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Hey there Patrons!

Well I had a wacky weekend, not in a bad way, mind, but there was a lot of time spent doing things I didn't anticipate spending a lot of time on. Only picture it really affected was the one of Onyx in the corner, but I'll touch on that later.

Thankfully, in much better news, I actually didn't have any real issues with depression or stress this week! Granted that's not to say that I was fully back in a good headspace, there's still plenty to be stressed about, but it didn't impact my work anywhere near the same degrees it had the last couple of... weeks? Months? I dunno.

ANYWAY, it's pretty late so I'm going to try and be brief summarizing everything, so lets get into the art!

Two key pieces this week, the sketch commissions for Glitch and CJR! Both of them were really fun to work on, and covered different aspects of BIG. Glitch's piece featuring his goat of the same name and CJR's rubber skunk Cy is a pairing I've gotten to draw before, and it's a fun one to do each time I get the chance! I really like how hyper I got to push both of them, and how overly big Cy's tail is! Next is CJR's big ol dragon Slush, who I bet would be really cozy to be next to if you weren't at risk of getting smothered entirely by him! I think this is also the first time I've drawn a heavier character in at least a year outside of a handful of practice sketches. The last time I drew a character like that was Angel's Thanksgiving pic I think.

Anyway, getting sidetracked, from there we have a bunch of sketches, including a good amount of warmups practicing different species, continuing on the trend from last week. Really happy with how the gecko came out (I think I subconsciously decided to draw a buffer Brittany for that), and the bird I think looks pretty cute too. From there I also decided to get into the Fanart February headspace, and sketched up a couple ideas for a first piece I want to do. On that note, I didn't do a reward vote last month, so I think I'm going to do two fanart votes this month to make up for it. If everything goes well with not being knocked down with stress and depression, I'm going to try and get those out later this week. For now, enjoy the sketches of Isabelle and other Animal Crossing characters!

And last there's the bunch of drawings of Onyx in the bottom left corner! The first sketches were the warmup sketches of her with different builds. That day was mostly just wanting to do a comfort sketch for me, and it later turned into a fun exercise of figuring out what she'd look like if she wasn't super buff but had similar proportions otherwise, and I like the look! But she'll always be a big beefy babe by default. ;D  Then there was the Patreon Bonus Drawing that I started working on, and I was hoping to have it done by the end of the weekend, but between having a long gaming night with friends on Saturday and then having an usually large amount of work to do today during the first part of the day, then having stomach issues at the end of the day, getting the picture done wasn't in the cards. I'll be finishing it as soon as I can this week, and it'll be included in the January Monthly Art Packs, which are going out on the 10th, like every month!

Okay, that'll do it for this week's snapshot. Gonna be spending a lot of time working on commissions this week as well, hopefully getting at least two more done this week and keeping the momentum going.

As always, thank you all so much for your support! I hope you had a great weekend, and that your week goes well for you! Until next time!
