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I was still feeling a little pumped after our second encounter with Vanessa, and I was certain Tara felt it too. 

A few years ago Tara told me she was still afraid of cops, afraid to stand up to them. Last week she told Constable Onesky to fuck off, and tonight she went even further. Watching her use her aura on the cop, seeing her get the woman half naked then feeding from her almost got me going as much as Vanessa was. 

It was yet another example of my girlfriend being badass and hardcore when she needed to. 

Now I had some other business I wanted to attend. I meant to talk with our DJ last week, but after Vanessa's first visit it slipped my mind. 

After Tara and I were finished in the office we danced a bit more, then finally retired to our favourite table in the upstairs section. I had a note delivered to Meg so she knew I wanted to speak with her, it was just a matter of waiting till the place closed up.

My girlfriend and I were sitting together cuddling as we enjoyed the atmosphere. The music was loud, but not quite as bad up here. We had a view of both the DJ booth and the bar, so we could watch Meg work and we could see Zach serving drinks. We could even see most of the dance floor, thanks to some strategically placed mirrors on the opposite wall.

It was nice. I was happy. I liked it here, I liked everything we had going for us here, everything we'd built together. Tara leaned a little closer against me, she had an arm around my waist and mine was around her shoulders. 

I glanced at her and asked, "Hey cutie? How're you feeling?"

She grinned, "Feeling good."

After a moment she admitted, "Maybe a little guilty? I mean, about playing with that cop."

I leaned closer and gave her a kiss then asked, "What's to feel guilty about? She came back on her own, we didn't force her to. She was uptight and demanded answers, so you gave her what she wanted along with a demonstration to prove it."

Tara grimaced, "I know. She wasn't any real threat though, right? I mean, she's just human. Pretty much helpless against you and I."

I gave her another kiss then teased, "You feel sorry for her. Like a cat feeling sorry for a mouse."

She rolled her eyes, "If she does come back, it'll be your turn to deal with her next time."

"Thanks cutie," I smirked. "I'm looking forward to it."

Tara suppressed a grin as she shook her head, "You're terrible."

Her actions didn't quite mesh with her words of course, as she cuddled a little closer against me. The two of us ended up just relaxing together as we listened to the music and watched the guests dancing and enjoying themselves downstairs.

Eventually the club started to get quieter, as it got nearer to closing time. Meg's set ended and she shut things down in the booth, then Reuben put on one of my 'oldies' playlists. Well, everyone else called them 'oldies'. For me it was my music, the stuff I listened to when I was a confused trans teen in the eighties. 

The house lights came up a little brighter as the last of the guests cleared out and the front doors were locked. 

A couple minutes after that Meg came up to join us. She was carrying a glass of white wine, and she slipped into the seat across from my girlfriend and I.

"You wanted to speak with me?" she asked. She seemed a little anxious again tonight.

I nodded, "Yeah. It's been over a month since we spoke to you about our offer, and you haven't given us any sort of indication whether or not you're still interested. I know I didn't make this clear at the time, but I do need an answer, one way or another. It's not an indefinite open offer. Today's the fourteenth of September. I'd like an answer by the end of the month."

Meg had a sip of wine then sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you both hanging like that? It's just..."

She hesitated. There was clearly something on her mind, something she was conflicted about saying.

Tara asked, "What is it Meg? If there's some question or concern, please ask. We'll answer if we can."

The redhead had another, deeper sip of her wine. Then she braced herself and asked, "If I went ahead with this, once I was one of you could I turn my girlfriend too?"

Me and Tara glanced at each other. I had no idea Meg was in a relationship, I'd never seen her with anyone. She never brought anyone to the club. She flirted with people, both guys and girls, but I always got the impression she did that as part of her job. Like a performance or an act. 

I didn't think she was celibate or anything, but I just had no idea she was with someone. Of course that made a huge difference and made it clear why she was having trouble making a decision.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead, then explained "It's not that simple. I'm not going to reveal all our secrets right now but the short answer to your question is no. You couldn't do that. But..."

Tara was looking at me now. She already knew what I was going to say next, so she said it for me. "Sam and I could turn you and your girlfriend. We could each turn one of you."

"To be clear," I added quickly, "We're not making that offer just yet. We're saying it's possible, but we'd have to meet. We'd have to get to know her. We'd have to know she was compatible with us. And we'd have to make the offer to her directly and in person. This isn't something we can do by going through you or any other third-party."

Meg nodded slowly then had another gulp of wine.

While I wasn't opposed to this, it made things a lot more complicated. And I knew it would be a huge step for Tara. I wasn't worried about her being strong enough, both of us had the power of vamps centuries older than we really were. But turning someone was a big deal. It was like adopting them, letting them become part of our family. 

It was also a huge responsibility, they'd need to be trained and looked after. Even if we didn't train them to be enforcers like we used to be, it still took months to pass on all the knowledge and skills they'd need in their new unlife. The biggest thing was we'd be responsible for feeding them, until they were confident enough and skilled enough to do that on their own. 

Beyond that we'd have to ensure they had a place for themselves, a home and job and everything, so they wouldn't wind up desperate and resorting to stupid crimes that would get them caught and get us exposed. Meg would have her job here as long as she wanted it. Until we met her girlfriend, we simply couldn't say how she'd fit in.

After a few minutes of silence, Meg finally spoke up again.

"I've already told her some of what you told me. I didn't tell her specifics, she doesn't know the offer came from you two. She doesn't even know it was here at work. I told her the stuff about the way you can control how we'd look afterwards, about how you can change our appearance and everything? It's because..."

She hesitated, then stated softly "My girlfriend's also trans. This would help her a lot. You have no idea how much this would help her. But she's... She's really shy, and she's not out. And it's obviously a huge decision even without thinking about how much it would change things for her."

I sighed as I thought that over. I thought back to my own situation of course, and Tara's too. 

While I was lost in thought, Tara asked "What does your girlfriend do? Is she working? What about her family? For that matter, what about your family? Being dead will make things harder. And any significant changes in your appearance will be hard to explain."

Meg sighed and finished her wine, then replied "My girlfriend's working, but she hates her job. She has a junior HR position that she'd love to get out of. She's got a degree in marketing but hasn't found work in that yet. That's how we met actually, we went to the same college. And she's not close with her family. They're seriously bigoted, and she's positive when she finally does come out they'll disown her."

"As for me and my family, I don't see my parents much. They live near Brandon and I don't get out that way apart from the odd holiday. Last time I saw them was Easter, and next time will be Christmas. We're on good terms though, we stay in touch, talk on the phone."

I rubbed my forehead again. "Well your girlfriend might find it easier to just let her old persona die. Just disappear, let people think she died or vanished. Forget about the job she hates, forget about the bigoted family. Walk away and start brand new."

Meg asked nervously, "Is that what you did?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "I haven't seen my parents in almost forty years..."

My voice trailed off as it hit me just how long it's been. I made a mental note to check up on them again. Last time I looked them up was a year or two ago. They were still living in that same little house in the east end of Toronto. They had to be nearing the point where they'd move into a nursing home or something though. My dad would be almost ninety now, and my mom wouldn't be far behind.

Tara's arm slipped around my waist and she gave me a gentle squeeze. 

"For you Meg," my girlfriend said as she took over again, "You'll have to decide how to handle things with friends and family. You can do the same, just vanish and start over with a new name and persona? Though that might be difficult, people will probably recognize you here from your sets and everything. Or don't do that, and just deal with friends and family as it comes up. The thing is, you can't reveal yourself as a vamp. We only revealed ourselves to you because we were making you this offer, and we only did that because we knew and trusted you."

The redhead nodded slowly and sighed again, "Ok. It's a lot to consider. I'll talk with my girlfriend and I guess... What's next? You need to meet her?"

I nodded, "Yeah. If she wants, if you both want to move forward, contact me or Tara. We'll arrange a meeting here, we can use the office so it's private. And we'll see how it goes."

"All right," she replied. "Thanks again. I'll talk it over with her this morning, and let you know."

After that me and Tara bid her a good night, then watched her leave. 

Once she was gone I turned towards my girlfriend and asked, "Assuming everything works out, are you ready to be a Dame? Are you ready to turn someone?"

Tara didn't look all that confident. She grimaced slightly then shook her head "I don't really know? I've read about it, how to do it. And I remember how you did it when you turned me. I'm sure I could do it, but am I ready? I just don't know yet."

"I know we never thought the opportunity would come up so soon for you," I replied as I pulled her into a hug. "It's a big decision, but if we do it, we'll be doing it together. I'll be here to help you, and them. And I'm sure Reuben and Zach will chip in as well if we need them."

She nodded slowly, then suddenly let out a giggle. "Holy fuck Sam, it sounds like we're talking about having kids or something."

I grinned, "Yeah it kinda does."


>> Messages <<
Sun, Sep 14, 2:11pm

Meg > Hi Sam, I just spoke with my girlfriend and she wants to come meet you and Tara.
Meg > Should I bring her to the club on Friday? We can talk before my set starts.

Sam > At the club tomorrow. 2pm sharp. Bring her in the staff entrance. We'll meet in the office.

Meg > She'll be at work. Office job remember? M-F 9-5

Sam > She can take a sick day.

Meg > Ok. See you tomorrow.


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