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:=: Nick :=:

Nick glanced up at the clock on the back wall. 5:30pm, another half hour and he'd heading over to Brooke's place for some dinner and some fun. He could probably ask to leave early, the past hour things were fairly quiet in the garage and Greg was a pretty relaxed boss. On the other hand, why not get paid for another 30 minutes of sitting around doing nothing? 

He turned his attention back down to his phone, and continued scrolling through some hottie's insta he'd stumbled onto earlier. He didn't normally go for the 'goth' look, but this chick really pulled it off. He was still looking at his phone 15 minutes later, when his boss called from the front office, "Hey Nick!" 

Nick looked up, and pocketed his phone. Greg Weston, boss and owner of the garage, was motioning him to come to the office. Nick got up and hurried over, "What's up, Greg?"

Greg settled back into his seat behind the desk, "How'd you like to pick up some overtime? Just had a call, we've got a customer with an '08 beemer coming in looking for some rush work. Hoping it can be fixed tonight, or at least looked at. Said there's something's up with the front right wheel." 

Nick shrugged "Sure thing boss. You know I'm always up for some time-and-a-half." 

Greg nodded "Good stuff. Should be here in the next 30 minutes."

Nick walked back into the garage, and pulled out his phone again to text his girl.

>> Nick: Hey babe. Gotta cancel. Overtime. Last minute rush job. Sorry. Make it up to ya Friday nite.

After a minute or two, his phone buzzed with her reply. 

>> Brooke: Aww Nick! :( Can't someone else take it?

>> Nick: Sorry babe. Mr Weston's a hard-ass. Got no choice.
>> Nick: Hey how bout sending me some skin pix? Help the work go faster remind me what I'm missing. ;)

Nick grinned a little. Brooke didn't know Greg was actually a pretty cool boss, and he figured making it sound like he was the victim would buy him a little sympathy. And maybe some more lewd pictures he could show off to the guys on Saturday night.

>> Brooke: Maybe later. See you Friday. Luv u!

Nick grinned, knowing she'd send him some eye-candy later. For now he flipped back to the goth chick's pictures while he waited.

Soon enough, the rush job showed up and Nick had the older BMW up on the hoist. He was quickly absorbed in his work. He did love cars, and he had a knack for fixing them. 

At one point he felt his phone buzz, alerting him to couple texts, but he ignored it for now. He'd already figured out the problem with the BMW and was well on his way to fixing it. His girlfriend's nudes would be his reward when he was done. About an later, he brought the car back down, and wiped his hands on a rag. He still had to do the clean-up, make sure there wasn't any grease or whatever on the car, but he decided to treat himself first and pulled out his phone.

He looked at the texts and frowned. These were from Brooke, but not to him. It was that spy app he had his buddy Chuck install on his girl's phone. 

Nick glared. The bitch was seeing someone behind his back! The spy app only gave him Brooke's side of the conversation but it was more than enough.

>> Brooke: Hey Sam, are you busy tonight?
>> Brooke: Yeah, he cancelled on me again. :(
>> Brooke: I know. :(
>> Brooke: You up to go see a movie with me?
>> Brooke: Great! :) Ok I'll see you soon!

Nick kicked the wall, "Fuck!" Those texts were an hour old. His girl was probably already at the movies with some son of a bitch right now! He opened the tracking app Chuck gave him, and after a few long seconds he got the location. No surprise, it was the multiplex. There weren't a lot of options in town for movies. One or two small 'artsy' places, and the big corporate multiplex. Luckily it was only about 10 minutes away, if traffic wasn't bad.

Nick shoved his phone in his pocket and went to the office. "Greg...boss... sorry but I gotta go. Can you finish the clean-up on the beemer?" Greg frowned at him, but before he could ask Nick added "Its my girl, I just found out she's cheating on me!"

Greg sighed. "Ok Nick, go take care of that. Just, don't get arrested ok? See you at work tomorrow. 10am sharp." 

Nick nodded "Thanks boss!" as he turned and dashed to his locker. Normally he'd change out of the button-down work shirt with the 'Westons Garage' logo on it, but tonight he didn't have the time. He grabbed his beat-up old bomber jacket and pulled it on as he raced out the door and across the parking lot.

There was his pride and joy, a '92 red Mustang in great condition. His dad helped him pay for it as a graduation gift after high-school, and he'd spent the next 2 years rebuilding and restoring it. The engine roared to life, and he was off.

The rush-hour traffic had already cleared, as it was pushing 8pm. The early November sky was overcast and dark, though every now and then the full moon was visible through the clouds. Nick knew he was risking a pretty big fine with the speed he was driving, but luck was with him and he didn't cross paths with any cops as he sped through town.

:=: Samantha :=:

Samantha and Brooke settled into their seats, towards the back of the small theatre. Samantha noted it was nearly empty. Not a surprise, the rom-com they were here to see had already been showing for a couple weeks, and didn't have great reviews to begin with. There were only 4 other people there - a pair of middle-aged women sitting together in the middle of the theatre, and a 20-something couple near the front. 

Sam smiled, imagining the two women were a married couple, out for a quiet movie-night together. As for the younger pair, she figured the guy was hoping to score by bringing his date to a chick flick. Samantha assumed he'd much rather be in the larger theatre 3 doors down, where the latest superhero movie was showing to a packed crowd.

Samantha smoothed out her long dark ruffled skirt, and folded her hoodie over the empty seat to her right. She'd been studying when Brooke had texted her and hadn't really had time to put much effort into her outfit. She still had her comfy leggings on under the skirt, and swapped a comfy nightshirt for a bra and a tighter t-shirt. This one was heather black, with the Brock logo across her chest. Her comfortable walking shoes and the oversized grey hoodie completed her style, such as it was.

In the seat to her left, her best friend Brooke was was looking a lot more stylish of course. She usually did, but tonight she'd been expecting to hook up with her man. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a bright red blouse, and a nice pair of heels. Her denim jacket was folded over the back of the seat infront of her.

Where Sam had just hastily thrown on some lipstick and given her short brown hair a quick run-through with the brush, Brooke of course had put some actual effort into her makeup. In short, she looked stunning. As usual. 

Sam sighed a little inside, lamenting again that her best friend was tragically, totally, straight.

Brooke fumbled a bit with the bucket of popcorn on her lap, and slipped her bottle of iced tea in the drinks holder. She looked a little stressed, or anxious. And, Samantha frowned a little, were those bruises on her friend's arm?

They had a few more minutes to talk, before the movie started. The house lights were on and the screen was alternating between trivia and ads. Samantha decided to start the conversation. "So Brooke... did you want to talk? I get the feeling you weren't really in that big a hurry to see this movie?"

Brooke hesitated, and scooped some popcorn out of the large bucket on her lap. She munched quietly, then finally she sighed and answered, "It's Nick. My boyfriend..." 

Samantha sighed a little and asked "You think he's cheating on you?"

Brooke actually laughed a little at that. "No! Honestly I don't think he has the tact to keep it secret if he was... He'd either brag about it, or he'd be bugging me to join them. He keeps going on about how much he wants a threesome..." she scowled a bit. Then she sighed and added, "Anyways, he spends so much time working on his car, and at that garage, he barely has time for one girlfriend, let alone two."

Samantha asked, "You feel like he's ignoring you? Or taking you for granted?"

Brooke shrugged slightly, "I guess... It's just. He's obsessive. And he has a temper. It's like he wants me, but at the same time he doesn't care? He cancelled on me at the last minute again tonight. But if I tried to cancel on him, or even just want to change plans..." she sighed again, shaking her head slowly.

"So..." Samantha tried to come up with a polite way to say it, then gave up and just put it bluntly, "Why don't you just dump him? You can do a lot better. You know that."

Brooke bit her lip, and looked down. "I'm worried he'd.... take it badly."

Samantha frowned, "You think he'd get violent?" Her frown deepened, again noting what looked like bruises on her friend's arm. "Brooke, has he hurt you?"

"No! No... I mean he's a bit rough sometimes, but he'd never..." Brooke sighed, sounding like she didn't entirely believe herself.

"Ok..." Samantha didn't want to press that yet, but she knew it was probably worse than her friend was letting on.

Brooke sighed again, and was about to say something more but she was interrupted before she could speak.

"Brooke!" Sam and Brooke both jumped a little at the angry shout off to the left. "Where the fuck is he?!"

Brooke gasped, "Nick! How did you... what are you doing here?"

Samantha looked past her friend, at the tall, angry-looking man stalking towards them along the row of seats. He looked to be a bit over 6 feet tall. Broad shoulders, strong, he filled out that old bomber jacket pretty good. She could see his faded jeans had some dark stains on them, as did his beige work-boots. His brown hair was clipped short, not quite a buzz cut but not far off. As he stopped right next to Brooke, Sam could smell grease or oil on him. Some kind of car smell anyways. She didn't like it.

He glared down at Brooke and demanded "Where's the asshole you're cheating on me with? I know you're here to see some prick named Sam! I'm gonna kick his ass then you and me are gonna go have a little 'talk'."

Brooke glared up at her boyfriend and hissed "Oh my God Nick you're making a scene! I'm not cheating on you, this is Samantha, my best friend! We're just out here to see a movie, since you cancelled and left me with nothing to do tonight!" She then demanded "What are you even doing here? You said you were working late! How did you even know I was here?"

Samantha stayed quiet, she didn't want to get involved in their argument. She did notice though, when Nick quickly pocketed the phone he'd been holding. Sam was no computer expert but she'd heard of stalking apps and spyware. Her already low opinion of this guy got a little lower. So he was violent, obsessive, and also possessive enough of his girlfriend to spy on her. He obviously came here looking for a fight, too. Samantha's hand brushed reflexively against the silver pentacle necklace she was wearing.

At least Nick had sat down in the seat the other side of Brooke, and he and Brooke were keeping their voices a bit lower. It also helped that the theatre lights had finally dimmed and the previews were starting up, with the typical full-volume cinema experience. 

"You're cheating on me with a chick?" Nick demanded incredulously, then his lips formed a bit of a smile. "Hey babe, you know the rules - you wanna bang another chick, that's cool but it's gotta be a 3-way. You know I'm up for that." He looked over at Samantha, his height made it easy for him to see overtop of Brooke seated between them. Leering at Samantha, he let his eyes linger over her chest as he grinned.

Samantha scowled at him, "Not a chance asshole. Even if I was into guys, I wouldn't give a jerk like you the time of day."

Nick blinked at her then scoffed, "Ok now I remember hearing about you. Samantha the dyke? Tell you what girl, you're totally coming with me and Brooke. Couple minutes with a guy like me, and I'll show you what you've been missing."

Sam knew she shouldn't provoke him, but she couldn't help herself and fired back, "Couple minutes huh? If that's the longest you can keep it up, no wonder you'd rather spend more time with cars than with Brooke." 

Nick's face went red and he clenched his fists, and Samantha knew her jab had been effective. Maybe too effective, as he growled at her "You think I'm joking, bitch? We'll see how smug you look after I drag your ass around back of the theatre and teach you what a real man can do for you." 

Sam gave him a look of pure disgust. She didn't know if this jerk would actually follow through with his threats, but Brooke was apparently scared of him so she had to assume it was a possibility. She reached up and wrapped her fingers around her necklace, while in her mind, she was already invoking the Goddess and reciting the words of power, just in case.

She kept her eyes on Nick, and stated, "Just leave us alone, ok? Fuck off back to whatever shitty grease pit you crawled out of."

:=: Nick :=:

Nick's fists clenched again. He was ignoring Brooke for now, who was keeping her mouth shut and staring at the floor because she knew her place. It was that Samantha bitch who had his full attention. He stood up, and growled "That's it you ugly little cunt! Time to drag your dyke ass out back and..." 

He paused as the theatre had suddenly gone silent. They'd been arguing over the loud previews but they must have just ended. He glanced at the screen, expecting to see the movie starting, but it was quiet and dark. Nobody else seemed to be looking at him, or reacting as if they'd heard him. He looked back towards Brooke and her dyke friend.

Brooke was still staring down at the floor. Nick frowned. It was like she was frozen, motionless. Then he saw that bitch Sam was watching him.

"What the fuck is going on?" Nick demanded. Samantha wasn't glaring any more. She had a sort of confident smile, as she got to her feet. That's when Nick noticed the little flickers and sparks of light in the air. Sort of like tiny fireflies, they danced around the dyke, and now they were dancing around him too.

He glared at her, raising his fist as he demanded again, "I said, what the fuck is-"

Samantha interrupted, and in a firm voice she told him, "Shut up." 

Nick felt his mouth snap shut so hard he nearly bit his tongue. He was stunned, he tried but he couldn't open his mouth. He reached for her, he didn't know what was going on but he knew she was somehow to blame.

"Sit down," she stated.

Nick blinked in confusion as his body immediately dropped back into the seat next to Brooke. He looked up at Samantha, still unable to speak, but she must have recognized the confused look on his face.

Samantha spoke quietly, calmly now. "I didn't want to do this, but here we are. You threatened me with violence. You're obviously stalking Brooke, and I believe you've been hurting her. She's afraid of you. You're the worst kind of man, Nick."

His eyes went up and down over her, focussing on the necklace she was wearing. It looked like one of those satanic star things. 

Samantha nodded "Yes, this is magic, and I'm a witch. Now, here's what's going to happen, Nick. You're going to sit there with your mouth shut, and you're going to quietly watch the movie. By the time it's done, you'll have learned a little lesson. And don't worry, when the movie is over the spell will be done and you'll be freed."

With that, the bitch moved back to hear seat and sat down. The little flickering lights in the air seemed to settle onto him, then they just blinked out and were gone. Nick tried to get up, tried to keep his eyes on on the bitch, but he felt his head forced to turn and face straight ahead, his eyes pulled to the screen. And with that, it was as if the world started back up again. The screen flashed a 'feature presentation' intro, and then the music swelled as the movie began.

Nick's head was still spinning. He tried to get up. He tried to talk. He wanted to curse, shout, give that bitch the back of his hand, anything. But it was as if his body was ignoring him. He could shift around in his seat a little, but he couldn't actually get up. He could open his mouth slightly, but he couldn't talk. He could turn his head and look around, but only for a second or so before his eyes were pulled back towards the screen. Then he had to wait about a minute before he could take his eyes off the movie again.

Fuck it, he thought, and just closed his eyes, deciding to ignore it. Maybe he could sleep through it. But no, he found couldn't even do that. After a few moments his eyes would be forced open. He had to sit there and watch the damn movie. And worst of all it was some boring-ass chick flick.

Nick slumped back a bit in the seat, grinding his teeth and clenching his fists. He'd be free when the movie was over. Two hours, tops. Then he'd teach that bitch a lesson.

For the next ten or fifteen minutes Nick stayed slumped in the seat, wishing he could fall asleep or something. He tried to amuse himself by imagining stupid dialog overtop of whatever crap the actors were spewing, but gave up after a few minutes. Eventually he noticed how hot he was getting. He still had his bomber jacket on, and sighed knowing he was stuck here for the duration and didn't want it to get too sweaty or uncomfortable.

As he unzipped his jacket, Nick frowned. Was it always this loose on him? No... it had been getting a little tight lately. It should be even tighter with him slouching in the seat like this. He frowned again as he noticed the sleeves seemed longer too. He slipped it off with ease, but struggled a bit with its weight, as he moved to dump it on the empty seat to his left. How did it get so heavy?! He wanted to examine it closer but with his eyes stuck to the movie screen there wasn't much more he could do for now but grind his teeth again. If that witch had fucked up his favourite jacket... well he was already planning to mess her up. He'd mess her up a bit more, though.

Nick glanced to his right, meaning to glare down at the witch, but instead of looking over the top of his girlfriend's head, he found was now looking into Brooke's left ear. His eyes pulled back to the movie as he frowned. Then he realized how much he was slouching. He pulled himself up straight in his seat, then glared to the right again. This time he was looking at the side of Brooke's head. As his eyes were drawn back to the movie, he frowned more. Why couldn't he see overtop of Brooke? He had a full 8" of height on her...

When he could, he pulled his attention away from the screen and looked to the right, his eyes quickly going up and down over Brooke, to see if she was sitting on something, or somehow sitting up higher than usual. His eyes pulled back to the movie as he thought, no, nothing seemed wrong with his girl. She wasn't even sitting up straight, she was slouching a bit too, leaning back and enjoying the stupid movie.

So why couldn't he see over her?

He felt around to see if something was wrong with his seat, like if it was too low or something. It seemed ok though. From how his feet were resting on the floor, it actually felt kind of higher than he remembered. In fact the whole seat actually felt kinda bigger than he remembered. He didn't think movie seats were this spacious. Nick glanced down, trying to figure it out. 

He saw his Weston's Garage shirt was almost hanging off him, several sizes too big. His pants were very loose now too. And there was something wrong with his hands. He couldn't make out what though, before his eyes were back on the movie again. It took another couple quick glances downwards before he finally pieced it together.

He was shrinking! Was that even possible?! His hands looked smaller, and moving them over his arms and legs he could tell feel his limbs were skinnier, his muscles seem to have vanished! And feeling around his waist, he could tell it was narrower too. He still couldn't get up, but moving around in his seat he could feel all his clothes were several sizes too big. He could almost slip his feet out of his boots, without even untying them! 

Brooke leaned over and whispered at him, "Stop fidgeting!" Then she went back to staring at the movie and munching her popcorn.

Nick ignored her for now, his mind racing. What the fuck was that witch doing to him?! Was she making him into some kind of 90 pound weakling? What the fuck?!

He reminded himself, whatever she was doing, would be gone by the time the movie ended. She said he'd be free, the spell would be over. He figured, this must be meant to scare him. Some kind of scare tactic, put some fear into him. 

Hell it probably wasn't even real, right? Brooke hadn't noticed anything, right? If he really was getting smaller, his girl would've said something. 

He took a few deep breaths and tried to relax. They had to be 45 minutes into the movie by now. Another hour or so, and he'd be free. And then that bitch was gonna pay.

Nick tried to ignore the magic for now, which unfortunately meant actually paying attention to the movie. It was a toss-up which was worse - worrying about the weird shit happening to his body, or actually paying attention to the stupid movie. After a few more minutes, he was distracted by the feeling of his shirt starting to get tighter again.

He let out a sigh of relief, figuring the movie was about at the half-way mark so the changes were starting to reverse now. He glanced down, expecting to see the button-down shirt once more tight across his muscular chest. Before his mind could quite comprehend what he was seeing though, some hair slipped infront of his face, obscuring his vision.

Nick looked back up at the screen trying to figure out who's hair was on him. He moved his hands up to pull the hair away, and then realized it was his!? What the fuck?! He ran his hand back over his scalp, his fingers through his suddenly-longer hair. It felt like it went halfway down his back?!

He gathered up some of it and pulled it out front where he could see it without taking his eyes off the screen. Long silky black hair. And then his mind registered the hand. Slim delicate fingers, dainty wrist, long nails. That looked like a girl's hand?!

Nick just about choked as his eyes focused onto the movie screen yet again. Staring at the screen, he moved his hands together, feeling them. Soft, delicate skin. Long nails. No callouses. He pulled up his oversized shirt sleeves and let his hands move up his forearms. Thin, smooth, no hint of body hair. 

Then he remembered the tightness across his chest. He almost whimpered as his hands moved in and he felt them. If the magic wasn't keeping him quiet, he might have let out a yelp as he cupped them. Tits. He had tits?! What the actual fuck... he swore they felt bigger than Brooke's! He could now feel his large sensitive nipples, pressing uncomfortably against his undershirt and shirt! Fuck!

Although his eyes stayed glued to the movie, his mind was focused on his body as his heart was racing. He could feel it now - a tingling going down through his waist, and then hips. Then a sensation like the pins-and-needles you get when your arm's gone to sleep, except this was in his groin. His hand darted down between his legs, first grabbing at himself through his jeans. Not finding what he was looking for, he desperately shoved his hand into the oversized pants. It was gone! And he had a - !  He yanked his hand back out of his pants as soon as his fingers encountered the soft folds between his legs. No no no no no that's all wrong!

Nick's mind reeled again. This wasn't possible! He was a girl?! That bitch turned him into a girl! His mind clutched at the only thing he could think of to keep from panicking. She said he'd be freed when the movie was over. Whatever this was, it wasn't going to last. He'd be ok. Just try not to think about it. Stay quiet, watch the fucking movie and stop thinking about the other stuff.

The movie. How far along was it? More than halfway. Maybe only 30 or 40 minutes of this torture, then he'd be free. Then what? He wasn't sure if he still wanted to teach that bitch a lesson, or if he just wanted to get the fuck away from her. If she was planning on scaring him, mission accomplished. This was pretty fucked up and Nick decided he wanted out as quick as possible. He'd give Brooke one chance to come with him, and if not, then fuck her too, she could stay with the witch. 

He tried to distract himself again, thinking about afterwards. He and Brooke would go back to her place. They'd laugh about this. He'd make a joke of it or something. Then they'd fuck, and by tomorrow they'd forget all about that crazy bitch and her fucking witchcraft.

Nick was distracted from his daydream when he felt a new sensation around his groin. It was like his boxers were moving on their own, crawling over his soft, sensitive skin. Then he felt them pull tight, sort of more like briefs, but different, and he felt something riding up a bit at the back. Then it hit him - his boxers had become a thong!

The same sort of crawling sensation started again at his feet and this time he glanced down. His work boots had changed. The beige steel-toed boots had become black 2" heeled ankle-boots, sized to fit his petite feet. At the same time, his jeans were shrinking and climbing up his legs, while his white tube socks were growing darker and crawling upwards as well. 

He had to keep alternating between watching the movie and stealing glances downwards as he could feel all his clothes changing now. He cursed repeatedly in his head over the next several minutes as his jeans became a knee length pleated skirt, shifting from faded blue denim to a dark blue and green plaid. His socks became sleek black tights, clinging to his slim, shapely legs. His undershirt pulled tight around his chest as it became lacy black bra. And his green button-down work shirt was now a short-sleeve purple blouse with a deep scoop neck, showing off his new cleavage.

Nick continued swearing in his head, and then glanced to the left. Even his beloved bomber jacket had changed, and he wasn't even wearing it! It had become some stupid little long-sleeved girly jacket, that would show off his ass and boobs. And next to that was a small black purse. Fuck!

He tried again to force himself to calm down. The movie will be over soon. It'll be ok. He'll be free. His fucking clothes better change back to normal though or there'll be hell to pay. 

His thoughts turned back to teaching that bitch a lesson, when he noticed some weird feelings over his face, almost like someone was tickling him with feathers or something. He couldn't tell what was happening, until he noticed a sort of waxy sensation on his lips. Then it hit him. Make-up. He was wearing fucking make-up now. God damn it!

Before he could even get used to that, he felt two sharp stabs of pain in his earlobes, followed by a sort of weird pulling sensation. Great. Now he had fucking earrings too! Another sharp jab, this time in his nose. He blinked, and now he could just see something in his right nostril, sparkling slightly in the light of the movie screen. A fucking nose piecing? What next?!

Nick almost yelped at the next pair of sharp jabs, this time in his nipples. No fucking way, he thought. As if he wasn't having enough trouble ignoring the new mounds on his chest, the nipple piercings made him acutely aware of how sensitive his nipples had become. He cringed a little, afraid of what else might get pierced, but fortunately that seemed to be the last of it.

The movie couldn't have that much longer to go, could it? When would all this shit start to undo? 

Then he got a horrible thought. What if it didn't? Oh shit, what if he was stuck like this when the movie ended? Fuck! What would he tell his boss? He was supposed to work tomorrow, but he couldn't go in looking like this... He'd have to call in sick or something. Tell Mr... tell... what was his boss's name again?

Nick frowned deeper. Why couldn't he remember his boss's name? He tried to picture his boss, tried to remember the name on the sign out front. Why couldn't he remember? He focused harder. There was a G in the name, he was sure of it. G... G... Mrs. Gilbert? She was his manager right? But what was the store called? He was trying to picture it. He thought it had something to do with cars, but he kept seeing the mall, someplace stocked with fucking make-up and shit.

Then it hit him. The magic was fucking with his head! Fuck! He felt the panic coming again. Ok just try to be calm. Think about stuff you know. Most important shit.

Nick focused. His car, that was a big deal, when he got his car! He thought back, high-school graduation. His mom and dad were both there and they all went to the dealership together. He picked out this adorable little Rio, in black of course. And naturally his dad made sure he got the roadside assistance package, incase of a flat or a breakdown or something. 

No! That was wrong. He drove a... it was older, and bigger. And red. Right? Some kind of muscle car? He got it off some guy... but he couldn't remember the details...

Nick tried harder, tried to force his memories to come out right. He remembered his 16th birthday. A fancy white cake with pink roses. "Sweet 16th, Nicole!" written in pink icing. More memories started to flood in, and now Nick was trying to stop them, trying not to remember, as they kept pouring in. Other birthdays, xmases, the name Nicole popping up everywhere, along with dolls, dresses, and makeup.

Then a more powerful memory surfaced, from around age 11 or 12. Sitting on a bed in a very girly bedroom. Frilly pink sheets and pillows, a pile of stuffed animals ontop. Tears. Mom was there, hugging, comforting. "You're becoming a woman now, Nicole." 

Still more memories flooded in. Her first -- and last -- date with a boy. Coming out to her parents as gay. They were so accepting, too. Dad telling her he didn't care as long as his little girl was happy. Mom going with her to her first Pride. And now finally the work memories were clearer. She worked at a high-end cosmetics boutique, over at the Pen Centre. And she was pretty good at her job too, customers loved her, her manager liked her. 

Nicole frowned, staring down at herself. She noticed her long fingernails had dark nail polish on them. With only the light from the movie screen, it was hard to be sure of the colour, but she remembered it was a deep plum purple. She knew it matched her lipstick and the colours in her eyeshadow. 

She continued staring at her hands for a few moments, before she realized she wasn't being forced to watch the movie any more. She was finally free! 

The movie wasn't over yet, which was odd. It was quickly reaching its predictable boring conclusion, though. She sighed and decided to just wait it out, before confronting Samantha.

While waiting, she picked up her purse and had a quick look inside. The first thing she noticed was Nick's old scuffed up off-brand droid was now the latest model fruit phone. With the pink gold finish, of course. Then she found her drivers license.

Like everything else, it had changed too. There she was. Nicole Elliott. Same last name, same birthday, she was still 21. Same address, she still lived with her parents, same as Nick. Her eyes were now listed as blue instead of brown, and her height was now 5'4". Nick had been 6'2". No wonder she couldn't see overtop of Brooke anymore, her girlfriend was now 2" taller than she was.

As she put her ID back in her purse, Nikki wondered how Brooke was going to react to all this. Then Nicole thought for a moment, would Brooke still be her girlfriend? No. Brooke was as straight as they come. This was going to be awkward. She set her purse back down and waited.

Finally the awful movie was over. The house lights came on and the credits started to roll. Nikki braced herself, expecting a scream, or at least a confused freak-out from Brooke. She turned to face her former girlfriend, and waited.

Brooke just smiled at her, "So Nikki, what did you think of the movie?"

Nicole was so surprised by Brooke's complete non-reaction that it took her a few moments to realize she was already answering the question. "It was the usual boring hetero rom-com bullshit. First of all, the leads had zero chemistry together. And the characters? The woman was supposed to be a smart no-nonsense business-woman. The guy was a hopeless buffoon! There's no way she'd put up with an idiot like that. When he made the predictable screw-up, she should've never looked back. On the other hand, did you see the chemistry she had with her best friend? That's how it should have ended, with her and her best friend hooking up, and who cares what happened to the guy..." 

Nicole's voice trailed off as she suddenly felt somewhere between embarrassed at her little rant, and surprised at the sound of her own voice, which had come out as a soft, pleasant soprano. She looked at Brooke, still expecting some kind of shocked reaction from her former girlfriend.

Brooke though just grinned back at her.

"See, that is exactly why I wanted you and Sam to meet!" She looked back and forth, from Nicole to Samantha, smiling widely. "I'm just sorry you two ended up sitting on opposite sides of me so you couldn't talk." 

Brooke then stood up and said, "I think you'll have a lot in common though, so how about I head out - early morning tomorrow, so I've gotta run - but you two should hang out and get to know each other. I'll catch up with you both later!" 

With that, Brooke made for the exit, giving Nicole and Samantha one last smile and wave.

Stunned, Nicole gave a little wave back, then slowly turned back to look at Samantha.

:=: Samantha :=:

Samantha's head was spinning. This is not what she was expecting. Not. At. All. What the fuck had her spell done?! She had a growing fear in her stomach, like when you think you're just being a little naughty but then it turns out you've done something much, much worse. 

She was staring at... Nick? Nikki? Damn she was hot. Those eyes, such an intense sparkling blue! Her makeup was dark and contrasty, sort of a goth look that worked really well on her. Her hair was so long, and such a deep, satiny black. And her clothes, she obviously had a good sense of style...

And why hadn't Brooke noticed anything wrong? Brooke even seemed to think she'd arranged for Sam and Nikki to meet? What the fuck had Sam done? She didn't know what to say. What did Nikki know? Did she even remember what had happened? 

Finally, Nikki spoke up, "So... I guess you and I should have a little talk? Wanna go get some coffee or something?"

Sam nodded slowly, "Uh... yeah, ok..."

Nikki gave a slight nodd "Good. Let's go." She stood up and pulled on her cute little leather jacket and grabbed her purse, then strutted towards the exit.

Sam just nodded again and stood up, pulling on her hoodie, and followed Nikki out of the theatre.


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