunch, or her first-born son than give me directions to the dorms.

"Oh very well," she finally scowled. "Out the front door of the mansion, it's the large wood-frame building to the right. Room twenty-three is on the second floor, a few doors down on the left from the staircase."

I smiled, "Thank you so much ma'am!"

The administrator was back to glaring silently at me until I scuttled away out of her sight.

As I feared, it was a real struggle to carry everything. I had my bag and uniform in one hand, with both slung over my shoulder. And I was lugging the bundle of books with my other hand but it was heavy enough the string quickly started to hurt my hand. 

It was very slow going but I followed the directions out of the mansion, and sure enough to the right was a large wood-frame building. It stood three stories high, and in terms of size it was the second-largest building on campus after the mansion. 

I lugged my stuff across and up the front steps of the building. There was a main entry hall with a few doors off to either side, but a wide staircase in front of me led to the upper floors. By the time I reached the second floor I was almost exhausted. I turned down the hall to the left, and about ten meters from the stairs I finally reached the door to my room. It was all fancy wood panelling, and the numbers '23' stood out on the front in shiny polished brass.

The door was unlocked, and inside was a surprisingly nice room. It was divided in half, with two mostly-identical sides. The 'A' side was obviously in use, there were some books on the desk and the bed was unmade, the closet door was ajar and I could see clothes inside. The 'B' side was in pristine condition, the bed neatly made and the desk empty, the closet door closed.

There were a few more notifications but I ignored them for now, at that point I was too tired to pay attention to anything else. I hoisted the bundle of books up onto the foot of my bed, then dumped my bag and uniform on the desk. I pulled the parchment with the class schedule out of my bag and finally collapsed on the bed.

It was large, soft, and comfy. I was tempted to close my eyes and have a nap after that workout, but I had way too much on my mind for that. 

I found myself staring at the ceiling, and after a few seconds a cold heavy feeling settled in my stomach. This was the first quiet moment I had to myself where I wasn't being led around or talked to or following some arbitrary goals. And it was only just hitting me now what I'd gotten myself into, what kind of day I was having.

I died! I was dead!

I had no idea how that happened, but I hoped at least I died doing something heroic or glorious. Maybe saving a sack of kittens from a burning building or something. I hoped the kittens were ok, even if I wasn't. 

And I couldn't remember what sort of person I was, or what sort of life I led. I hoped I was somebody famous, or important. Or at least rich. About the only thing I could remember for sure was I'd been a guy and I read a lot of TG/TF stories online, and now my afterlife was modelled after some of those stories.

And that thought reminded me I had a lot to learn about my new life and the game or world I was in.

It would have been nice if Natasha had given me some instructions or something, instead of just tossing me in the deep end and letting me figure it out for myself.

A lot of those stories gave the protagonist some cheats or special abilities. And a lot of them had ways you could get information. I'd already figured out the status thing and the info thing, but I was hoping for something more like an archives or a wiki. 

I tried some of the mental commands I remembered reading about, like 'Archive' and 'Wiki' and 'Instructions' and 'Help', but none of them worked. I kept at it, and after about fifteen frustrating minutes I finally stumbled onto something. When I had my Status overlay up, I could focus on any of the entries and use Information. That gave me something like a wiki entry on whatever entry I was focused on.

I was looking at my species when I figured it out, and was rewarded with a bunch of helpful information.

'Sprites are creatures of magic, it is inherent to them and part of their nature. They are shy and elusive creatures who keep very much to themselves. As a human-sprite hybrid you are extremely rare and it can be assumed no-one you meet will have ever encountered another like you before.'

'Your half-sprite nature grants you a 50% boost to maximum mana points as well as double the normal rate of mana recovery. Your half-sprite nature grants you both natural magic talent (+5 bonus) and natural magic abilities. Your half-sprite nature carries restrictions to your physical size and limits on strength (max 5) and constitution (max 5).'

I could have guessed about the restrictions, but the bonuses sounded good. 

Next I got information on my new Class.

'Sorcery is the purest form of magic. Where witches learn to control magic through communion with nature and elementals, and wizards learn magic through the use of arcane symbols, spirits, and in some cases demons, sorceresses learn to control and tame raw magic. As a sorceress you can directly manipulate mana with your will. You will learn to see the lines of force which connect all things, you will learn to tap into those lines, to read and manipulate them. You will learn to bend and shape the magic in the world around you to do your will.'

Ok that sounded promising. And maybe a little scary, considering I was only level 1 and I was the newest girl in school. Getting 'Info' on my level told me me I was a 'Beginner' and indicated my progress towards level two was sitting pretty at zero percent.

Next I turned my attention to the abilities column and hit them up one by one.

'Detect Magic (1): Natural ability, passive. You can usually detect when magic is affecting you personally.'

'Dispell Magic (1): Natural ability, active (cost: 1 mana/level). You can attempt to disrupt and dispell magic that is affecting you personally.'

'Scrutinize Magic (1): Special ability, active (cost: 1 mana/level). When you use Dispell Magic you can optionally attempt to Scrutinize the spell you are disrupting. If your Dispell Magic is successful, you will learn the secrets of the disrupted spell and it will be added to your repertoire. You will then be able to cast that spell yourself. Spells you acquire with Scrutinize begin at the grade they were used against you, rather than grade 1.'

I had to admit all that sounded pretty cool. The two abilities seemed to be related to my species, but they were unlocked after I got my class. I wasn't sure if the special was a species thing or if it was my cheat. I hoped I'd have some more cheats, but maybe they needed to be unlocked along the way.

My health and mana were straightforward. They both went up when I became a sorceress, and I found out that was because I levelled-up from zero to one. Every time I levelled-up those numbers would grow. And my mana would grow quicker thanks to my bonus.

Next I examined the basic stats and quickly figured out where I stood. They all worked on a scale of one to twenty, where eight was average and fifteen was the highest a human could reach by natural means. From sixteen to twenty was considered supernatural or superhuman.

My strength and constitution were about what you'd expect for a malnourished ten-year-old girl. Which come to think of it probably matched my height too. The bottom line was I needed to avoid any kind of hand-to-hand or melee fights because I was going to lose a lot of them. And my constitution meant it wouldn't take much to kill me, and I recovered slower from injuries. So I really wanted to avoid getting hurt.

My intellect was decent and that would help me learn and use spells. Dexterity was great, so at least I'd be good at dodging stuff. Wisdom was meh, but fortunately it didn't seem all that important for what I was up to. And charisma... Well I was cute, so I had that going for me.



That fought grin from the Administrator when making Abby’s room assignment leads me to think that her roommate is either eccentric or hostile. Or maybe just has major Top energy.


There is something mischievous coming Abby's way. I can feel it. Also, if I haven't missed anything, so far, no students had been seen, right? So we have no idea, what that uniform looks like. Will it be as "subtle" as the big name sign at the school gate? 🤔