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This story is the fifth installment of our Magic of the Moon series.

Description / Synopsis:

After four and a half decades I was finally ready to retire. I wasn't content to shuffle off into some sort of assisted living place and run out the clock though. I gave the best years of my life to capitalism, now I wanted them back. And thanks to magic, I was going to get them.

But best laid plans and all that, right? I didn't get the spell I wanted, but it turns out I got the spell I needed. And thanks to a mysterious woman and her funny little magic shop, my 'retirement' turned out even better than I could have ever imagined.

Cover Art:


As usual this will update with 1 chapter every other day, except we'll start with 2 chapters today. 

It's a short story, only 7 chapters + Epilogue. It's also a bit different from the other stories in the series so far.

This is not the fifth story I originally planned when I came up with the MotM concept, it's something that came to me just 2 months ago. The story that was supposed to be #5 had a lot of issues I wasn't able to resolve, which is why MotM stalled out after Employees Only. 



Bounce bounce bounce... 😁