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The first week of February was another busy week at college. Last week we ended the first semester, this week we started our second semester. We had some new classes and new profs to get used to, but overall the schedule didn't change too much for me and Melissa.

I was hoping I'd get a fresh start or whatever with the two new profs, but that hope was dashed on Monday at the first class with one of them. My intuition thing told me he'd already been 'warned' about me by another prof so he already thought I was a bad student before he even met me.

That kind of ruined my mood for the rest of the day, but I tried to put it behind me. Tuesday went better, and when lunchtime came me and Melissa went to the cafeteria like usual. Amber met us there and the three of us sat down together.

As we started eating I asked, "Amber, have you heard anything from Matt?"

"No," she replied with a slight sigh. "I texted him on Saturday, he didn't respond. I get the feeling he's avoiding me."

That made me sad, "I'm sorry. Maybe he's still processing stuff."

"Yeah, maybe." She sounded sad too, and after that she focused on her lunch and didn't really say much.

Me and Melissa talked about classes and the new semester and stuff, while Amber listened to us and ate her lunch. I noticed she seemed anxious again today, and I could tell she had something on her mind again. And even though she was keeping quiet while we ate, I had a feeling there was something she wanted to talk about. 

It wasn't till we were all finished eating when she finally spoke up. She was still anxious and she spoke quietly again as she asked, "So um, I was wondering if I could talk with Lily again?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Not here though. If you need to talk to her right now maybe we can find somewhere private? Or if it can wait till later, you could come back to our place and talk to her there?"

Amber shook her head "It's not critical. It can wait till after classes."

Melissa suggested, "Let's meet somewhere after class, then you can ride back to the apartment with us."

"Thanks," Amber smiled nervously. She hesitated again before admitting "You're probably wondering why I want to see her again. I'm uh, I think I'm going to take her offer..."

That brought a big smile to Melissa's face as she enthused, "That's exciting!"

I agreed, "Yeah! We should order in tonight, have a little celebration or something!"

Amber blushed, she probably didn't want us to make a big fuss about it. On the other hand she was smiling too, and I was positive she was excited and looking forward to this evening. 

Her smile faded after a few moments and she asked Melissa, "I'll probably need your help with some of the paperwork afterwards. I mean, if Lily helps with the ID and stuff. Like if you could help me sort stuff out with the college admin and all that?"

"Of course," Melissa replied. "It's not that difficult but I don't mind giving you a hand."

After that I had a hard time focusing on classes. I was excited for Amber, and I knew she had to be even more excited. And probably anxious and maybe scared. 

When we got out of our last class me and Melissa went straight to the front doors where we agreed to meet. Amber was already there waiting, and the three of us went out to the car together. It was bitterly cold out and there was blowing snow which sucked, but it didn't take long to get the car cleaned off. And it was a very short drive, so we were in the underground parking before the car even really got warmed up.

Up in the apartment we all got out of our winter coats then I asked Amber, "Do you want a drink or something? Or do you want to get the meeting part done and out of the way first?"

She grimaced, "Do you mind if we do the meeting first?"

"Not at all," I grinned. I was kind of expecting that answer. "C'mon, we'll go into the bedroom so we have some privacy."

We both left our backpacks on the coffee table for now, while Melissa took hers into her room. Amber followed me into my bedroom and I closed the door behind her. Then she sat on the chair by the desk again and I sat on the edge of the bed. 

I gave her a reassuring smile and said, "Good luck. I'll see you afterwards."

Lily was ready and waiting of course, I figured she'd been listening since her name came up at lunch. I felt myself slipping backwards into sleep as she took over.

And as usual it seemed like only seconds later when I drifted awake again. Amber was still sitting across from me, she still looked the same as before, except now she had a wide smile on her face and she looked excited.

I didn't even have a chance to ask before she announced, "Ten days! It'll be all finished in ten days! And she said my ID stuff is already fixed too!"

"That's great!" I smiled back at her as I got to my feet. "Let's go join Melissa and we can celebrate."

Melissa was already relaxing on the sofa when we emerged from the bedroom. She had a vodka cooler in hand, and two more were waiting for us on the coffee table. Amber sat down on the other end of the sofa, and I took the middle spot between them.

"So how'd it go?" Melissa asked. She had an expectant smile on her face as she looked over at Amber.

Our guest was digging into her backpack and missed the question. Or maybe she thought it was directed at me. Amber pulled her wallet out of a side pocket and opened it up, then let out a happy laugh. Her drivers license already had her new name on it, and the M had been changed to an F. The picture hadn't changed though. I figured maybe that wouldn't change till Amber did.

She kept grinning as she stared at it, then finally said "Every morning for the next ten days I'll be another step closer. Ten-percent change every night while I sleep. So when I wake up on the morning of the fourteenth, it'll be all done and finished!"

Melissa looked surprised, "That's quick. How are you going to explain that to people?"

"I figured I'd use your excuse?" Amber replied. "Tell them it's a new experimental treatment or something like that, but I can't talk about it because of the NDA."

"That might work," Melissa agreed. "What if your folks freak out though?" 

Amber grimaced, "I don't know? I hope they don't."

She put her wallet away then picked up her cooler and had a few gulps, then her smile returned. I figured she was going to be excited for a while yet. Maybe for the next ten days.

I had a sip of my drink too, then asked "So I hope this doesn't bring the mood down, and I don't want to pry, but there's some questions I have to ask. Are you going to become part-succubus too?"

"Oh, um..." Amber grimaced again. "I guess so? Sort of? Lily said her normal terms wouldn't really work with me, so she was trying something new. An experiment, she said."

She had another gulp of her cooler then admitted, "I'm kind of... Well I'm sort of demi-ace? So I wouldn't really be able to work for her like a normal succubus."

Both me and Melissa were listening closely now, we were both really curious about this part. 

Amber paused for a moment, it looked like she was trying to organize her thoughts or come up with the easiest way to explain her arrangement with Lily. After a deep breath she gave us the gist of it.

"So I'm going to be part-succubus, but my powers aren't going to work like Susan or Melissa? Lily's going to teach me how to do a sort of enchantment, that will um... What I'm going to do is quit my job at the food court and start working at one of those adult stores? Selling sex toys and 'marital aids'? So with this succubus magic, when I sell someone the um, toy, I put an enchantment on it? Then every time they use it, the enchantment will capture a little bit of energy from them. Sort of like how Susan and Melissa do, only it'll be a lot less. The customers will barely notice they've lost some energy, but they'll definitely notice how much they enjoyed the product."

After another little pause she continued, "So at first there probably won't be much energy coming in. And it might take a while to build up, but if everything works out the way Lily says, then in time it might actually turn into a lot? Sort of like a thousand one-dollar transactions versus one or two hundred-dollar ones? Like the more product I enchant and sell, the more people will be using it. And the enchantment will make the toys that much more enjoyable, so the customers will use them more and maybe come back and buy more stuff, so the whole thing will grow."

"Huh," Melissa looked thoughtful as she considered that. "That's a pretty neat idea. You said it's an experiment though?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "Lily said she's never done anything like this, so there's a lot of stuff she's not sure about yet. She promised if it didn't work out that wouldn't impact me at all? She said I'll get my magic regardless."

"Neat," I said. "I'm glad you and Lily figured out a way to make things work for you."

I added, "Sorry if this is a silly question but I'm curious about something. Won't it be awkward or weird though for you? I mean, working in that kind of shop? Like I guess I wouldn't expect someone who's ace to work at a sex toy shop?"

Amber shook her head, "Being ace doesn't mean I'm some kind of puritan, it doesn't mean I can't or won't ever have sex. Granted some ace folks are turned off by sex, but not all."

She had a sip of her cooler then explained, "Like I said, I'm demi-ace? So for me that means I don't really get sexually attracted to people, unless I already have a strong emotional bond with them? And I do still have a um, sex drive..."

Her cheeks coloured again but she pushed through it, "It's probably not as strong as most folks, but it's there. And demi-ace folks can have um, kinks and stuff just like anyone else. Really all it means is I don't get sexually attracted to just anyone. I couldn't pick up strangers and have sex with them. That's what it means."

"Ok thanks for explaining that," Melissa said. "I honestly didn't know that much about it, but it's good to know."

I nodded, "Yeah, thanks Amber."

She just smiled quietly then had another sip of her drink. 

After a minute or two I spoke up again, "I have one more question. When the energy comes in from the customers, will it go directly to Lily? Or does it go to you, then you have to transfer it to Lily?"

Amber blushed again, "It comes to me. Then I transfer it to her, through you."

"Ah," I nodded. "So uh, I guess to be blunt that means we'll be having sex once a month?"

Her cheeks went red and she grimaced, "No! I mean, not necessarily. I mean, maybe we could, at some point? But we don't have to."

Melissa and I exchanged a confused look, then I asked Amber "So how's it work then? How do you transfer that energy to me?"

"Cuddling," she replied in a soft shy voice. "You'll um, cuddle the energy out of me."

I bit my lip to avoid smiling too much, "Ok Amber. That honestly sounds kind of nice."

"Yeah," she replied as she had another gulp of her cooler.

Her blush was just starting to fade away when Sue got home from university and we had to go through the whole thing again to get her up to speed on the situation. And finally I suggested we order something nice for dinner so the four of us could celebrate.

"Sushi," Susan stated. "We're getting sushi. I know a place that does a bit of everything, so me and Amber can enjoy that together while you and Melissa can have some of your usual Chinese dishes."

"Sounds good!" Melissa grinned. 



I wanna be a succu-cuddle-bus!

Demon Llama

First let me say I love the idea of a cuddle succubus. But I don't really get Lily's reasoning for why her normal terms wouldn't work. She made Melissa and Susan ok with sleeping with guys. So changing someone's sexuality is something she can and has done. Why's she making an exception for Amber?


in Melissa's case, we know Melissa was willing / wanted that change. Melissa said numerous times Lily didn't do anything to her that she didn't already want. Susan hasn't been as vocal about her terms with Lily but we don't know Sue wasn't already bi or if that's something Lily did to her, but I've tried to make it clear throughout the series that Lily's magic requires consent, so if Lily did make Susan bi then it was with Sue's approval. Amber didn't wannt her sexuality changed, so Lily couldn't do it.