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The Epilogue for Faet basically touched on how things turned out for most of the fae we knew by the end of chapter 150. There were a lot of details left out though, and three very notable absences were Elise, Susan, and Claire. 

There were two reasons they weren't mentioned in the Epilogue - first, that chapter took place 52 years after 'Book 3' ended and that would be a full lifetime for all three of them. Second, the chapter was basically conversation between Tegan and Áine, and the queen would not have met or known any humans.

Having said that, I do know what happened in those missing years, and since it's been requested I'll share some of the information here. 

Please note this post may contain spoilers, if I ever do more writing in the Faet-verse that might touch upon these characters. I'm not promising anything either way, just saying these are basically my 'unpublished notes' and they may find their way into future stories.


She and Kaitlyn went through university together and both graduated at the same time with a BSc, Kaitlyn in Chemistry and Claire in Marine Biology. However, their high-school crush gradually faded as their time at  university saw them spending more and more time apart. In the end they parted ways as friends. 

They stayed in touch but that too gradually waned over the years. 

Claire had a successful career and a fulfilling life, and eventually settled down on the west coast (Vancouver Island, BC) to raise a family of her own. 

By the time of the Epilogue Claire is 70 years old, has a son and a daughter, and is expecting her first grand-child.


She and Kaitlyn remained very close, while Sue's relationship with Tegan never fully recovered. She and Tegan stayed on speaking terms but that was about it.

After graduating university, Kaitlyn returned to North Sydney and continued to live with Susan and helped her run her B&B. 

When Sue was in her 30's she remarried. Her husband moved in with her, and Kaitlyn moved out to give Sue and her new husband space and privacy. (Kaitlyn moved to Toronto and attended U of T where she earned her PhD in Chemistry. She remained in Toronto after that, apart from frequent visits to the east coast to see Sue.)

Susan and her husband Robert operated the B&B together, they did not have any children. When they were both in their 60's Sue & Robert finally sold the B&B and moved into a small home outside Halifax. 

When Sue was in her early 70s her husband passed away. After that, Susan moved into a retirement / assisted living home.

Kaitlyn remained in contact with Susan throughout her life and visited her regularily. Kaitie offered several times to give Susan another 'life reboot', but Sue always declined. She maintained that twice was enough and she'd enjoyed it all as much as she could.

She passed away the year before the Epilogue chapter, at the age of 78. 


After graduating college, Elise got her dream job working for the Ministry of Natural Resources doing park maintenance at a large national park in Ontario.

She remained a 'party girl' throughout her 20's and into her early 30's, when she met & fell in love with another young woman. The two got married & Elise finally settled down. She & her wife Abigail had 3 children together - 2 girls & 1 boy. 

Elise & her wife lived over 30 years together in Orillia where they raised their children. Elise has 2 grandchildren and a 3rd is expected.

Abigail passed away two years prior to the Epilogue, and Elise finally sold the house and moved into an assisted living residence.

At the time of the Epilogue, Elise is 73 years old. (I think? math...)

Tegan has offered to give Elise another 'life reboot' and Elise is seriously considering it. She's planning on discussing the offer with her youngest daughter. She is hoping to enlist her daughter's help with the various arrangements, and perhaps act a surrogate mother to a younger Elise.


Unknown - I feel like there might be more to her story than what we saw in the bonus chapter Estranged, but i haven't put any thought into it yet. 


We didn't really get to know much about them but a few things were sort of suggested. Pixies' lifespans aren't as long as the fae. They are about double that of an average human. So 150 - 170 might be typical, 200 would be rare but possible.

Where fae have a very low birth-rate, pixies are the opposite. This isn't so much because their lifespan is shorter, but because their mortality rate is much higher. Their smal size means they're frequently lost to predation. It's no coincidence that Merryweather was the one to spot the crows overhead; pixies often keep one eye on the sky, to stay alert for hawks and other birds of prey that would enjoy making a quick snack out of them.

Rather than going to war & wiping out anything that might eat them, they've evolved (or their evolution was nudged) so they're more abivalent and pragmatic about it. They have lots of children to make up for losses along the way. This is also why none of the other pixies thought it was a big deal for either Merryweather or Petunia to just up & leave home as they did.

On the other hand it meant on Earth, where the predators hadn't evolved to eat them, pixies were indeed an invasive species. Merryweather & Petunia's children spread out & started their own troops, causing mayhem & mischief along the way.

Thats about all I have time for writing today - if there's any questions leave me a comment& i'll try to answer them.



Thanks for sharing! I loved the storyline!


That was lovely, such an intriguing and satisfying story. Definitely going to check out the rest of your stuff! Is there an index for all the bonus chapters? Patreon kinda sucks on mobile


all the bonus chapters are tagged. i'm not sure how tags work on mobile but this link should work: https://www.patreon.com/purplecatgirl/posts?filters[tag]=Bonus%20Chapter