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*** Content warning: partial/temporary mind control, mild sexual content ***

It was another Saturday night and my girlfriend and I were back at our club. We spent some time on the dance floor, but to be honest it sometimes got a little overwhelming.

Vamp senses are a lot sharper than humans, and both my and Sam's senses were even stronger than a normal vamp. 

Between the loud music, the throbbing bass beats, and being surrounded by a bunch of hot living humans all moving in time with the music it really wasn't a surprise we got overwhelmed now and then.

Sam and I were just heading for the stairs to the upper level when I spotted someone through the crowd.

That policewoman was back, but she wasn't working undercover tonight. She wasn't decked out in club wear. She wasn't heading for the bar, and she wasn't dancing. In fact she was ignoring the other people dancing around her as she made her way through the crowd. Her eyes were on me and Samantha, and she was heading straight for us.

Sam had seen her too, and we both just stood at the bottom of the stairs and watched as Vanessa approached.

The brunette was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a yellow blouse. She had low-heeled shoes on her feet, and a jacket over her arm and a purse slung from her shoulder. Her make-up was simple and subtle. She looked like she was dressed for a visit to the grocery store or a family restaurant, not a hot swinging nightclub.

As she approached us, Samantha greeted her with a smile. "Constable Onesky, what a nice surprise."

Vanessa wasn't smiling and she didn't look happy. She didn't exactly look needy or desperate, but she did look like she wanted something.

She stated, "I need to talk to you two."

I asked, "Is this more official police business? Should we go back to the office so we can talk in private?"

The cop looked torn at that suggestion. Like she definitely wanted to talk but for some reason she was anxious about being alone with me and Samantha. 

She asked uneasily, "You really own this place?"

"Yep," Sam stated. She guided us all towards the staff doors as she added, "Come on. It's too loud to talk out here anyways." 

My girlfriend led the way and I followed behind Vanessa as the three of us went through the doors into the back. We found Reuben in the office, he was sitting at the desk working on the laptop. 

He looked up when we opened the door and asked, "Is there a problem?"

Sam shook her head "No problem. We need to borrow the office for a while though. Sorry to kick you out."

Reuben smiled as he closed the lid on the laptop, "It's your office girls, I just work here."

Me and Sam both smiled back, and I said "Thanks Reuben. We'll let you know when we're finished."

After he was gone we closed and locked the door, then we all sat at the desk this time instead of the sofa. Sam let me have the big leather chair behind the desk, while she and Vanessa sat in the two guest chairs.

Vanessa was quiet through all that. If anything she seemed more uneasy after hearing Reuben basically confirm that we were his bosses. After we were all seated she seemed to push that aside for now. She looked at us both and half-demanded, "What did you two do to me last week? Did you drug me? Was my drink spiked with something? What was it?"

Sam and I exchanged a look, then I replied "Those are some serious charges, officer. What makes you think we'd ever do something like that?"

My girlfriend added, "Is this an official investigation? Are we under arrest?"

Vanessa looked back and forth between us, she looked stressed and upset. 

"No," she sighed. "It's not an official anything. I'm on suspension, for drinking on the job. I don't even remember having a drink but somehow I got drunk here last week and was sent home in a cab! So I want to know, what did you two do to me?"

Sam looked at me and shrugged, "Your call, cutie."

We hadn't really talked about what we'd do if Vanessa came back. I knew it was a possibility, our feeding aura could do that to people and Sam pushed it pretty hard last week. We could just send her away now and she'd be frustrated, but that might be the end of it. On the other hand she was a cop and it was possible she could cause us trouble.

"What?" the cop demanded when I didn't respond right away. "What aren't you saying? Damn it tell me!"

I made my mind up. She came back looking for answers, and maybe something more. We'd give her some answers then see what else she wanted. I cast my feeding aura on her, but I kept it weak at first. It was enough to drain the stress from her and help her to relax, as her tension was replaced with nice soothing happy feelings.

"All those questions Vanessa," I said with a sigh. "And you didn't even ask us about the hickey on the inside of your right leg."

She looked like she was trying to frown, but couldn't quite manage it. Her voice was relaxed and calm as she asked, "How'd you know about that?"

I smiled slightly, "Because Samantha did it. She bit you."

Vanessa turned her head to the left to look at my girlfriend, "Why?"

Sam kept quiet, she was letting me handle this. She had a faint smile on her lips though. 

I turned my aura up a little stronger as I replied "We're vampires, Vanessa. Sam bit you so we could have a little snack. And you enjoyed it. A lot."

"I did?" she asked as her cheeks took on a faint blush. She sounded a little drunk now as her attention returned to me.

"You must have," I replied as my aura grew stronger. "Didn't you come back so we could do it again?"

Her blush grew a little brighter but she smiled as she admitted, "Yeah... I did."

After a few seconds her expression shifted. Her smile faded and she looked curious, "But there's no such thing as vampires."

My girlfriend was still quiet, but she was smirking now as I started ramping my aura up.

I replied, "Oh we're real Vanessa." 

"Yeah..." she sounded intoxicated now and her eyelids started to droop. I watched as she slumped a little in her chair. Her purse and jacket slipped from her grasp onto the floor, and her scent told me she was just about ready. 

I pushed my aura on her a little harder then suggested, "Vanessa why don't you take off your jeans? Then get comfortable on the sofa."

She nodded, "Ok."

Her movements were slow and a little uncoordinated, but she stood up and unbuttoned her pants. She wriggled out of them, and as they came off so did her panties. She kicked off her shoes and socks socks as well, leaving herself naked from the waist down. 

Sam and I watched as the cop moved to the sofa then let herself slump back on the soft leather cushions. Like last week, her legs were splayed wide and she let her arms hang limp to either side of her.

Sam glanced at me and smiled, "Well done, cutie. Go get her."

I hadn't actually been that hungry tonight, but faced with a fresh and willing meal I found myself suddenly feeling a little snacky. I got up and moved out from behind the desk then approached Vanessa. The bruise on her right thigh was almost gone, and the marks from Sam's bite had healed up enough that there were just two faint pink dots there. Still, I didn't want to interfere with the healing on that side so we'd be feeding from her left thigh tonight.

I kept my aura focused on the policewoman, and from her scent I could tell she was completely at our mercy again. 

She looked and sounded needy now as she asked softly "Please... Don't keep me waiting."

I slipped down to my knees and gently ran my fingers up along the inside of her left thigh, from her knee to her crotch. She moaned in response, and I could feel the heat coming off her soft, delicate flesh. Her heart was beating faster now, and her scent grew stronger.

I took my time, and I teased her a little first. I gave her a few kisses then I licked along her inner thigh, following the same path I caressed a moment earlier. I could practically taste the blood just under her skin, and her flesh was so hot it almost burned. 

"Please," Vanessa moaned. "I need it..."

I figured she'd waited long enough, and so had I. She gasped quietly as my fangs penetrated the soft warm skin, and I was rewarded with a mouthful of hot delicious blood. I swallowed it down and took another mouthful, while my tongue moved around over the wound. It was almost instinctive, but it added to the sensual experience for both of us.

Vanessa moaned loudly. Her body stayed still but from her scent and the sounds she was making you'd think she was in the throes of ecstasy.

After a third mouthful I forced myself to pull back. As soon as I was clear Sam took my place. I felt completely alive, exhilarated, invigorated. The words couldn't adequately describe the way we felt after drinking fresh living blood. It was something I'd never experienced as a living human. 

I stepped back and watched my girlfriend as she knelt and buried her face between Vanessa's thighs. The sight was quite lewd, and coupled with the way I felt after feeding, the view and the scents were starting to get me going too. 

Vanessa moaned again as Samantha drank from her left thigh. Sam's left hand caressed Vanessa's right thigh, and my aura was still bathing the young woman in positive feelings. 

Like me, Samantha only took a couple mouthfuls. I realized she already got the first aid kit out as well, she was holding gauze and a bandage in one hand.

She had the gauze ready and when she pulled back she pressed it over the wound. Vanessa moaned once more, the look on her face was one of pure bliss. Now that we'd both had our snack, I gradually let my aura taper off. 

The policewoman sighed, but for now she remained sprawled on the sofa. Me and Samantha moved back to the desk but we didn't sit down. We wound up standing next to each other, leaning against the desk as we watched our guest. Sam's right arm was around my shoulders, my left arm was around her waist. I was still feeling pumped after the light snack, and I had a wide smile on my face.

Eventually we sat down together. Sam settled into the large leather chair behind the desk, and I perched in her lap with an arm around her shoulders. We cuddled and shared the occasional kiss as we watched and waited for our guest to recover. 

It took twenty or thirty minutes, but Vanessa slowly emerged from her stupor. She blinked a few times and sat upright, then pulled her legs together as she fully regained her senses.

I tried not to smile too widely as I asked, "I trust we've answered all your questions?"

"You can get dressed now Vanessa," Sam said. Then she added with a smirk, "If you want."

The brunette blushed but she got to her feet, then quickly picked up her discarded clothing. Her body language revealed she was trying to act calm, trying to hide how embarrassed she felt. Meanwhile the look on her face was a mix of confusion, shame, and disbelief.

I cuddled a little closer against my girlfriend as I told our guest, "There's nothing to be ashamed about, Vanessa."

As soon as she was dressed and had her shoes on she picked up her purse and jacket and quickly let herself out of the office. Sam and I watched as she hurried out of sight, and a moment later the music and noise of the club grew louder as Vanessa went out through the door onto the dance floor. I had a feeling she wouldn't stop moving till she was safely back at home.

"What do you think?" I asked, as I twisted to look at Sam.

She gave me a kiss then shrugged, "She'll be back. Did you see the look on her face as she was dressing? She was already trying to come up with rational excuses for what happened. She's probably trying to convince herself we're not really vamps."

I couldn't argue with that. I had the same impression.



Those girls are getting a thrall, are they? 😅