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*** Content warning: violence, gore, death. ***

"Thank you Reuben," Isabelle said into her sleek new cellphone. "Samantha and I will head south and try to cut him off. If he doubles back your way, let me know."

She thumbed the disconnect button, then folded the cover over the keypad and pushed the antenna back down inside the grey plastic case. 

I hated to admit it but I kind of envied her posh new phone. It was the latest MicroTAC and the thing was tiny. Folded up it was smaller than two decks of cards, and it fit neatly into her jacket pocket. It was stupid but that was one of the things I was looking forward to most. When I graduated and became a full-fledged enforcer with a patrol of my own, then I'd get my own cool cellphone too.

My mentor's voice yanked me out of my little daydream as she snapped "Enough dawdling Samantha, now move!"

Without waiting for me she took off at a run. I dashed after her and did my best to keep up. 

I'd heard enough of her conversation with Reuben to know he was tracking that outsider vamp we'd been hunting. The intruder had already broken the covenant twice, two humans were dead, and we needed to stop him before he killed again.

Reuben picked up the scent in his territory, just west of Bathurst Street. The target was heading south towards the lake. Bathurst was the west edge of Isabelle's turf so we were going to try and cut the intruder off.

The two of us passed Lakeshore and turned south on Bathurst till we reached Queens Quay, where Isabelle came to a halt. I caught up to her a second later, while she was sniffing the air. 

She gestured towards the big abandoned silo buildings next to the water, "I've got the scent, it's coming from the old malt building. I'll head down the west side, you take the east. If you spot him, fall back and call me. Don't take him on by yourself!"

"Right," I nodded as I started for the derelict building. 

There wasn't much space on the east side, the silos were built against a concrete dock wall where freighters used to moor alongside the structure. There was a poorly-maintained fence there to keep people out, but I easily hopped over it. The ground was littered with pieces of wood, broken glass, and other bits of trash and refuse. And there was only about fifteen feet of space between the water on my left and the building on my right.

I could smell the stranger's scent now too, I knew he had to be around here somewhere. 

Isabelle would be moving south along the other side of the building, keeping eyes and ears open as she searched. If she found him first, she'd probably just kill him on the spot and I'd miss all the action. I was really hoping I'd be the one to find the guy. And despite what my mentor said, I was hoping I'd at least get to fight a little, before she came and finished the job.

At only seven years dead, Isabelle insisted I wasn't ready yet to take on an unknown dangerous vampire. She wouldn't let me stray too far from her when we went on patrol, and my job was mostly to act as a scout or lookout. Or occasionally I was bait, I was the young noob to lure an enemy out thinking they'd have an easy fight, then Isabelle would show up and they'd suddenly be facing the toughest warrior in the city.

I didn't agree with her about keeping me out of fights though. I'd spent seven years training hard and she kept telling me I was doing better than other vamps when they were my age. And I did really well sparring with the other enforcers. I couldn't beat an old warrior like Isabelle, but I kicked Carlos's ass in a fight a couple months back. I even gave Reuben a run for his money last time we faced off in training.

The scent of our quarry grew stronger, and when I was just twenty feet or so from the end of the dock the guy emerged from the darkness next to the building.

"Fucking kid," he growled as he looked me over. "Run home to your Dame little girl. You don't wanna fuck with me."

He looked and sounded tough. He wore black military-style boots on his feet, and faded torn blue-jeans. A plain white t-shirt was under his well-worn jean-jacket. His light-brown hair was shoulder length, and he had a few days' stubble on his face. He looked to be about thirty, and I'd guess he'd been dead about as many years as he'd been alive. 

The guy was just under six feet tall, and was slim bordering on skinny. But he didn't look weak, he had that strong wiry look some guys got. 

By comparison I knew I looked like a weak useless girl. I was petite, only about five-foot-three, and wearing slacks, flat dress shoes, and a blouse and spring jacket. I honestly hated the outfit, it made me look like I just got out of Sunday-school. Or like I was a little kid trying to dress up for my first job interview. It's what Isabelle picked for me, she liked the style. My hair hung down past my shoulders in waves. Well, some waves, mostly knots since I didn't spend a lot of time looking after it. And I had a bit of subtle red lipstick on, but only because my Dame insisted.

The vamp moved another step closer, and I noticed some metal shining in the moonlight. There was a length of chain looped over his left shoulder, with the two ends tucked in the left pocket. And his right hand was curled into a fist, clutching something metal. 

For a second I thought he had a knife, but then I realized it was actually brass knuckles. They really did look like brass too, except there were three protruding bits, sort of like thick stubby nails that stuck out about an inch from the knuckles. The pointy bits looked like chrome, or polished steel maybe. 

After sizing him up I decided to go for it. He didn't look any bigger than Marcus, and the brass knuckles didn't scare me. Even the pointy bits didn't worry me. I realized they looked a little like claws, but they were straight rather than curved.

He obviously caught my eyes looking at the brass knuckles on his fist. He growled, "Last chance to run kid, or I'm going to fuck up that pretty little face of yours."

"Try it," I replied, pouring on all the bravado I could muster. "I'll break both your fucking arms, then rip out your throat, asshole."

He laughed, then his left hand slipped into his jacket pocket. Out came the two ends of the chain. One end was attached to a steel ball, the other end to a leather handle. He gave the chain a flick and the rest of it came off his shoulder. The ball was small but heavy, it hit the ground with a clunk noise while he gripped the handle. 

It was just enough to distract me, and I fucked up and fell for it. I stared at the thing trying to figure out what it was. I should have just attacked the guy instead of standing there gawking.

Next thing I knew he flicked the chain backwards then forwards and the steel ball glanced off the right side of my forehead. Suddenly I was seeing stars as my head snapped back and around to the right. My body twisted and I fell to my knees. I was almost turned right around so my back was to the guy. He'd nearly knocked me unconscious before the fight even started.

I never found out why he didn't finish me right then and there. If he'd punched me in the back of the head with those claws, that probably would have been game over. 

For some reason though he drove the brass knuckles down and raked the three claws across my back. I'd never felt pain like that before, and in an instant I knew those three shiny claws weren't chrome or steel. They were silver, and it was like white-hot liquid fire ripping through my body. I swear I felt them scrape the bone of my shoulder blade as his blow sliced through my jacket, blouse, bra strap, and flesh.

Never mind Isabelle, they probably heard my scream all the way back at the mansion.

Whatever he was thinking, not killing me right then was his big mistake. The pain didn't debilitate me, it energized me and sent me into survival mode. This fucker just hurt me, now it was my turn.

In one fluid motion I launched myself upwards as I spun around, and drove my fist into his chin with an uppercut that had my whole body's weight and speed behind it. Moving my right arm or shoulder hurt like fuck but I used that pain to drive my anger and focus my mind and senses.

He lashed out with his right fist, this time he was swinging the silver claws for my face. 

Now we were just sparring though, and this was a game I'd spent seven years learning how to win. I might have been small, but I was quick and lithe. And my youth was balanced by the fact that my Dame was the toughest bitch in the Family and she taught me well. 

I twisted around his fist and caught his wrist with my right hand as I drove the heel of my left hand into his elbow as hard as I could. I heard the snap as it gave way, and I saw the look of shock on his face before the pain hit him. 

He clenched his teeth rather than cry out.

The vamp stepped back and lashed out with the chain again. He kept his right arm to his side but the left one was still good, and that chain gave him at least three feet of range. He'd lost the element of surprise though, I knew the chain was there so I could duck and dodge. 

Every time I moved my upper body my clothes would drag across the wound on my back and send another wave of agony through me. The pain kept me moving but it slowed my reaction time on my right, and he managed to get that chain looped around my right wrist.

He yanked and pulled me close enough to twist the other end of it around my neck. I had no idea what that was supposed to achieve, it's not like he was going to strangle me to death. While he was screwing around with that, I grabbed his right hand that was hanging limp at his side.

I felt the silver claws burn my fingers as I tried to get the brass knuckles off him. Despite the broken arm he struggled, and I ended up snapping a couple of his fingers before finally pulling the weapon free. 

It was a bit big on my small hand but I slipped it onto my left fist then raked the claws across the guy's gut. He let out a shriek and his left hand let go of the chain as he stumbled back clutching his abdomen.

I didn't even hesitate, I lunged forward and put my weight into it as I drove my fist straight into his throat.

He made an 'Urk' sound and convulsed a few times as he collapsed backwards onto the ground. I moved with him, and followed through with at least a dozen more punches into his head and neck. By the time I finally stopped his face was hamburger, and the smell of rot was already in the air. He'd gone from undead to just dead.

I stood up and took a step back, then let out a long sigh, followed by a slight whimper as the adrenaline left me and my own injuries started to throb. I still had his chain looped around my neck, the ball and handle were hanging down in front of me. His brass knuckles with the silver claws were in my left hand, but I just held it loosely now.

My back still felt like it was on fire. My head was throbbing where that first blow landed. And I gradually realized my right wrist seemed to be broken, or at least sprained.

"Samantha I told you to call for me," Isabelle stated in a disapproving tone. She stepped out of the shadows and looked at me with a frown. "You could have gotten yourself killed."

Reuben was there too and moved to stand next to her. He looked like he was fighting a smile as he commented "I don't know boss. I'd say she didn't do too badly, all things considered."

"Don't encourage her," Isabelle said with a sigh. 

I was having a little trouble staying upright, I desperately needed blood and rest. I didn't want to look weak though, so I tried to maintain a tough act for now. I curled my left hand into a fist again and held up the knuckle claws as I asked, "Can I keep these?"

My Dame frowned, but replied "Yes Samantha. The chain and the... Whatever you want to call that are yours. Trophies from your first true fight. However, I strongly advise you not to carry the silver weapon with you. Leave it at home."

"Why?" I asked. "It's pretty fucking effective against other vamps right?"

"Language," she stated. Then she glanced at the big man next to her, "Reuben why don't I want my enforcers arming themselves with silver weapons?"

He replied, "Never carry a weapon you wouldn't want turned against you."

I looked down at the rapidly decomposing body on the ground next to me, then the knuckle claws in my hand. I couldn't see the damage to my back but I could sure as hell feel it, I knew what this shit did to us and I didn't want to feel that again.

"Right," I nodded. "I'll keep it, but I won't use it or carry it."

Isabelle wore her satisfied smile, like when I passed some test or something. "Good girl. Now let's get you home. You need blood Samantha, you look even paler than usual."


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