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Hey there Patrons!

Well if you couldn't tell by me missing the usual posting window for the snapshot updates, it's been another rough week. To quickly summarize, there were bills I was struggling to pay early in the week, and then the middle of the week I had car issues that I had to spend more money on, so needless to say that didn't help with the overall stress situation I've been dealing with.

Anywho, let's get on to the art stuff! No finished piece this week unfortunately, because of the aforementioned, but there's a couple of pieces in the works that will be really fun to finish. We've got additional commissions that were taken on to help make ends meet, starting with a pinup of CarhinaShark's new Mizutsune-sona (Mizut-sona?) Piper! I'm really happy with how she's coming out so far! This was also another case of immediately knowing what I wanted to draw as soon as I got the prompt, so look forward to seeing the finished one soon! Another of the comms is for Marjask, featuring their drone form all multi-endowed, and showing off the goods! Another one I'm excited to finish, because I've really been wanting to do shiny materials in my rough painted lighting style, and Marjask was more than happy to oblige with their piece, so I'm definitely going to have a ton of fun with that one. There's also two additional comms that will be upcoming shortly as well, with a lot of additional bigness, so stay tuned for those!

Beyond those, I only had so much capacity to do art this week because of everything, so there's only a handful of warmup sketches this week. I took a shot at putting the roughs in for Angel's Year of the Dragon pinup, but I don't know that I'm happy with any of the proportions I picked for those pieces. Some quick context, Angel, like many of my other characters, can change her build with magic, but unlike most of my characters, her doing so is usually part of her job. As an escort and professional adult entertainer, she often changes her body's shape and size to fit the client's desires, with her "normal" form being on the larger and heavier side. I might go back and re-do these with her normal form, but I've also been in a mood for a specific body type lately (largely thanks to a lot of art I've been seeing online that has that kind of build; think some of Mr. Pink's work of Dee lately, or more broadly a lot of SpindelsX's work) that are a wonderful mix of heavy softness, hyper curvy, and perky and firm bodies. I've been trying to nail that look in my style and it's been a bit of a challenge to get it to look just right, but I might go with a similar build for Angel's pinup.

On the topic of that particular body type, I also had an idea for more Kobolds earlier in the week, this time a pair of identical Kobold Twins, save that one of the sister's has a huge dong and the other doesn't. I'm pretty happy with the initial sketches, I just need to decide on names for the two that I enjoy. Berry and Cherry is a nice pair of rhyming names that have good kobold energy, but I want these two to have more elegant or sexy names that are also similarly good paired together. Expect more work on these two later as well!

And then lastly, there's some various warmup sketches that, if I remember correctly, took place when I *really* didn't have much energy or bandwidth for a lot of drawing, so I just shat out some roughs of species I don't usually draw, with proportions I don't normally tackle as well. It was a nice change of pace and something I'm going to try to do more of this year (i.e. practice different things to improve overall), though of course I had to end it with a big ol' dragon/kobold thing, but I wanted to push the proportions to be more cartoonish with the extremely large arms and wasp-like waist. I like the look, and it reminded me that I have another character with a similar build that I drew a while back that I'd like to revisit at some point.

Once again I write up a little novel for these posts. If you made it to the end, let me know if you'd like these to be more concise or if you appreciate the verbosity of these check-ins! I do still need to put out the annual feedback thread but between the whole (vague gesturing towards everything) and wanting to have a proper form to go with that thread, that's not quite ready just yet.

Still, as always, thank you all so much for your continued support, especially throughout the times where I'm struggling. Every little bit means a lot to me, and I know I'd be able to get through the tough times eventually, but the support here helps a lot more than you'd think it would. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and that this week is a good one for you! Until next time!



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