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*** Content warning: partial/temporary mind control, mild sexual content ***

"Be honest," I said as I glanced at my girlfriend. "You kind of miss this, don't you?"

Sam got a thoughtful look on her face, then after a few seconds she sighed. There was another pause before she finally answered, "Yes and no? It's nice to see familiar places again, but I definitely don't want to stay here. And this is different, we're not 'on patrol', not working for the Family. We're doing this for us."

It was nearly midnight, and we were out walking our old patrol area. We'd wandered up Yonge Street to Bloor, now we were making our way south on Church. We'd just passed our old apartment building at Alexander. Part of it was we were out stretching our legs and enjoying the autumn night air. Part of it was we were keeping our eyes open for any potential meals. 

In another ten or fifteen minutes it would be Sunday morning, and we were hunting. We weren't terribly focused on it though, it was more like we were just enjoying the night air and a walk, but if a tempting meal wandered by we'd eat.

And if nothing whet our appetite tonight, then perhaps tomorrow night we'd put a little more effort into it.

At least we had the area to ourselves for now, we didn't have to worry about Jess or one of the other peacekeepers turning up. That's one of the things we told them yesterday. Sam picked that hotel because it was in our old turf, and she told Jess that while the two of us were in town we were reclaiming our patrol for ourselves.

Neither Jessica or the other two complained. I wasn't sure if that's because they were stretched so thin they were glad for the help, or if they knew there wasn't much point arguing about it with us. 

I also knew all three were uncomfortable with the idea that Sam and I would be hunting, but at least they understood we weren't going to kill anyone. We did a pretty good job dispelling the myth that feeding on a human meant draining them completely. 

That's one thing that really put into perspective how misinformed the Family was, that even they believed some of the anti-vampire myths and propaganda.

We didn't actually resolve much in terms of the problem with the elders though. Jess made plans to come see us at the hotel on Monday night, so Sam and I had the weekend to ourselves. We were treating it a little like a vacation, but we kept our guard up regardless. Neither of us trusted Jessica.

Eventually my girlfriend's voice brought me back to the present, as she added "It might be nice to do more of this back home? Not patrol, but just walk around and enjoy the night air? It'll help us get more familiar with the city too, if we explore different parts of it every night."

"I wouldn't mind doing that," I replied. "Though it's not as fun in the middle of winter."

The cold didn't bother us as much, but trudging through snow and ice was annoying. And when it was too cold that kept most of the humans indoors, which for me at least made the walks less interesting. I enjoyed it more when there were people around.

We were still moving south on Church, though we'd been travelling at a leisurely pace all evening. We eventually wound up at St. James' Park, and we stopped there for a bit. The two of us sat cuddling on a bench. There were a few other people around, including a group of four or five young people in the gazebo. From the scents, they were drinking and smoking. I could identify tobacco, weed, beer, and coolers.

As Sam and I sat together, I reflected on the past two days. Well, mostly yesterday. Today was relatively quiet but very pleasant. We spent the day in our luxury hotel room, enjoying the big bed together. 

Samantha's reunion with her mom yesterday went better than we could have hoped. Almost too good in fact, the old lady wanted us to stay with her for the weekend. She seemed to accept Samantha for who she was a lot more easily than either of us expected. I had a feeling the woman was either desperately lonely, or maybe a bit senile. Or maybe not. She claimed Sam reminded her of her son even way back when, when she saw my girlfriend moping around across the street, staring at the house.

That made me think of my own family. I still wasn't sure if I wanted to see them or not. There was a sort of morbid curiosity I guess, like I did want to know if they ever wondered what became of me. Or if they regretted how they acted, or if they felt bad about kicking me out.

I tried to imagine how it might play out, if I showed up on their doorstep one evening this week. Would I knock, or should I just let myself in? They probably still had a spare key in that stupid fake rock in the planter next to the door. They probably hadn't changed the code on the alarm system either.

If I turned up around eight at night, dad would probably be watching TV in the den, mom would be in their bedroom, watching her own TV or reading a book maybe. I wondered if my brother had moved out yet or if if he'd be there too.

I imagined a few different scenarios, but in the end I couldn't make my mind up. However I saw it playing out, they wouldn't be anywhere near as nice as my girlfriend's mom. And most of my imaginary visits ended in violence. Either my dad or brother would flip and try to hurt me and Sam, or I'd lose my temper and lash out. However it happened, if things got violent it wouldn't go well for my family. That thought didn't bother me though. 

And I couldn't help wondering if that was a sign of how much I'd changed, how little humanity was left in me. Not that I was actively planning to hurt or kill them, but it didn't bother me to think that might end up happening.

"Hey cutie," Sam finally asked. "What's on your mind? You've been quiet for a while."

I leaned my head against her shoulder and replied, "Just thinking about my folks, trying to figure out if I want to try and see them or not."

She gave me a kiss and asked, "What's the verdict? Or you're still thinking about it?"

"I don't know yet," I shrugged slightly. "I'm curious about some stuff? But I know there's a good chance a visit would end badly and they'd wind up getting hurt. Like I mean, physically injured or killed. I don't really want to do that, but I don't think I'd lose much sleep if it happened."

Samantha was quiet for a few seconds as she thought that over. Finally she gave me another kiss then said "Whatever you decide, I'll back you up all the way."

"Thanks Sam," I smiled as I kissed her back.

"Any time, Tara."

The two of us stayed put for a while more, just cuddling as we relaxed on a bench in the little park. I was just thinking of suggesting we start moving again when my attention was drawn to a couple people walking through the park. 

It was a pair of young women in their early twenties, and from their scent I figured they'd just emerged from one of the nearby bars. They were probably cutting through the park on their way home. 

I gave Sam a little nudge and whispered, "Here comes dinner."

My girlfriend smiled, and we both cast our feeding auras at the women. The two slowed their pace immediately and a moment later I could smell the changes in their scent. I was pretty sure they were a couple, they were very close when I first spotted them. Now they put their arms around each other. They started acting a little more frisky as the effects of our auras mingled with the effects of the alcohol in their systems.

Sam spoke softly to them, beckoning them over to us. 

As they approached, me and Sam separated and shifted to either end of the bench so the two girls could sit down between us. The one closest to my girlfriend was a tall full-figured blonde, the one next to me was a redhead. Her height was closer to average, but that was still tall compared to me. I couldn't say if they were attractive, I wasn't paying much attention to their faces. 

Up close they smelled of alcohol and food, but more importantly they were warm, their hearts were strong, and thanks to our auras they were getting more and more eager.

"You're cute," the redhead said to me as she practically cuddled up against me. 

I smiled up at her, "And you're warm. Here, let me help you with that."

Both of them were wearing jeans and autumn jackets, and I reached up and undid the zipper of her coat. Once I had it open I could see the t-shirt she was wearing underneath. She had a pretty good figure, from what I could tell. 

I kept my aura going strong on her, and ran a finger over her t-shirt down between her breasts as I suggested "Why don't you take this off?"

Normally we went for the thighs, but since we were out in public and my meal was wearing jeans, there were other places it was easier to feed from. Now that we know what we were doing, we actually avoided the neck. It was too obvious even when bandaged. Easier for them to hide it when the wound was somewhere that would be covered by their clothing.

My aura was doing its thing and the redhead gave me a sloppy excited smile as she shrugged off her jacket then pulled her shirt up and off. Her skin was fair, there were a few scattered freckles across her chest, and her boobs were cupped by a cute white lace bra.

I smiled, "Good girl."

She grinned at me, then reached back and unhooked the bra without waiting for me to ask. I wasn't even going to mention that, it wasn't in my way.

Her breasts were a little on the small side, but they were firm and perky. Between the effects of my aura and the cool night air, her thick pink nipples were already standing out at attention. 

"Very nice," I whispered, then leaned closer and gently kissed the upper slope of her breast. 

She made a 'mmm' sound, and I did it again. It wasn't exactly foreplay, I was looking for a suitable vein. 

I found it after the third kiss, and my fangs easily sliced through her soft skin. She gasped softly and her muscles tensed for a moment. Then she relaxed and slouched back on the bench with a gentle moan.

My left hand slowly ran up and down along her thigh while my right arm slipped around her back. Her left arm was around my shoulders, and I kept my mouth on her warm delicate flesh as the delicious hot coppery nectar filled my mouth.

I glanced up and saw her head had turned to the right, she was sharing a passionate kiss with the blonde. Samantha's meal kept her bra on but was otherwise in pretty much the same state as mine, slumped back with her jacket and shirt missing. My girlfriend's mouth was on the upper slope of the blonde's voluminous bosom.

Both girls were moaning and cooing softly as they continued kissing each other, while my girlfriend and I enjoyed our meals. The redhead's nipples were practically straining with her excitement and arrousal. I might have been tempted to play with my food, but my girlfriend and I had already satisfied each other in that department throughout the day today.

On the other hand, the scent coming off the redhead was almost as intoxicating as the smell and taste of her blood. I continued to caress her thigh through her tight jeans as I fed from her. The redhead pressed her legs together and I could feel her muscles tensing and flexing.

I took a full meal, about a pint or so from her. As I felt myself growing sated, my left hand moved away from her thigh and my right hand from her back. I reached into the pocket of my hoodie and pulled out the gauze and bandage, then tore open the envelope and extracted the gauze. 

Finally I pulled back from her chest, and gently pressed the absorbent white material over her wound. 

The redhead was still lost in the experience, making out with her girlfriend while I calmly and quietly tended to the small injury on her chest. On the other end of the bench, Sam was doing the same.

My girlfriend looked over at me and we smiled at each other, then without a word we both got to our feet and walked away. My right arm slipped around her waist, her left arm was around my shoulders. 

I glanced back and saw our meals were continuing their make-out session on the park bench, completely oblivious to our absence. The redhead was still topless, the blonde with her bra on. Each of them had a fresh bandage on their chests. The blonde was kneading and massaging the redhead's naked breasts while the redhead was reaching around to unhook her girlfriend's bra.

"That was nice," I commented to Sam. "I hope they're not too embarrassed when they realize they're in a public park."

My girlfriend smiled, "They'll probably snap out of it in another minute or two, then they can go finish their date in private."

"Mhmm." I pulled Samantha a little closer and suggested with a grin, "How about we go back to the hotel and finish our date in private too?"



Mrrr hot =3