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*** Content warning: partial/temporary mind control, mild sexual content ***

Sam and I settled into the seats at our favourite table. The music was loud and the bass beats were throbbing in our chests again as usual, and from here we could see Meg in the DJ booth. The club was crowded, people were dancing and enjoying themselves. It was another good Saturday night.

I had a sip of blood, and noticed my girlfriend was still staring at our top DJ.

"Still no answer from her yet?" I asked.

After a moment Sam looked over at me, "Hmm?"

By the questioning expression on her face, I knew she hadn't been paying attention so I asked again. "Meg still hasn't given you an answer yet?"

"No," she replied, shaking her head slightly. She had a sip of blood then added, "It's been a month. I think at this point no answer just means no."

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, you're probably right."

There was a thoughtful, disappointed look on Samantha's face now. She had another sip of her drink before she commented, "I was sure she'd go for it. I really thought she was interested."

"Me too," I sighed. "At least she wasn't too freaked out, she didn't panic. And she still works here, so she's obviously not that bothered by it."

"Yeah," Sam nodded. "Good point."

I leaned a little closer against my girlfriend and said "Don't let it bother you, ok? It's always got to be up to them, and that means they have the option to say no."

"I know," she replied. "I guess it's the 'no answer' part that's bothering me? Like if she just said no, that'd be different. Leaving us waiting is... I don't know? It's like there's the possibility she'll still say yes, so it's like leaving us on hold."

I thought about that as I had another sip of blood. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as fresh.

We eventually figured out what was wrong with the blood the Family provided us. It wasn't tainted or adulterated as such, it was just processed and old. Vampires didn't need iron or haemoglobin or plasma, we weren't sustained by a biological or chemical process. When we fed on living blood what we were really consuming was life itself.

The more blood was processed and the longer it was stored, the less useful it was to us. That's why we needed so much of the bagged stuff, a pint every single day. And the 'tainted' batch wasn't poisoned, it was just stale.

Since we left the family we took all our meals fresh and direct from the source. The blood we drank here in the club we harvested and bottled ourselves. It was a nice pleasant beverage, but being bottled and refrigerated it wouldn't sustain us like a fresh meal did. 

Sam finally said, "I think I'll talk with Meg again. Let her know that I want an answer one way or another? Maybe give her to the end of the month, so she knows it's not like an indefinite open invitation."

"That sounds fair," I replied. "If she's still thinking about it that gives her a couple more weeks. If she's not thinking about it, if she's decided against it, then she knows she should tell us that rather than just leave us hanging."

My girlfriend was about to say something else when we both noticed a woman approaching our table.

She'd just come up the stairs, she looked like she'd come straight from the bar. She had a large fruity cocktail in her right hand, and a small purse in her left. Her age was hard to guess, somewhere between mid-twenties and early thirties. She dressed twenty-five but a few tell-tale signs in her face and how she moved made me think she was older.

She was in club-wear, she had three-inch heels, mesh stockings, a tiny dark green mini-skirt, and a top that was translucent enough that it almost wasn't there at all. It certainly didn't do much to hide the black lace bra she was wearing underneath it. The entire outfit did an excellent job of showing off her very fit, attractive figure. She looked tall, even without the heels she was probably at least five-foot-eight. 

She had fair skin with a slight tan to it, and her eyes were an attractive hazel colour. Her light brown hair was short and done in a fun care-free pixie-cut that probably took hours to perfect. Her face was rather pretty, and she had some good make-up skills too.

By comparison Sam and me weren't dressed up and didn't look all that special tonight. It was just another Saturday night at our club for us. Sam was in tights and a short skirt, and a pink tie-dyed t-shirt. I wore a dark green blouse and a pair of slacks. Sam had her ankle-boots on, and I was in my Docs. Sam had dark make-up, mine was subtle.

So it was a bit of a surprise to have this club girl head straight for us, with the obvious intention of trying to hit on us or chat us up or something.

"Hi," she smiled at us as she stood across from us. "I saw you two sitting alone up here. Can I join you?"

Sam and I exchanged a glance, then she shrugged "Sure."

The girl pulled out the chair across from us and settled into it as she set her glass down on the table. "I'm Vanessa. What's your names?"

We glanced at each other again, then I replied "I'm Tara. My girlfriend's name is Samantha."

I already knew this girl wasn't what she appeared. There was no alcohol on her breath. She bought a drink but she hadn't had any of it yet. I was positive she was a few years older than she was trying to look. 

And in the fourteen months since we opened our club, we'd never had anyone just walk up and try chatting us up like this. Most people stayed away, either because we looked too young or because they were sensitive enough to get chills when they looked at us.

Sam obviously knew something was up as well, but she was playing along. "Hi Vanessa. I don't think I've seen you around, is this your first visit to Club Nocturne?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "I'm kind of new in town, just starting to get out and find the hot spots, you know?"

That was a lie, I spotted some telltale signs in and around her eyes. Sam would have seen it too, I was sure. We were both curious though. We wanted to know who this Vanessa really was and what she wanted with us.

I knew this stranger was human. She smelled human, and I could see the blood moving under her skin and the body heat coming off her.

Sam glanced at me, then had another sip of her drink. 

I did the same, then asked "So Vanessa are you here for dancing? Or the drinks? Or the music? Or are you here to make some new friends?"

Vanessa still hadn't touched her drink, and something told me she wasn't going to. She was staring at Sam, more specifically at her right hand. She probably just noticed my girlfriend was missing most of the last two fingers on that hand. 

It took Vanessa a second or two to recover then she smiled at me as she replied, "Oh definitely dancing, and I love the music. Actually though, could I ask you two a question?"

Sam nodded "Sure, what is it?"

Vanessa opened her purse and in a fluid motion she flashed a badge then stated in a serious voice, "I need to see some ID from you two. You both look underage to me."

Sam rolled her eyes and had another sip of blood before she replied, "We're not drinking alcohol, so fuck off."

I added, "Fuck right off out of our club, you're not welcome here. You can leave on your own, or I'll call a bouncer to remove you."

Vanessa wasn't put off or intimidated by our answers. She replied firmly, "If I don't see some ID, I'll be escorting you two off the property then I'll have some words with the owners."

I stated, "We are the owners, dumbass."

"Bullshit," she retorted. "Last chance, let me see the ID."

Me and Sam joked about getting carded by our own staff, but having this undercover cop come in here and start threatening us in our own place was too damn much. The annoying thing was neither of us actually had any ID. We could get fake ID but we'd basically have to keep getting it updated every year since neither of us aged.

I wasn't sure what to do but my girlfriend had already made up her mind. 

The effects of her feeding aura quickly became obvious as Vanessa's eyelids drooped slightly and her posture became much more relaxed. Her heart-rate slowed a bit and her breathing became deeper and slower.

"We keep our ID with our purses in the managers office," Sam said in a friendly tone. "If you like, we can all go downstairs and take you into the back, so you can see them?"

The cop grinned, "Ok. Yeah. That sounds good."

My girlfriend picked up her glass and drained it, then suggested "You haven't touched your drink Vanessa. You don't want it to go to waste do you? Why not drink it down, before we go?"

I smiled as the cop pick up the cocktail. She hesitated just a moment as she looked down at the drink in her hand, then she chugged the whole thing. I drained my glass of the last of my blood, and the three of us got to our feet.

Samantha led the way and I followed behind, with Vanessa in between us. We took her through the doors to the right of the bar, then it was a short walk down the hall and into the manager's office. I locked the door behind us.

The office was spacious and rather comfortable. There was a big sturdy mahogany desk with a large leather chair behind it, a couple guest chairs in front, and a pair of locked filing cabinets to the side. A laptop sat closed on the desk. A big comfortable leather sofa was against the wall opposite the desk, and the floor was covered in soft dark plush carpet.

Sam led the cop over to the leather sofa, where the three of us sat down. Vanessa was in the middle, she had Sam and I sitting close on either side of her. She was still under the full effect of my girlfriend's aura, and from the changes in her scent I could tell the cop was pretty much at our mercy now.

My girlfriend kept her aura going strong as she reached up and gently caressed Vanessa's cheek. She started asking the cop questions, using a calm and relaxing tone. Meanwhile I took the purse from the woman's unresisting fingers, and opened it up and had a quick look through it.

In addition to the badge I found a phone, a small gun, and a pocket-sized can of pepper-spray. There were a couple twenty-dollar bills, a bank card, and her drivers license. From that I got her full name, her age, and her home address.

Vanessa Onesky was twenty-nine years old and lived in a suburb to the east of the city. 

Sam meanwhile learned that Vanessa was sent here on an assignment to look for under-age drinkers. Apparently there was a crack-down going on, they were sending undercover cops into all the clubs and bars downtown. It didn't sound like anything for us to worry about. Our staff were strict about checking ID, which is why the two of us kept getting carded by new hires.

That was all the information the woman had for us. Rather than just let her go, Sam decided the two of us had earned a little reward for all the inconvenience.

I watched as Samantha gently guided the cop's legs apart and pulled her skirt up out of the way. The woman didn't resist, or even question. She just smiled happily as my girlfriend got the cop into a convenient position. Then Sam slipped off the sofa to her knees while one of her hands gently caressed up along the inside of Vanessa's right thigh.

Sam's aura was still focused on the policewoman, and all Vanessa could do was moan softly in anticipation. Her eyes were closed now and her lips parted. Her heart rate increased, and from her scent both Sam and I knew she was eager and waiting. 

My girlfriend revealed her fangs, and gently bit through Vanessa's tights into the soft warm flesh of her inner thigh.

There was one quiet gasp from the woman, then she moaned again. The smell of hot fresh blood mingled with Vanessa's other scents. I set the purse aside now and licked my lips as I watched. 

Sam didn't take a full meal, she only had three or four mouthfuls before she pulled away so I could take her place. 

I moved with a little burst of vamp speed. I didn't want to let any of that wonderful red nectar go to waste.

Vanessa moaned again but otherwise remained sprawled motionless on the sofa. Her arms hung limp at her sides, her legs were spread wide and if not for the fact that my mouth was on her thigh rather than somewhere else, it would have looked like the cop and I were up to something much more lewd.

Like my girlfriend, I passed on a full meal. I only drank a few mouthfuls, between the two of us we took less than a pint. Vanessa would be drowsy, the drink she had a few minutes ago would be hitting her a lot harder than usual, and she'd probably have a hangover in the morning. But apart from that, she'd be fine.

Samantha got the first-aid kit from the desk while I was drinking. When I pulled back she was ready with a square of gauze, which she pressed over the wound.

Vanessa moaned again as I licked my lips once more. I was still kneeling between her legs and the aroma of blood along with the woman's other scents was almost intoxicating.

I got to my feet and stepped back, and Sam moved in closer. She was still tending to the wound in the cop's thigh, and I watched as she tore Vanessa's tights open a little wider then applied a large adhesive bandage over the injury, holding the gauze in place.

I knew from experience it would stop bleeding quickly, if it hadn't already. Tomorrow when she woke up, Vanessa would find two scabs and a bruise in a very intimate location. She might not remember exactly what happened, but she'd definitely remember how much she enjoyed it.

After she finished tending to Vanessa's injury, Sam turned and gave me a very passionate kiss. We could taste the blood on each other's lips and tongues, and I knew she felt as good as I did after that unexpected snack. 

My girlfriend grinned at me, "I'll let a bouncer know that Vanessa here had too much to drink and needs a cab ride home. Then how about you and me head home too? I'm a little too worked-up for dancing now."

I smiled back, "Me too."



Thanks for the double-pack ♥ I wondered how is Sam's hand healing? But then I mathed around a bit... It was four years since that fight by the time of the interloge. And the fight was ... three-ish years since Tara was turned. Now we are at 7 years since the turning, that means ... Still in the same year as the interloge, so I guess, not much process beyond stubby-wiggling :D


yeah still just stub-wiggles. this is all coming fairly soon after the interlogue, so there hasn't been much time for additional healing.


Still kinda shakey on the whole vamp feeding sex association. Just gives me creepy vibes since consent can't actually be given.