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Over the last week me and Melissa made a point of meeting Amber first thing in the morning before classes. We both wanted to see how things were coming, since she was changing quite a bit every day.

Friday was the big day, her transformation was finished this morning and we were both excited to see her, but she didn't show up. 

I started worrying until Melissa pointed out, "If she was in trouble Lily would have said something, or done something. Maybe Amber's just taking a little extra time to get ready this morning since it's kind of a big day for her."

"Yeah," I nodded. "Good point."

She smiled, "Come on, let's get to class. I'm sure we'll see Amber at lunch."

Melissa was right of course. When noon arrived the two of us made our way to the cafeteria and Amber met us there. 

"Hi Mara, hi Melissa," she greeted us with a grin. "Sorry I missed you both this morning, it took me a little longer to get ready than usual."

Like yesterday, it was hard to tell what was different. I figured the last few changes were all probably concealed under her clothing.

Me and Melissa both returned her greeting and I smiled as I half-whispered to her, "It's ok. My first shower after I changed took a lot longer than usual too. Lots to explore and discover, right?"

Her face went red as she sputtered, "What? It's not... That isn't..."

Melissa suppressed a giggle and told her, "Don't listen to Mara. She's just teasing."

The three of us found a table and me and Melissa both sat down, but before Amber got seated she took off her hoodie and draped it over the back of the chair. I found myself staring at her.

I was sure that was the first time I'd seen her without her hoodie on, like ever. Seeing her without it was like a big unveiling or something. She wasn't dressed in anything special, just tight black jeans and a small dark t-shirt. She had cute running shoes on her feet.

Out of everything that had changed for her over the past ten days, the only really impossible things were basically her height and maybe her overall size. She'd gone from Susan's five-foot-six down to my five-foot-four. I knew her feet were smaller than before, so were her hands. Overall her body shape was more or less similar to my own, she was petite. And of course the fact that her transformation happened in only ten days was impossible. But apart from that, she actually didn't look like she'd changed all that much. 

If she'd transitioned before puberty she probably would have turned out just like this. Her face was still recognizable, it just became a cute feminine version of the same face.

Despite being around the same height as me, she was a bit smaller from what I could see. Her hips weren't as wide, her behind didn't stick out as much, and her boobs were at least a size smaller than mine. She did have a narrow waist though, her figure was absolutely feminine. And everything about her just seemed to fit her personality.

In some ways she was like the complete opposite of Melissa. Instead of being tall blonde busty and sexy, Amber was a small shy cute brunette. She wasn't even that small to be honest. Like five-foot-four seemed small when you used to be a taller guy, but it wasn't that far off average for women. But with Amber, I got the impression or feeling she was smaller than she looked.

I finally found my voice as Amber took her seat next to me, "You look amazing Amber! I'm so happy for you!"

"Totally," Melissa agreed. "You look fantastic!"

Amber blushed but she was smiling too, "Thank you. I'm really happy."

"I bet!" I grinned.

Me and Amber finally started eating, while Melissa just had a cola. And I found myself staring at Amber again as we ate.

My mind started trying to pick words to describe her, and the rest of us. For Melissa the first word that came up was bimbo, but I scratched that. I decided 'sexy' was the best word for her. Like even if you didn't know she was part-succubus, she just exuded this feeling of sexiness.

For Susan, the first word that came to my mind was curvaceous. There were quite a few other words that popped up, especially after everything the three of us did Wednesday night, but I was trying to limit myself to just the best one for now.

When I looked at Amber the word that jumped out was mousey, but in a good way. Like she was small, shy, cute, anxious. Something about her just made me think, 'must protect cute smol bean.'

Then I tried to think of a word for myself, and the first one that came up was troublesome. I almost pouted as I thought, thanks brain. I have my girlfriends to tease me about that stuff, I don't need you doing it too! So I went with the second one, which was unpredictable. At least it was better than 'troublesome'.

"So how'd the job interview go?" Melissa asked. "It was last night right?"

With another blushy grin Amber announced, "It went great! I start on Tuesday."

Me and Melissa both congratulated her, and I gave her a hug. 

"It'll be a couple shifts on weeknights," she added, "And probably a longer shift on Saturdays. Maybe some hours on Sundays too."

Melissa leaned closer and asked, "So Lily's got you all set up to do that enchantment thing?"

Amber nodded and replied quietly, "Yeah. I'm a little anxious, but also kind of eager to see how it goes? Like... Magic! It's kind of cool, right?"

"Very cool," I agreed with a wide smile.

The three of us talked a bit more about Amber's new job, and we confirmed she'd be coming back to the apartment with us tonight so we could all celebrate together. Then towards the end of our lunch break, Matt stopped by again to say hello.

He stared at Amber again and shook his head, "It's like every time I've seen you this week you look different. You look great, don't get me wrong, but you keep changing..."

Amber blushed but smiled as she replied "Well it's all over now, so you don't have to worry about me changing any more after today."

Matt's eyebrows went up and he slipped into the chair across from her, "It's over, as in, you're completely changed? Like uh, completely?"

She blushed a little brighter but nodded "Yes, completely as in completely."

He stared at her for a few moments in surprise, then slowly shook his head. "I won't bother asking how, I know you won't tell me. But congratulations Amber. You look great. More than that, you look happy. Like really happy."

Amber responded with another blushy grin, which I was starting to realize might just be her default setting. "Thanks Matt."

The two of them sort of stared at each other for a few moments, or rather Matt stared at Amber while she smiled and blushed and acted adorably awkward. He wasn't exactly Mr. Suave either, and I had a hard time holding back some silly comments as I watched the pair of them. I had a feeling Melissa was feeling the same. Though I may have had an unfair advantage, since I had the whole demonic intuition thing going as I watched Amber's friend work up the courage to ask.

It took him another minute, but Matt finally asked awkwardly "So Amber, um, maybe you and me could hang out again at some point? Like maybe we could get dinner or something?"

She looked up at him and added a wide-eyed stare to her default blushy grin. She half-whispered, "Oh my gosh Matt are you trying to ask me out on a date? It's literally only been six hours since my changes finished. Two weeks ago you thought I was a guy and now you're trying to date me?"

Matt's face went bright red while me and Melissa both fought back grins and giggles as we enjoyed the show the two of them were putting on.

"I wasn't... I didn't mean... Not a date!" Matt finally managed to say. "Just like, hanging out, you know?"

Amber smirked and I realized she was holding back a giggle of her own, before she managed to compose herself. 

She was still blushy as she told him "Seriously Matt, I wasn't kidding when I said it's only been six hours. I really do need time to get used to things. And anyways, I have plans for tonight. How about you and me get together next Friday night instead?"

That caught both me and Melissa off-guard, and I was positive Matt didn't expect it either. All three of us stared at Amber in surprise. I thought she'd decline, or put him off to talk again later or whatever. I certainly didn't think she'd actually plan a date with him.

"Ok," Matt finally nodded with a happy smile. "Next Friday for sure!"

That was actually the end of our entertainment, and the end of lunch. Amber slipped her oversized hoodie back on, the thing seemed miles too big on her now and it just served to make her look even smaller and more adorable. Then all four of us headed away to get to our afternoon classes.

• • • • •

"Wait what's this called again?" I asked as I stared suspiciously at the little cylinder of rice and mystery in my hand, while my tail idly swished back and forth on my lap.

Amber replied, "It's a Dynamite Roll. It's just some tempura shrimp, a bit of avocado, and some Japanese mayo, rolled up in seaweed paper and rice. It's the same shrimp you liked at the restaurant remember? Just rolled up in rice. The only thing in there that's raw is the avocado."

I was still a little uncertain but I was feeling brave so I popped it in my mouth and started chewing. And it actually wasn't bad either.

We were all back at the apartment again, and Susan insisted we had to get sushi delivery since Amber liked it and it was her big celebration and everything. The two of them did all the ordering, and they made sure to get a bunch of 'safe' stuff that a sushi-wimp like me might actually eat. Plus they got some regular cooked stuff as back-up, incase I completely bailed on the sushi.

And since the food arrived, Amber and Susan were taking turns introducing me and Melissa to the different safe sushi rolls and stuff. Melissa wasn't actually hungry since she worked last night but she was sampling the sushi which was nice. Like she was participating, I didn't have to suffer alone. And all four of us were into the vodka coolers as well, which helped everyone relax. 

"Ok," I said after I was finished. "That one goes on the 'good' list."

Amber grinned and got me the next one. It was another little roll, rice on the outside around some of that dark green paper stuff, and in the middle was some kind of meat with a dark glaze. 

"This one's fully cooked too," she assured me. "It's BBQ. No raw fish at all."

I nodded and popped it in my mouth. It didn't taste bad, but I couldn't tell what it was. Like the BBQ flavour wasn't anything I was familiar with, and I didn't recognize what kind of meat it was either. It was tender and had a nice tang to it.

When I was done I said "That was ok too. It was different though. You said it was BBQ, but what was it?"

"Eel," she replied with a smirk. "But you said it was ok right?"

I stared at her for a second and my tail stopped swishing. I wasn't sure if she was smirking because it wasn't really eel and she was just kidding, or if it really was eel and she was smirking because I said it was ok.

After a moment I decided I didn't want to know, so I just had a gulp of my cooler then asked "What's next?"

She produced the next little roll. This one had more stuff inside, and it was more colourful. "California Roll. There's 'imitation crab meat' which is basically just whitefish, but it's fully cooked and there's some red dye to make it look crabby. Then there's some slivers of cucumber and a wedge of avocado."

"What's the little orange stuff?" I asked as I picked it up.

Amber replied, "That's just seasoning."

I was starting to lose trust in her, but I tried it anyways. It wasn't bad either, and my tail slowly resumed moving back and forth on my lap. 

As I munched on the roll I began to suspect she'd tricked me. "Amber? Why do the little seasoning bits pop when I bite them?"

This time her composure broke and she stifled a little giggle, "Sorry Mara. They 'season' California Rolls with flying fish roe. They're um, tiny little fish eggs."

"Uh-huh," I gave her a look and tried to boop her nose with my tail but she leaned back out of reach, so I had another gulp of cooler instead. "Ok that's enough experimenting for now."

Melissa had enough of the experimental food as well, so she just relaxed with a drink and I got myself some of the hot food while Amber and Sue enjoyed the rest of the sushi together.

I didn't actually mind the sushi, even the one with the tiny eggs wasn't bad. And everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Amber was still all smiles and blushes, still riding the high from finishing her transformation. Susan seemed happy too, I was positive she was glad to rekindle an old friendship from before her life got really bad. 

After we all had enough to eat and the leftovers were packed away in the fridge, we got one of Sue's sci-fi movies going on the TV. Then we all promptly ignored it and continued talking and drinking and enjoying our evening together.

I noticed as the evening progressed, Amber seemed to be getting closer and closer to Susan. By the time the movie was over there was definitely some blatant cuddling going on. I kept quiet about it, and so did Melissa. 

We all talked a bit more, but the conversation was starting to wind down and it definitely felt like the boisterous excited energy had finally faded, now we just had relaxing vibes going on. And shortly after that, Susan and Amber excused themselves and disappeared into my bedroom, which is where Sue's bed was located.

I was fairly confident the only thing they'd be up to in there was more cuddling followed by sleeping. I wasn't going to pry though, and either way I was just happy that the two of them seemed happy.

Me and Melissa turned out the lights and stuff, then we headed into her room. As we climbed into her little bed together I decided when we moved to Susan's house all three bedrooms needed bigger beds.



Lol “sushi teasing”.

Demon Llama

Lol, "there was definitely some blatant cuddling going on." amused me greatly :3