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*** Content warning: this chapter contains mild adult / sexual content ***

My head was swimming as I tried my best not to stare at Tess. She was wearing a skimpy green thing that left very little to the imagination. When she was standing it showed off her gorgeous legs. Now that she was sitting beside me I had a really good view of the shape of her breasts under the thin green fabric. Even her nipples were clearly outlined through the sleek clingy material.

And I knew I wasn't thinking all that clearly, between the wine and the exhaustion of a long stressful day things had gotten kind of fuzzy since we finished dinner. But I was still fairly confident that she wouldn't normally wear something that hot. Which meant she had to have picked it on purpose, for me.

That thought led to several more thoughts, and some confusing new feelings. There was a flutter deep in my stomach, like a bunch of happy horny butterflies were bouncing around in anticipation. There was also some fear, or at least some anxiety. I'd never had a girlfriend before, I'd never been with a girl before, so all of this was extremely new to me. Not to mention I was still very new to being a girl myself. I hadn't even been Amethyst for a full day yet, and I wasn't the least bit familiar with my own body or how it worked.

Some small part of my mind tried to suggest I should maybe just get some sleep before either Tess or myself did anything we might regret later. That suggestion was overwhelmingly voted down by the rest of my mind, the horny butterflies in my stomach, and some other parts of my body that were sending me strange new sensations I'd never experienced before.

Like the warmth I felt in my chest, and the way I was suddenly aware of my nipples standing out and gently rubbing against the soft fabric of my nightshirt when I moved or breathed. Or the warm, slightly needy wetness I felt deep in my groin. Not to mention the way my heart seemed to be racing, and my breathing had become a little quicker and shallower than usual.

When Tess smiled at me and asked what I wanted to do, my heart skipped a beat and I bit my lower lip to stop myself blurting out something silly or regrettable.

Despite my inexperience I was positive she was suggesting, or at least offering the idea of the two of us going to bed together. And despite my nerves and my fear and all the stress and everything else I'd experienced today, I couldn't deny that I wanted to do just that. 

As much as I wanted it though, I didn't really know what to do or what to say. I didn't know how to respond, so I ended up saying nothing at all as I just sat there looking at her with wide eyes while I fought to control my breathing.

Tess watched me for a few more seconds, then reached out and I felt her hand lightly touch the middle of my back. She asked, "Are you still sore? Maybe I could help?"

She started gently rubbing my back, and I may have sighed softly. It was equal parts relaxing and exciting. 

After a few moments her fingers reached my shoulder and she commented, "You're really tense. Here, let me help."

Using both hands she guided me to turn sideways on the sofa so my back was to her, while she shifted as well so she was kneeling behind me. Then she started gently rubbing and massaging my shoulders and back. Now and then her hands would stray a little, along my upper arms or around my sides.

She wasn't even touching me anywhere lewd, but just the feel of her fingers on my body sent little shocks of anticipation through me while my breathing got faster and deeper. And those other strange new feelings grew stronger as well, the warmth in my chest and between my legs both became harder to ignore.

"How does that feel?" Her words were whispered right by my ear and the breathy tone in her voice made my heart skip a beat.

I gulped and replied softly, "It's very nice."

Her hands continued moving over my shoulders, then partway down my back. Then they moved out to either side, and this time they didn't stop there. My breath caught as her hands gently traced over where my bra had been digging into my soft skin earlier. Her fingers caressed around my sides then my front, and her hands came to rest just below my boobs. 

Tess was leaning forward slightly now and I could feel the soft warmth of her breasts pressing against my back, as she held me in an almost-embrace. Her chin was at my right shoulder, and I felt her hot breath on my neck a moment before her lips lightly caressed against my cheek. 

I waited for the kiss to come, or for her hands to start moving again, but she did neither. She just held me like that, as if she was waiting for something.

After a half minute I realized what it was, and I whispered "Please don't stop."

No sooner had I said the words when I felt her kiss on my cheek, and her hands shifted upwards to cup then gently massage my boobs through the soft fabric of my nightshirt. 

It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before, though I'd often imagined what it might be like. I felt her take my nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, and when she gave them both a little pinch I thought I was going to lose it right then and there. It was like a jolt of electricity that arced between my nipples, my groin, and the pleasure centre of my brain. And I probably would have been embarrassed at the little whimpering yelp noise I made, if I wasn't desperate for more.

Tess kissed my cheek again and whispered, "Would you like to get this nightshirt out of the way?"

I nodded and quickly squirmed and shifted on the sofa till the hem of my nightshirt was out from under me, then I pulled up up and over my head and dumped it on the coffee table. I was still angled away from Tess, and she was kneeling on the sofa behind me. 

My heart was pounding and I could feel my cheeks going brighter red as it hit me a second later that I was naked in front of her now, even if all she could see was my bare back. I was a girl, and I was with another girl, and I was naked. My mind could barely grasp the concept.

I was still sort of processing the situation when a lump of green satin joined my nightshirt on the coffee table. I felt Tess's arms around my waist again, and her naked chest pressed against my bare back. Her lips brushed against the side of my face, then she kissed my cheek, followed by my neck.

My heart rate jumped even higher. I was equal parts scared and excited, and once again I had no idea what to do.

Her hands gently moved upwards and she caressed my breasts once more, this time there was no thin layer of cotton separating her fingers from my soft skin. 

My breath caught in my throat as she cupped them again, and this time when she pinched my nipples she also gave them a slight tug. I felt that jolt of electricity once again, and another surprised little yelp escaped my lips. Her hands remained where they were, as she continued gently massaging my boobs and playing with my nipples. At the same time her lips moved up and down along my neck and cheek as she she kissed me a few more times.

After a few more kisses up and down my cheek, she gave my boobs another gentle squeeze then asked softly, "May I have a look at you? You're absolutely gorgeous from this angle, but if it's ok, I'd love to see more."

All I could do to respond was give her a few quick little nodds of my head. At that point I probably would have agreed to almost anything, and I hoped she wanted a lot more than just a look at me.

She slowly let go and pulled away. I felt her weight shift on the sofa behind me as she moved off her knees then got to her feet.

I was still twisted so my back was to her, but after a gulp I straightened, then stood up as well. I was looking downwards for the moment, but after another little gulp I finally turned so I was facing her, and slowly looked up at her.

Tess and I were standing together next to the sofa facing each other. There was barely a pace separating us, and we were both completely naked. With her being three or four inches taller than myself I had to tilt my head up slightly to look her in the eyes, and it reminded me yet again how small I was now. 

I felt a little shudder of vulnerability as I stood before her like that. The whole experience was almost overwhelming. I was a small girl, I barely knew who I was at the moment. I had less than a day's experience in this body, and here I was standing naked before this tall strong beautiful redheaded witch. 

I knew I should be scared, but instead all I wanted was to let her do whatever she liked with me. My heart was still racing, my breathing quick and shallow. I could practically feel her eyes as they roamed up and down over my delicate skin. My nipples were so hard it almost felt like they were straining, and that warm wet feeling between my legs had grown to a full-blown yearning. I'd never felt anything like it before but I knew what it meant, what I needed.

Tess smiled as she looked down at me. She whispered, "You're absolutely gorgeous Amy."

"Thank you," I replied in a soft breathy voice. My eyes drifted down over her body again as I added quietly, "You're beautiful."

She had freckles scattered across her fair shoulders and the upper slopes of her beautiful, perfectly shaped breasts. They were tipped with fat pink nipples that were currently standing out as hard as my own. Her waist was narrow and her hips were wide. I thought her legs looked amazing when they were covered by jeans, but they looked even better now. And nestled between them at the top was a cute little strip of bright red hair.

I looked back up at Tess again just in time for her hands to settle on my upper arms. She gently pulled me closer, and drew me into a tender embrace. The sensations were nearly overwhelming again, as I felt her warm soft flesh pressed against my own. She leaned slightly and her lips found mine, as she gave me a long, passionate kiss.

My lips responded, along with the rest of me. Her arms were wrapped around my shoulders now as mine wound around her waist and I pulled myself tighter against her. 

Her lips pressed harder against my own, and I felt her tongue slip into my mouth and almost dance around my own. It was another completely new experience for me, and I was temporarily distracted as I tried to figure out if I liked it or not. 

With my attention on that, I didn't notice as her right knee gently encouraged my legs a little further apart. Her leg moved between mine, then she shifted her weight to her left leg as her right thigh came upwards just enough to press and grind against my sex.

For just a moment my mind blanked. There were no thoughts, there was nothing but the physical sensations as a jolt of pleasure shot up my spine and rebooted my brain, then back down again to my groin where it left me needing more.

I pulled myself even tighter against her and my soft moan was muffled by Theresa's tongue and lips that were still having their way with my mouth. She slowly pulled back enough to suggest, "Would you like come to bed with me now?"

My head was swimming, I was a bundle of senses and experiences and all I wanted was more. I nodded slightly and whispered, "Yes please."

Tess smiled, "Then come on."



“Then come on” - *nods in approval*


Hot. 👍🏻