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*** Content warning: sexual assault & transmisia ***

The experience kept playing over and over in my mind. The hand grabbing my wrist, pulling me backwards. Then the other hand on my chest, groping my boob. The first hand slipping down between my legs and squeezing my inner thigh. I turned towards him, and that's when I saw Ben's face. 

Last time I saw him was three years ago, sitting at the dining-room table with my parents. Last time I saw him he called me a freak and a pervert. He told me I'd never be a real woman, that God made me a man and that's what I'd always be.

Those were the last words he spoke to me, until tonight. Tonight he told me how hot I was and how much he wanted to fuck me and how he wanted to see me on my knees, sucking his cock.

My little brother went from a judgemental transmisic little shit to sexually assaulting me in a public place, in full view of his friends. And all they did was laugh.

The scene, the memories repeated again and again in my head. I was vaguely aware of Samantha's arm around my shoulders and her soothing voice in my ear. Some part of me knew the pavement was passing by under my feet, my best and only friend was guiding me somewhere.

Then we were sitting down, and finally I felt something metal pressed to my lips. A moment later I felt a thick lukewarm liquid in my mouth. The glorious taste of blood pulled me out of my shock, and I hungrily swallowed it. I took another mouthful and gulped that down too, before Sam pulled the flask away.

I sighed as I licked my lips. I'd never get over how good that tasted. The flask wasn't warm enough, but even cold blood tasted amazing.

As the rest of my senses finally engaged, I realized we were back at St. James' Park, sitting together on a bench. She had a small metal flask in her hand, and I could smell the wonderful aroma coming from it. 

Sam took a swig of it herself, then offered it to me again.

I accepted the flask and had another gulp. It took all my self-control not to just chug the rest of it right then and there.

Instead I lowered it and handed it back to her.

"Thanks Sam," I sighed. "I can't fucking believe that. My little brother."

She didn't put the flask away, she just let it rest on her lap. She didn't even close it yet. I figured she was keeping it ready incase I needed another hit.

I was ok though. I was pretty sure I'd be ok.

"Just take it easy for a bit, all right?" she replied. "Seeing family can fuck you up at the best of times. I can't even guess what that must have been like."

I sighed again, "I almost want to go back there and tell him who he just sexually assaulted. Just to see the look on his face."

Sam shook her head, "Don't even joke about that Tara. I'm not kidding. Stay away from him, stay away from your parents."

There was something in her voice I didn't often hear from her. I wasn't sure if it was regret or sorrow, or maybe a bit of both. It was enough to convince me she was serious.

"Ok Sam," I nodded. "I'm sure there's another long story behind that, and you're going to tell it to me 'one of these days'. Like all the other long stories."

She glanced at me, she had a sad smile on her face. "Yeah, there is. And yeah, I will."

She had another swig from the flask then offered it to me again.

"Thanks," I said as I had another gulp. It was more than half empty now. 

As I handed it back I asked, "What are you doing with that anyways?"

Drinking blood in public was forbidden. We weren't allowed to reveal ourselves to the humans, and chugging blood was kind of a big tell.

"It's for emergencies," she replied. "I know we're not supposed to, but most of us 'peace keepers' do it. Dangerous work and all that, right? Sometimes we get hurt, we can't get back home in time. Or can't call for back-up."

I frowned, "Does Isabelle know? She seems like a real stickler for the rules."

Sam grinned, "She's the one who taught me, cutie. Three decades ago I was the noob and she was the grizzled old vet showing me the ropes and teaching me the tricks. Now you're the noob and I'm passing on the knowledge."

That brought a grin to my face. Sam knew as well as I did how hard it was to picture her as a grizzled old vet, even if I was definitely the noob. 

"Woah, I'm seeing at least three citations here." 

Me and Sam both looked up. A pair of uniformed cops were standing in front of us. It was the younger one who'd spoken. 

He was giving me and Sam both the look as he ran down the list, "Under-age drinking. Open liquor container. Drinking in public. And consuming alcohol in a public park makes it four."

They were both tall, strong, well-built looking guys. The young one was slim, clean-shaved, and his hair was dark brown. He looked to be in his late twenties, he was probably fairly new to the job. The older one looked to be in his fifties, and was carrying some extra weight on him. His hair was greying and he had a bushy moustache hiding his upper lip like a big fuzzy grey caterpillar.

I still felt anxious around cops. These guys had guns, they were the police, the law, authority. 

Sam obviously felt nothing of the sort. She kept her eyes on the young cop as she replied, "It's not booze. So fuck off and leave us alone."

The older guy just rolled his eyes. He'd probably seen and heard a lot worse, and he wasn't impressed or upset. 

The young one got his back up though. He obviously wasn't used to teenage girls talking back to him, and wanted to prove he was in charge. "Hand it over kid. You just won yourself a ride in the back of a squad car, and your parents a few hundred dollars worth of tickets."

Samantha kept her eyes on him as she raised the flask up to her lips and took a swig. She swished the blood around in her mouth then flashed her teeth at the guy. She even revealed her fangs, which was also very much against the rules. 

The cop looked kind of disgusted as he saw the blood smeared over her teeth, then his eyes went wide as he noticed the elongated canines.

Before he could react, his partner put a hand on his shoulder. The old cop said quietly, "C'mon kid. These girls are none of our business. Let's go get us some coffee."

I watched as the two cops quickly walked away, out of the park and in the direction of a coffee shop. I turned and looked at Sam, "You could have got us in a lot of trouble."

She shrugged, "The old guy knew. He might have even remembered me. I think it was about fifteen years ago? Same sort of deal, him and his partner caught me with a flask and tried to hassle me about it. I told them it was blood and he wanted to see for himself. I warned him if he poured any of it out, I'd break his nose to replace whatever he wasted."

"So what happened?" I asked.

Sam smirked, "He poured some of it out. I broke his nose and got it back."

I frowned, "We're not supposed to hurt humans."

"And they're not supposed to fuck with us," she replied. "Being a cop doesn't make it ok for them to destroy our stuff. Doesn't matter if it was blood, soda, or fucking herbal tea. They don't get to just take it and pour it on the ground. I let him have the flask so he could smell it and see it was blood. He was stupid enough to pour it out after I told him not to."

That left me quiet for a bit. It was hard to imagine being so self-confident that she could just break a cop's nose to get back an ounce of blood. And I couldn't imagine what either of those two guys thought of us. If the older one did recognize Samantha, what did he think realizing this high-school girl hadn't aged or changed one bit in fifteen years? And the younger one, what was he thinking after realizing we were sitting here drinking blood? What did he think of Sam's fangs?

"Here," she said as she offered me the flask again. "There's a couple gulps left, enjoy."

I wanted to be polite and decline. It was hers after all. But I couldn't help it, I couldn't turn it down. I accepted the flask and quickly drained the last of its contents. I finally handed it back and replied quietly, "Thanks."

She screwed the lid back on and tucked it into one of the pockets on her jacket, then asked "How are you doing? Are you going to be ok to do this patrol with me?"

After a few seconds I nodded, "Yeah. I'm ok now. Thanks again Sam."

"Any time, Tara."

She got to her feet then her shoulders slumped and she whispered, "Fuck."

I was about to ask what was wrong when I caught the scent. It was a vamp. Not just any vamp, it was one of our Family. It was Cynthia.

A moment later she strode into view. She was already scowling at us as she demanded "What the fuck are you two doing sitting around here?"

Cynthia was five-foot-seven, with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a strong athletic build. She was absolutely everything I hoped to be but wasn't. She looked a couple years older than me, in her mid-twenties, but she was turned some time in the nineteen-fifties. 

Beyond the perfect height and the athletic build, she had the looks and the style too. Beautiful face, her hair was perfectly coiffed, immaculate make-up. She always wore designer clothes, even out on patrol her outfit probably cost a fortune. 

She was Isabelle's first, which sort of made her Samantha's older sister. She was jealous when Sam got the job of top peacekeeper back when Isabelle became matriarch. She hated Sam for being better than her at this work. Then she hated Sam even more when she risked it all to turn me. 

Of course turning me cost Sam her role on top, and Cynthia took her place. But instead of being happy for the promotion she used her position to make things difficult for both Sam and me.

"Hello sister," Samantha replied in a cloyingly sweet tone. She had a fake smile on her face as she explained, "We were having another look around the park? I'm not sure if Isabelle told you, but there was an incident here two nights ago."

The tall blonde vampire scowled, "You were supposed to check out the bars then patrol the area, not sit around here lip wrestling with your progeny."

I stayed quiet and tried to keep my expression neutral. It was honestly safer if she thought we were making out. I just hoped she didn't smell blood on us. And I really hoped she didn't see Sam mouthing off at the cops.

There weren't any rules against a vampire having an affair or being in a relationship with their sire or dame, but I had a feeling that was because it never occurred to the Family to make those rules. Apart from me and Sam, the vamps around here were all straight. 

We were the two black sheep of the Family, being the only two trans girls. And I was the youngest, while Sam was still pretty young too compared to the rest of them. That was a third strike against us. Most of them were around Cynthia's age or older. Basically they were a bunch of fucking boomers, except they still looked young and strong.

Samantha kept up the artificial smile as she said "Well we were just wrapping up here anyways Cynthia, so Tara and I will head off and continue making our rounds. Do enjoy your evening, sister."

The older vamp didn't respond, she just continued scowling at us as Sam led me away to the north. We left the park and started walking back up Church street. 

I wasn't sure if we were actually patrolling or if we were just heading back to the apartment. I didn't want to ask though, incase Cynthia was following and listening. I just kept my mouth shut and stayed quiet as the two of us walked. 

We'd only been out for a couple hours and this whole evening had been one thing after another. Ben, the cops, Cynthia. And I was constantly overwhelmed and anxious. That almost seemed like my default, ever since my new unlife began.



“Okay Boomer.” Lol!


Oh god. A bunch of fucking boomers but they just won't die off. XD