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=::= Tally's PoV =::=

"Your mom's a witch?!" I half-demanded as I stared at my girlfriend.

Beth nodded, "Yeah she is, but it's supposed to be a big secret?"

She paused to glare at her sister, but Jenny's back was to us as she watched TV and finished the last of her dinner. My girlfriend looked at me again and added, "Like I said, it's a big secret. So please don't go spreading it around."

"I won't tell anyone," I said as I looked from Beth to her mom. Ms. Watson was still sitting in one of the chairs with her phone in hand. She had a frown on her face as she tapped out another message or something on the little screen. 

I wasn't sure if she was contacting my parents to tell them where I was or it was some kind of work thing she was doing. Whatever it was she had a stern look on her face as she focused on the phone. 

And I just felt kind of beat. It seemed like this whole day had been nonstop, one thing after another. Yesterday was super stressful being at home with my family while they were all mad at me, but I didn't actually have to do anything apart from hide in my room. Now I wasn't even sure if I had a room, other than the one that belonged to Beth's big sister. 

After a few seconds I forced myself not to let the stress get to me, and focused on something else. I looked back at my girlfriend again as a new question popped into my head.

"Are you a witch too?" I asked her. I had no idea if it was a genetic thing, like if their mom was a witch did that mean Beth and Jenny were as well.

She shook her head, "Nah. Not yet anyways? Mom said I could learn if I wanted."

My eyebrows crept up and I asked, "Can anyone learn? Could I learn? Could I join your coven and become a witch?"

There was a deep sigh from the other side of the room, and Ms. Watson still looked stressed. She was about to say something when her phone buzzed.

That just made her look even more stressed, and she swiped the screen as she got to her feet. She walked into the kitchen as she answered, "Hello Samantha..."

Beth and Jenny were both focused on the TV, but I couldn't help listening to Ms. Watson. I still wasn't entirely used to how my ears worked, but I could literally keep one of them aimed to the side towards the kitchen, and despite the noise of the TV my friend's mom was still clearly audible, at least to me.

"No, she's staying here with us." Ms. Watson said. "She's Bethany's girlfriend... Yes, I know. Bethany's been remarkably accepting and supportive... No, she used Cindy's spell yesterday morning? ... No, unfortunately her family haven't been understanding or supportive. We've taken her in with us for now... No... I'm sorry Sam. I have no idea what possessed Jenny to blurt that out. I'm sure she simply wasn't thinking about the consequences... Yes, I'm quite certain she remembers what happened to Amanda. I'm confident Tally isn't going to try and spread it around... Ok... I see."

There was a pause when Ms. Watson sighed again, "Bethany and Tally already missed a full day today. Are you sure it can't wait? All right Samantha, I understand. Yes, we'll be there, nine-thirty sharp. All right Sam, thank you. You too."

Beth's mom finally came back into the living-room again, and she looked even more stressed than she did when she left. She announced, "That was Samantha, one of the coven leaders. Jenny, thanks to your spilling secrets all four of us are expected there at nine-thirty sharp tomorrow morning."

Jen smirked, "Cool! Now I don't have to do my math homework."

That turned out to be exactly the wrong reaction. Ms. Watson gave the tall blonde a hard look as she stated, "That's it. Jennifer Watson you go to your room right now. No more TV, and you better have that math homework done before we leave in the morning or an angry Priestess will be the least of your worries!"

"Fine," Jenny rolled her eyes as she got to her feet. She gathered up the garbage from her dinner and went into the kitchen and tossed it in the trash, then got herself another can of cola from the fridge before heading upstairs.

Ms. Watson sighed again then told me and Beth, "I'm going upstairs to read. Bethany, don't stay up too late watching TV. I want you and Tally in bed by ten, you should get a good night's sleep before we go face the coven leaders."

My girlfriend nodded, "Ok mom."

I stayed quiet as I watched Ms. Watson leave the room, and I waited till I heard her footsteps go upstairs as well. Once I was sure me and Beth were alone I asked softly, "What happened to Amanda? Your mom said something about consequences..."

Beth grimaced, "Amanda got a little bit cursed. She told someone some of our family secrets, that person tried to post it on social media, and both of them got cursed."

"Holy crap," I half-whispered. 

My girlfriend pulled me into a hug and said, "Don't worry Tally. You haven't done anything wrong, and I doubt anything that bad's going to happen to Jenny either. She might get a slap on the wrist or something, maybe she'll be grounded for a week or two."

It felt nice being held and I sighed a little as some of the tension left me. Beth finally let go of me but she started petting and playing with my tail again, and that helped me relax even more. I sank back on the sofa next to her and sighed as I enjoyed the nice feelings of her hands gently moving over my floof.

"Have you ever been to the coven before?" I asked softly.

Beth kept stroking my tail as she nodded, "Yeah, a couple times? The very first time was back in grade nine... Remember when those terrorists attacked the school? Me and Jenny got teleported from the cafeteria straight to the coven."

"What?!" My eyes opened wide as I stared at my girlfriend. "Your mom teleported you?"

Beth shook her head and said "Shh, keep your voice down. And no, mom was at work when it happened. Cindy was there, she teleported me and Jenny to the coven then she teleported back to the school to help everyone else."

My heart raced as I stared at Beth. It took a few seconds for me to find my voice, and I asked "Cindy?! You mean the Cindy who made the spell?! You know her? What are you friends with her or something?"

"Of course not," Beth shook her head. "Amanda and Sadie were kind of friends with her girlfriend Zoe? I only met Cindy twice, and I never really talked to her. I was really shy and quiet back then."

After a moment she added, "Whatever you do, don't mention anything about Cindy tomorrow. Some of the coven people didn't like her. Now let's just forget about all that stuff ok? Just relax and watch TV for a bit?"

She started stroking my tail again and that quickly got me to calm down again. 

"Ok Beth," I sighed as I let myself relax a little more. I turned my attention to the TV and tried to focus on that for now.

My girlfriend gave me a little smile, then gently pulled my big fluffy tail onto her lap as she continued stroking it. 

Within a minute or two I'd lost interest in the TV. The feeling of Bethany's hands on my floof was too nice, and I closed my eyes as I focused on the nice gentle stroking sensations. Eventually I even tuned out the noise from the TV and let myself drift. I hadn't felt so calm and peaceful in... Well ever, maybe. Definitely not the last two days anyways.

It felt nice to just relax and let everything else fade away. The only thing that mattered was the calming sensation of her hands stroking and petting my tail, and I let that feeling carry me away for a while. Soon there was nothing but the feeling of my girlfriend's warm lap, and her hands gently petting my head and occasionally scritching my ears.

I was curled up on my side on the sofa, my fluffy tail was curled around between my legs as I hugged it to my chest. My head was on Beth's lap, her hands were petting my head and rubbing the base of my ears as if I was some kind of cat. And there was a happy rumbly purry sound emanating somewhere deep in my chest.

I let out another happy sigh as I snuggled a little closer. I enjoyed the happy feelings for another twenty or thirty seconds before my brain did that record-scratch thing and my eyes snapped open.

The purring ended as my heart started racing. The TV was off, the living-room was almost dark with just one small light on in the corner. 

My girlfriend's hand continued petting my head but she asked softly, "Aww did you wake up? You stopped purring."

I was facing away so I couldn't see the smile on her face, but I knew it was there. Just like I was positive she knew I was blushing bright red even though my back was to her.

"Tally?" she asked quietly. "Are you awake?"

I gulped but nodded slightly, "Yeah. Sorry Beth, I um... I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

She giggled softly, "It's ok Tal. It was honestly super adorable. You're amazingly cute, you know? Except I thought you were supposed to be part fox, not part cat! I didn't know foxes could purr."

Despite my embarrassment I hadn't actually made any attempt to move yet. She was still petting me and scritching my ears, and I wasn't sure if I could bring myself to move unless she stopped. I cringed slightly but told her, "Lots of animals can purr. People only know about cats because of all the animals that purr, cats are the most common pets."

She was quiet for a second before asking, "Can people keep foxes as pets?"

"Yeah, it's not as common but..." My eyes widened and I was sure I blushed straight down to my neck. "Wait, that's not..."

Beth giggled again as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me. "You're a little big to be a lap-fox, but you're really cuddly!"

I made a half-hearted attempt to squirm, but mostly it just felt really good to be held like that.

Unfortunately my girlfriend finally let go after a half minute. She sighed, "We should probably get to bed. It's a quarter after ten, mom will give me a hard time for staying up too late."

"Ok Beth," I sighed as well. 

I slowly pulled myself upright, then we both got to our feet. She turned out the last light then I quietly followed her up the stairs. She went into the bathroom while I went into her big sister's bedroom and got undressed. I dug through the various bags of clothes till I found my new nightshirt then slipped it on. 

When I heard my girlfriend emerge from the bathroom and go into her own room I opened my door and went to take my turn in the washroom. Beth was waiting for me when I finally came back out, she was wearing a long yellow nightgown. 

She smiled and pulled me into a hug as she whispered, "Good night Tally. If you need anything I'm right next door ok?"

"Thanks Bethany," I whispered as I hugged her back. I could feel my tail swishing back and forth but I tried to ignore it.

We finally let go, and she smiled then disappeared into her bedroom. I padded into mine and quietly closed the door. The bed was soft, it had a soft duvet and sheets, and two big fluffy pillows. It was comfy, but it was a strange bed and it was full of the scent of Beth's big sister. 

I ended up curled up on my side hugging my tail again, and pressed the white floof at the end against my face. Part of me felt a little embarrassed, like I was a little kid hugging a doll or something. But most of me didn't care. I was a girl and I was part fox. I was allowed to be cute and vulnerable.

With that thought on my mind and my tail hugged against my chest and face sleep came much quicker than I expected. 

I must have been really beat because I didn't even dream much, and I slept right through till I heard someone's alarm going off at quarter after six.

Morning at the Watson house wasn't all that different from with my family. What I noticed most was the lack of yelling parents and no big brother to punch my arms or push me around. It was just as hectic though.

Ms. Watson had her own bathroom attached to her bedroom, but me and Bethany and Jenny all had to share the other one. And while Beth and Jen were ok sharing the bathroom, I was still much too shy to even brush my teeth while someone else was next to me. All three of us wanted showers too, which meant the bathroom was busy almost nonstop from six-thirty till eight o'clock. 

I ended up borrowing my girlfriend's blow-dryer to get my tail dry. It worked but it made my floof even floofier. 

Getting dressed in my very own new clothes was kind of exciting, and I actually wasted some time deciding whether I wanted to wear jeans or try a skirt. In the end I went with the jeans. As eager as I was to wear a skirt, I wanted to save that for when I knew I could enjoy it. Going to visit a witches coven sounded a little too scary to me. 

The jeans were nice though, they were tight and showed off my legs. Doing them up in the back over my tail took a few tries, but I figured I'd get used to that eventually. And it felt nice to wear pants that actually fit. Along with the tight black jeans I wore one of my new pairs of shoes, and a cute black and maroon top. Underneath all that I was wearing my own panties and my own bra and my own socks. 

By the time I emerged from the bedroom I was in a really good mood. I had a smile on my face as I hurried down the stairs and headed for the kitchen, where my girlfriend and her family getting breakfast ready. There was a strong smell of bacon in the air, and that had my stomach growling.

*** This chapter comes courtesy of Jess who commissioned it! ***



๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ adorable!!!!!!


Thanks for commissioning, Jess! And thanks for writing this, Viola! โ™ฅ