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As expected, the last week of January was busy for all of us. 

On Sunday Susan asked me and Melissa to help her with something unusual. She was taking a bunch of measurements of herself, and had us take a bunch of pictures of her to go with the measurements. Half of the photos she did in a bra and panties, and half of them were nude. They weren't sexy or anything, it honestly felt more like some sort of anatomy thing. I figured it was something to do with her nursing or sports medicine courses.

Then Monday started the final week of the first semester and me and Melissa both had to scramble to get a couple more big photography assignments done. We also had one exam and two big tests to write, so we had to find time to study and everything too.

At the same time Susan was just as busy studying for her exams at university, and our little apartment felt more cramped than usual. Without her own room or desk Sue was forced to make do with the living-room. 

She had the coffee table and part of the sofa taken up with books and notes and her laptop, and I felt bad for her since her studies were the most scholarly or whatever. Like she had the hardest classes and needed the most study-time and stuff, but she had to made do without a desk. 

Me and Melissa didn't want to disturb her, but it meant we couldn't really just hang out and watch TV or anything. On Tuesday night Sue went out to take care of business, but apart from that me and Melissa had to hang out in one or the other bedroom when the two of us had spare time and just wanted to chill.

Even though things were busy at home, it actually wasn't so bad at school. Classes were lighter than normal since we were either just handing in assignments or writing exams.

Me and Melissa saw Amber a few times, and she joined the two of us for lunch on Tuesday and again on Wednesday. 

When I woke up Thursday morning I realized Lily fed the night before. There was no energy or mood boost, but I had no appetite at all.

And Friday, Amber joined me and Melissa again at lunchtime. Though I still wasn't hungry, so all I had was a bottle of juice.

Amber apologized to Melissa and asked if she and I could have lunch alone, since she wanted to talk with me about something. Of course Melissa didn't mind, and she quickly found someone else to sit with. I figured she'd just selected her date for the evening.

Meanwhile me and Amber sat down together at a table, and I asked "So what's up? What did you want to talk about?"

She looked anxious again, and I started wondering if she'd made a decision and wanted to sign Lily's contract. But it turned out that wasn't the reason she was stressed, and that wasn't what she wanted to discuss. 

After a sip of her soda she said "I want to tell Matt about me. I want to come out to him, and I was hoping you'd keep me company and be my moral support?"

"Wow," I smiled. "That's exciting, but I guess it's kind of stressful too huh? And of course I'll stay with you, I'll back you up."

Amber smiled nervously, "Thanks Mara. I appreciate that. And yeah, I've been stressing about it for the last few days I guess?"

I had a sip of juice then asked, "How do you think he'll take it? You said you've known him for a few years right? Do you think he'll be ok with it?"

She grimaced as she ate a bit, then finally shrugged. "I honestly don't know? I used to think he was pretty open-minded about stuff, but lately... I guess I'm scared he's going to freak out."

"I hope not," I sighed.

After a few moments I asked, "How about your family? Everything still going ok with them?"

Amber nodded, she looked happy as she replied "Yeah. My sister keeps offering to take me clothes-shopping, and she wants to teach me make-up and everything..."

She blushed as she continued, "I think Tracey thinks I'm going to suddenly become outgoing and extroverted like her? Like maybe she's expecting some kind of magic make-over will 'draw me out of my shell' and suddenly I'll be partying and dancing and doing all the stuff she loves doing. I hope she's not disappointed when she figures out I'm exactly the same person I always was, just using a different name and pronouns."

That left me thinking for a few moments. When Melissa came out and transitioned, she absolutely did the 'magic make-over' sort of change Amber's sister was talking about. Like night and day, Melissa was absolutely nothing like who she used to be. I understood of course, she kept a lot of stuff repressed before. For me I figured it was more subdued, but even then there were some big differences. Like Melissa told me at one point, I was happier and more outgoing. I really did 'come out of my shell' when I became Mara.

It left me wondering if maybe Amber might change a little more than she realized, once she wasn't battling dysphoria and had a body she was actually comfortable with.

She ate a bit more and I had another sip of juice, then asked "How about your parents? Are they still handling things ok?"

"Yeah," she smiled again. "They've been good about using my new name and pronouns. There's been one or two slip-ups but they just apologize and move on. I sent them both links to some websites with information and stuff, and I know my mom's been reading up on it. They're not pushing me like Tracey is, I think maybe they're both a little worried or maybe a little freaked out? But they're keeping that to themselves."

I smiled, "That's great news! I wish all parents would be that good. My mom's been really good about the whole thing, I know I'm super lucky to have her."

Amber agreed, "Yeah I know I'm pretty lucky too. I don't know what I'd have done if my folks freaked out about it. I'm still a bit worried how they'll react though once I actually start to transition? I've been looking at that too, I'm trying to get an appointment with the gender clinic downtown."

That made me wonder if she'd decided not to take Lily's offer, and I guess she saw the look on my face.

"I haven't made any decisions yet," she said quietly. "I'm looking into all my options, so I know what the alternatives are."

"Ok Amber," I smiled. "I'm not trying to push, or pry. And it's probably a good thing you're taking it slow and deliberately. Like, not rushing into things? That's probably the smart way to do it."

When she finished her lunch she took a few deep breaths then said, "I'm going to go ask Matt if he'll join us for a bit, ok?"

I nodded, "Do you want me to come with you?"

She shook her head, "No, I'm going to bring him back here. I don't want to get into this stuff while he's with the other guys."

Amber took her empty tray away and dropped it off first, then I watched as she made her way over to the table where her friend was sitting with the other two jocks. 

Watching her reminded me of Melissa that day in the park last June. Amber hadn't really changed in any measurable way, but I was seeing her differently now. Well, not that differently. She was still mostly hidden under loose pants and a big hoodie. And I always saw her as shy and quiet and sensitive. But now I was seeing her as a shy quiet sensitive girl. 

She exchanged a few words with her friend. She looked self-conscious and anxious, he was... Not annoyed, but he definitely wasn't eager to leave his buddies to come have a private chat with Amber and me.

He did finally get to his feet, and he brought his energy drink with him as he followed Amber back to our table. She slipped into the chair next to me, while Matt sat down across from us both. 

"Ok, so what was it you wanted to talk about that you had to drag me over here for?"

Amber sounded as anxious as she looked. "Uh, well let's do introductions first ok? Matt, this is my friend Mara. And Mara, this is Matt. He's been my friend since high school."

I smiled politely, "Hello Matt, nice to meet you."

"Yeah hi," he replied then he looked back at Amber and asked, "Well?"

Instead of ignoring my intuition thing, this time I tried to focus on it. And it worked, it felt like I got more of a feel for Matt than I normally got for people I'd only just met. 

I knew he was still friends with Amber, but that friendship was fading. Matt had moved on, he was focused on his new buddies here at college. He thought Amber had gotten weirder and quieter over the past year or so. He also thought Amber needed to get out more, and get laid. And maybe join a gym and start working out. 

I also picked up what he thought of me. He thought I was strange and was worried I was going to make his friend even more weird. And he wondered if he could somehow use this conversation to get me to hook him up with Melissa for another date, he was frustrated she wasn't returning his texts.

One thing I couldn't tell was whether or not Matt would be supportive of Amber, or if he'd freak out. But I was certain of one thing, he had absolutely no idea that his friend was trans.

"So I wanted to talk with you because we've been friends for a long time," Amber stated. Her voice was soft and quiet, and she was clearly anxious. "There's something I need to tell you, but I don't know how you'll take it."

Matt rolled his eyes, "Ethan if you're trying to tell me you're gay just spit it out. It's not like it's going to be a big surprise or anything."

He nodded towards me and added, "She's the first girl I've ever seen you say more than three words to. And rumour has it she's a lesbian."

Amber blushed but shook her head, "No, that's not what this is about at all..."

"Wait," Matt frowned. "You're not trying to tell me you've got a crush on me are you? Because I don't even want to know about that. I'm not into that kind of thing, ok?"

"Please just shut up and listen?" Amber finally stated in a brief fit of frustration.

Matt sighed, "Ok Ethan, what is it? Spit it out."

She took a deep breath, and when she spoke her voice was quiet again. "I'm trans, ok? I'm really a girl. I'm transitioning, and I wanted you to know because you're my friend. From now on, my name is Amber. And I use she/her pronouns. Please don't call me Ethan anymore."

For the next ten or fifteen seconds Matt just stared across the table, while Amber did her best not to panic. Finally the tall blond athlete asked, "Are you for real? Or are you just shitting me?"

"It's real," Amber stated. "I've already come out to my parents and to Tracey. They've accepted it and they're supportive."

Matt frowned, "You really want to be a chick? You're sure about that?"

Amber sort of hesitated like she didn't really know how to answer that, so I spoke up. "Hey Matt? Do you want to be a guy?"

He frowned at me, "I already am a guy. I don't have to want it."

"Same thing," I replied. "It's not about wanting to be a girl, it's about already being a girl."

He kept frowning at me for another second or two, then looked back at Amber and asked "What's the deal with her?"

Amber replied quietly, "Mara's my friend. She helped me figure myself out."

"Uh-huh," Matt seemed skeptical. After a couple seconds he shook his head, "I don't know man. I don't know what to say or think. It all sounds kind of crazy to me."

"I know it's a shock." Amber's voice remained soft, but she actually seemed a little less anxious now. Maybe because it was almost over. "I just wanted you to know ok? Because you're my friend."

Matt frowned again then shook his head. He grabbed his energy drink and got to his feet as he said, "I need to think about this stuff all right? I'll see you around."

Me and Amber watched as he went back over to his sports buddies and sat back down with them.

"I guess that went ok," Amber sighed.

I tried to sound optimistic, "At least he didn't freak out."



Le sigh.