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"So then my mom started getting angry," Amber said with a sigh. "She was trying to be polite, like on the one hand she was really happy to see Susan again? But she was obviously cross about the whole 'Amber is changing thanks to magic' thing."

I grimaced, "So what happened? We asked Sue when she got home last night, but she said we should talk to you since it's your family."

It was just past noon on Tuesday, me and Melissa and Amber were in the cafeteria having lunch together. Or rather, the two of them were having lunch together while I just sipped some juice. My appetite was non-existent today, since Lily fed last night as expected.

Amber was sitting next to me again, and Melissa sat on the other side of the table across from me. And we were both dying to find out how things went with Amber's folks last night. 

Amber replied, "Dad kept his mouth shut, like he didn't believe it but he was letting mom handle things. And I could tell Tracey didn't buy it either, but she wasn't upset or anything. I think she just thought the whole thing was weird."

She paused for another bite of her sandwich then continued, "Anyways so Sue offered to demonstrate, to prove that magic was real? Then right there at the dinner table, it was like she sort of rippled and changed! And a second later, Susan had long straight brown hair and brown eyes, exactly like Tracey's. And even her face changed so she looked sort of like me and Tracey, she looked exactly like you'd expect if she was my big sister. She had my dad's eyes, my mom's smile, her hair was like mine and Tracey's. It was hard to tell being fully dressed and seated at the dinner table but I'm sure the rest of her body changed too. Her hands looked different, and even her skin looked a lot more like mine and Traceys."

Me and Melissa were both staring at Amber with wide eyes now. 

Melissa exclaimed, "Holy crap! I had no idea Susan could do stuff like that!"

"Me neither," I said. "I knew she could do antlers and a tail, and I remember she sort of hinted there was more? But... Wow."

"So what happened?" Melissa asked Amber. "Like after your family saw that?"

Amber grinned, "Well at first all three of them just about flipped. And Susan kind of joked, she said if she had that magic six years ago she'd have done it back then, and just asked to just stay with our family as if she was their third daughter."

Her grin faded as she continued, "Before dinner when my folks were sort of catching up with her, Susan told them about the stuff with her aunt and everything? So when she joked about making herself look like us then joining the family, that actually sort of helped mom and dad get past the shock and everything? Like I'm sure Sue meant it as an example of how magic could help with really difficult problems. And it worked. They kind of calmed down and asked a bunch of questions. And most of them Sue didn't answer, she explained how there was a lot of secrecy for everyone's safety. But in the end, my folks were actually a lot more relaxed."

"Well that's good," I said. "So you figure things are all settled now with your parents?"

Amber nodded, "I think so? Right now my biggest concern is my sister. Tracey really wants to learn how to do that magic herself. She was practically begging me and Susan to teach her, or to hook her up with the person who taught us. And I explained to her, and my parents, that I couldn't do the stuff Susan did. I told them my only contact with magic was my transition, and when that was finished it'd be done and over."

Melissa asked, "It sounds like things worked out ok then? Your family's stopped worrying, and neither you or Susan had to tell them anything about Lily or demons or succubi."

"Yeah!" Amber grinned, "And there's only three more days to go till I'm all done. I'm honestly really excited about that."

"I bet!" I smiled back at her. "We definitely have to make plans to celebrate on Friday!"

Even from yesterday to today I could see and hear the changes. Her voice had gone up slightly in pitch, her face had changed a little more, and I was positive her body was still changing. She was still wearing that same oversized hoodie, but instead of baggy track pants or trousers she had black leggings on today and they showed off the contours of her legs. And she was wearing new shoes that were definitely smaller than her old ones. And even though her hoodie was even bigger on her than before, there were times when she moved around that I could spot the contours of her body underneath. I knew she was starting to show some curves, in her chest and her hips.

Her hair hadn't grown any more lately, I figured shoulder-length was where it would stay. And despite the changes to her face, she was still recognizable. Unlike me or Melissa, I had a feeling Amber's changes wouldn't be so drastic that people wouldn't know her. Like after she was done, someone who hadn't seen her in a year or two would probably believe she'd just transitioned normally. There were a few impossible changes, like she was another half-inch shorter today, and the fact that all this was happening so fast. But apart from that, I figured when it was over there wouldn't be too much impossible stuff. 

Melissa said, "I'll try and make my date this week for Thursday night then, and leave Friday open?"

I pouted, "Then you won't eat Friday night."

"Yeah but I'll still be there," she replied. "And I can drink. You know, like you're doing right now?"

I blushed, "Yeah I know. Is it weird that I think that's the biggest drawback to all this? Like I don't mean to speak for you or Susan, but since the three of us got zapped with demonic magic, the biggest disruption is it makes it so hard for all three of us to coordinate meals together."

Melissa stifled a laugh, "So getting stuck with horns and a tail is fine, but losing your appetite for two days is the problem?"

"Hey!" I protested. My tail was curled up on my lap but I raised it up and waggled it around, except it was invisible so nobody could see it. "I like my horns and tail!"

Amber struggled for a couple seconds to keep a straight face, then finally let out a giggle. 

Her expression shifted to a grin as she exclaimed, "Oh hey, with all the other stuff that happened I almost forgot! I have a job interview coming up!"

"Nice!" Melissa said as she smiled too. "When, where?"

There was a bit of a blush in her cheeks as Amber replied, "It's an 'Adult Novelties' place just off McNicoll Avenue? They're part of a chain, I filled out an online application over the weekend. They called last night, I have an interview on Thursday after school."

"That's great!" I said as I gave her a hug. "I hope you get it!"

"Me too," she replied happily, but a moment later her excited grin fell into a frown.

And as soon as I saw why I understood. 

Her friend Matt had just walked up to the table and stood next to us. He asked quietly, "Can I uh, join you all for a few minutes?"

Amber didn't respond, she just stared down at her lunch. Melissa didn't say anything either, so I looked up at him and said "Ok Matt. Have a seat, let's hear what you have to say."

He slumped into the chair next to Melissa, across from Amber. She was still looking down at her food, and her face was a little red. Not from embarrassment, but maybe anger. She was obviously upset, but I had to assume she wanted to hear him out or she would have said something or given us some sign she didn't want him here.

Matt looked across at her and whatever he was going to say was momentarily forgotten. 

"Holy shit," he gasped quietly as he stared. "Amber what the fuck? How are you changing so much, so fast?!"

She didn't respond, or even look up at him.

I suggested quietly "Matt? Forget about that and get on with whatever you came here to say."

He glanced at me then nodded slowly, and finally looked back at her again.

He took a deep breath and sighed, "Amber I'm sorry. Rahul called me last night and told me he and Jim tried to talk to you about some stuff yesterday. I had no idea they were planning to speak with you. If I'd known I'd have told them not to. And I sure as hell didn't suggest it."

Amber stayed quiet for now, and she still wasn't looking at Matt. Her focus remained on her lunch, and she quietly picked up her root beer and had a sip of it.

I figured she was still thinking about her friend's apology, so while she stayed quiet I asked "Hey Matt? How's Jim doing?"

Matt gave me a bit of a funny look as he stated, "Your stunt knocked out four of his teeth and left him with a concussion. He probably won't be back to class till next week, and he might not be allowed to play hockey for another two weeks after that."

It wasn't clear from his tone if he expected me to be sad or sorry his buddy was missing a few days of school and a few weeks of sports, but if he was he was in for some disappointment.

"Wow," I said in a calm, sarcastic tone. "Maybe next time he'll think twice before he grabs a girl and shoves his hand up her skirt into her crotch.

Matt stared at me in shock, "He did what?"

I looked back at him and suddenly realized what was going on. 

"Ok," I sighed. "Obviously Rahul gave you an edited version of what happened."

Amber finally spoke up. She was still staring at her food as she said softly, "They didn't want to talk to me Matt. They threatened me. They deadnamed me and misgendered me. They forced me into the stairwell and down to the basement where they thought they could attack me without anyone noticing. They insisted I was a guy and they wanted to beat me up as if that would somehow prove their point. When Mara came to help me they tried to blame her for my being trans, and they threatened and misgendered her too. And Jim grabbed Mara and groped her, he wanted to 'check if she was really a guy' or some bullshit like that. That's when she punched him, when he hand his hands on her."

By the time Amber finished talking, the look on Matt's face said it all. He obviously got a very different story from Rahul. 

He shook his head and sighed, "Oh fuck. Amber I am so sorry! Rahul said they just tried to talk to you. I had no idea... I didn't know those guys were like that. Shit."

He looked at me and added, "Rahul said you tripped Jim on the stairs and he went face-first into the railing. Obviously he never said anything about the two of them trying to assault Amber or you."

Matt paused a moment then asked me, "How many times did you hit him?"

"Just once," I replied. "I just wanted him to get his hands off me."

He looked at me in shock so I shrugged and added, "I might be small, but I'm stronger than I look."

Melissa finally spoke up, she asked quietly "Matt do you know if either of them are going to take that story to campus security? Are they going to try and get Mara in trouble?"

"Rahul said they were keeping quiet about it," he replied as he shook his head. "He said if they did, Amber would probably lie to protect Mara, claim that the guys started it..."

With that his attention returned to his friend and he said softly, "Amber I hope you believe me when I say, I didn't know those guys were like that. I wouldn't have told them anything about you if I did. And I absolutely did not ask them to talk to you or anything else. If they'd mentioned it I would have told them not to. I hope you believe me?"

She sighed as she seemed to consider his words. She finally looked up at him and said "Thanks Matt. I'm glad to know you're not like them. I'm still unhappy you told them everything I told you on Saturday, some of that stuff was personal. I only shared it with you because we were friends for a long time."

"I'm sorry Amber," he replied, and I could tell he meant it. "I was shocked and upset, and I wasn't thinking about your feelings. I'm sorry I broke that trust."

She just nodded quietly. 

Matt sounded uneasy as he asked, "Are we good? Are we still friends?"

Amber sighed again, "I need some time Matt. You have no idea how scary that was yesterday, and if Mara hadn't found me when she did it could easily have been me with the concussion and the missing teeth. Or worse."

Her voice got a little more firm as she added, "You know I've never been like you Matt, I've never been the strong tough confident guy that you are. I don't fight, I've never fought back. We've been friends long enough, I know you know who I am and what I'm like. The only thing that's changing now is my outside is finally matching who I've always been on the inside."

"You're right," Matt nodded slowly. "And I'm happy for you Amber. I'm still curious though, will you tell me how you're doing it?"

She shook her head, "No. I'm sorry but I don't trust you enough."

Matt just nodded again, "That's fair."

He got to his feet and added, "I'm glad you've got friends who're looking out for you. I'll get out of the way so you can all finish your lunch."



I'm glad that Matt turns out to be good. It would be nice if he could regain the trust he once had and stay a close friend with Amber.