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Susan emerged from the bedroom and joined the rest of us just as the guy arrived with the food. I met him at the door and got dinner set up while Melissa grabbed us more drinks along with some plates and cutlery and stuff. And Sue apologized to Amber about freaking out.

"I really appreciated your mom looking out for me and stuff back then, you know?" Susan said as she sat next to Amber on the sofa. "I probably never even got a chance to thank her for that."

"I can pass it along to her if you want?" Amber offered.

Sue smiled, "Thanks. I'd appreciate that. And I guess I could just go see her at some point. Once the renovations are done on the house, we'll be neighbours again."

Everyone sort of shifted around when we got the food and everything set up on the coffee table. Me and Melissa wound up sitting on the sofa with Susan, while Amber took the recliner. Melissa and Susan were drinking vodka coolers now, while Amber switched to soda and I had water. 

Melissa wasn't eating again since she did her succubus thing last night, but the rest of us helped ourselves to the food. Then the conversation picked up again where it left off. Me and Melissa sort of stayed quiet for now, since Sue and Amber were kind of catching up on stuff.

"I thought maybe you sold the place and the new owners were gutting it or something," Amber admitted. "I didn't even know you still lived there. You just sort of disappeared, like five or six years ago?"

Susan sighed and her expression grew dark. "Yeah. When my dad died, I honestly thought things wouldn't change that much? I'd already got used to being on my own half the time, I figured I'd just keep living there and your mom would keep checking in on me and inviting me over for lunch all the time? Actually I found out my dad would have got in a ton of shit if anyone told the cops he was leaving me alone for weeks at a time at that age."

Sue paused for a few gulps of her drink then continued, "But after he was gone the courts assigned my evil bitch of an aunt to look after me. She moved into the house, since it was nicer than her little shit-hole apartment. She syphoned off as much of dad's money as she could while making my life hell. She wouldn't let your mom or anyone else help, she probably didn't want anyone else to know how much of a bitch she was. And as soon as I was eighteen and she couldn't pull money out of my inheritance anymore, she fucked off and left me on my own again."

"I'm sorry Susan," Amber sighed. "That really sucks. If my mom knew what was going on I'm sure she'd have tried to help you."

Sue grimaced, "Thanks. It's old news right? More than six years since dad died, and over four years since Aunt Rita left. I don't even know where she lives nowadays. And I don't care. Now I've got Mara and Melissa, and the three of us are together, and life's better."

"Anyways," she added, "Enough about me. What's been going on with you? That's some pretty huge news about you being trans. How'd your family handle it?"

Amber blushed but didn't respond right away, she had a mouthful of chow mein to deal with first. Then she washed it down with some soda and finally replied "Things were pretty quiet and dull for me I guess. The most exciting thing I did in high-school was the photography stuff? I never had a lot of friends, just Matt. I'm still friends with him now but he spends most of his time hanging out with some new guys he met when we started college."

Her blush got brighter as she continued, "As for the uh, trans stuff? I guess the family were all shocked, but they took it well. Tracey's been enthusiastic and supportive, and my parents are doing their best too. They're all making an effort to use my new name and everything."

"Wow," Susan said. "That's great they're all ok with it."

She had another gulp of her cooler and added, "I'm still kind of in shock to be honest? Like, I remember you as that quiet awkward fourteen-year-old boy. And Tracey was like, ten or eleven at the time? She was a lot more talkative and outgoing than you. When your mom had me over for lunch, you'd just show up and eat quietly then disappear again as soon as you were done."

I could tell Amber was feeling more awkward so I spoke up, "Maybe it's best to leave that in the past too, Susan? Like you said, old news. Let's focus on the present, and maybe the future?"

"Yeah ok Mara," Susan nodded. "Good point."

Amber looked grateful to not have to talk about awkward teen stuff. She asked Sue, "So uh, Mara's part demon and Melissa's part succubus... Is there anything supernatural going on with you too?"

Sue grimaced slightly but nodded "Yeah. Part succubus, same as Melissa."

"Oh," Amber looked surprised and curious. Like she was probably wondering why or how or whatever. She decided not to ask though, and just had some more of her dinner.

Me and Susan did the same, and while the three of us were eating Melissa asked "So what's the plan? After dinner, will Amber meet Lily for a little chat?"

I knew what she was really asking, and I was sure Sue did too. Melissa was basically asking if everyone was on board with Amber potentially joining the three of us. I looked around at my girlfriends, but none of them were raising any objections. 

Sue looked thoughtful as she ate, but she kept quiet. I figured Melissa was ok with it since she asked the question. Amber had no idea about all this subtext stuff but she just looked a kind of anxious and uneasy about meeting a demon. 

Since nobody else spoke up, I finally replied "Yeah I think that's the plan. Assuming Amber wants to do that, of course."

That kind of threw the ball into our guest's court, and she looked a little more anxious as she thought it over again.

"Ok," she finally said. "I get the feeling that's the real reason you invited me over, right?"

I smiled, "Not the only reason. But yeah, it's one of them. So what do you think? Want to meet her?"

After thinking it over a few moments, she replied quietly "I'm still kind of freaked out by the idea? But I'm curious. And uh, I guess after hearing what she did for you and Melissa... It's pretty tempting."

"Yeah. It is," Melissa grinned.

There wasn't much more talking after that. We finished dinner then everyone helped pack up the leftovers. They went in the fridge, then I took care of the dishes.

When it was done, I suggested "Amber? How about you and me go into the bedroom so we can have a private conversation with Lily. Melissa and Susan will wait out here."

Our guest was a little more anxious, but she nodded "Ok..."

She followed me in, and I told her "Make yourself comfortable. And relax, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Amber sat at the chair by my desk, so I sat on the edge of the bed. 

Once we were both seated I told her, "Lily will take over in a moment to talk with you. Don't freak out, and don't worry. There's nothing to be scared of."

She nodded quietly and just stared at me for now. 

"Lily?" I asked. "Can you..."

I felt the weariness as she took over, and I fell backwards into the darkness of a deep sleep.

And what felt like a few seconds later I was awake again. Amber and me were still in the bedroom. She was still sitting in my chair by the desk, and she was staring down at the floor with a thoughtful frown.

"Hey Amber," I said as stretched. "It's Mara back again. I'm not going to ask what you and Lily talked about, what she offered you or what she asked in return. The only thing I need to know is, did you sign a contract?"

She slowly shook her head, and finally looked up at me. "No. I have to think about it. The stuff she said... It's a lot to consider."

"I understand," I told her. Then I got up and moved to her, and gave her a quick hug.

Finally we both emerged from the bedroom and joined Susan and Melissa again. They put on a movie, and the four of us had some more to drink, and we all talked a bit more. We mostly stuck to safe or boring topics though, like school. Next week was going to be busy for all of us. It was the end of the semester and we had some big assignments due, and a couple big tests to write.

Eventually the movie ended, though none of us were really paying much attention to it. The four of us talked a while more, then Amber finally decided it was time for her to head home.

It was kind of late, and very cold out, so she decided to get a ride-share rather than wait for the bus. Melissa and Susan both bid Amber a good night, and I went down to the lobby with her to wait for her ride. When it came I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, which left her blushing but smiling as she finally left.

When I got back up to the room my girlfriends were both getting ready for bed, and I quickly joined them. Soon enough all three of us were cuddled up together in Sue's big bed in my room.

"So what happened with Amber and Lily?" Susan asked. "I'm guessing she didn't sign a contract, or you'd have said something."

I shook my head, "She said she needed some time to think it over. As usual I don't know what they discussed, I slept through it. But we can all probably guess most of it."

Melissa sounded uncertain as she commented, "I actually have a feeling Amber might be ace? I mean, she spent the afternoon and evening with two succubi and a half-demon, and she never gave me any vibes that she was interested in sex. I know she's not into me, but I did sort of get vibes she was into both of you? But at the same time, not for sex."

Susan agreed, "Same here. Back when I was a teen and Mrs. Dubois had me over for lunch, I got the feeling he had a crush on me? He was fourteen at the time, I was sixteen. And tonight I did get some vibes, but not sex vibes. Maybe cuddle vibes?"

"Her," Melissa stated softly. "She and her, Sue. Even back when she was fourteen, it's still she and her. You might not have known she was a girl back then, but you know it now."

Sue apologized quietly, then I asked, "So if Amber's ace, she couldn't really work as a succubus then right? I mean... A succubus who's not into sex? How could she gather energy for Lily?"

Melissa shrugged, "No idea. Unless Lily can come up with another way for Amber to work with her.

"Lily?" I asked. "I know you won't talk about Amber, but in general terms I guess? Like I was asking you at new years, what other options are there?"

My demon friend had been quiet most of the evening, apart from when she met with Amber. She was listening of course, but all she had to say was "In general terms Mara, I will never ask of someone more than they are prepared to pay. And I wouldn't impose terms on someone that they are unable to honour."

I nodded, then passed that on to my girlfriends and added, "So whatever terms or price she gave Amber, it wouldn't be something Amber couldn't or wouldn't do."

All three of us were still curious of course, but I knew Lily would never share the details. Maybe Amber would, when she was ready to talk about it.

So we let the topic go, and the three of us had some fun together before we all drifted to sleep in each others arms.



I like how the reminders of pronouns are gentle but there - like still in need of correction, but no one’s mad or judgemental. It feels like a safe space to learn.

Demon Llama

ngl I kinda love the idea of a cuddle succubus, draining energy via amazing cuddles