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Hey there Patrons!

Welcome to the first Snapshot post of the new year! Not a ton to go over admittedly as I had more stress and depression flare ups, but at least there's a good number of sketches, so lets go over them real quick!

So you might notice that a lot of these sketches are of my dragon characters, which shouldn't be too much of a surprise given that we're going into Year of the Dragon! While I don't have them labeled, there are sketches of Abby and Brock on the right (with their names behind them for aesthetic reasons), and I would like to do pinups of each of my dragons in that kind of style for the year's theme. I'll probably expand on that later. But in addition to those two, there's also sketches of Onyx, Cali, Val, Kiyoko, and Brooke! Whether or not I use the particular sketches of them for that pinup is to be decided, though I'll probably keep the vibes similar. Maybe use them as a collection of character intro pics.

Only other thing to mention is that there are a couple kobold sketches as well! The only really noteworthy ones though are the one in the upper left which has a photo of a sign that reads "God Bless Brisket" and when I saw the sign I knew I wanted to do a soyjack pointing meme version with Brisket and another of my kobolds (probably Drumstick), so I did a really rough start on that, but there's still a lot more work to do on it. There's also a big kobold below that that doesn't have a name, but I might turn her into a character. We'll see!

Alright, gotta wrap it up here since I'm feeling some more stress come on. Been an interesting week, but not a particularly unexpected outcome given things don't really change drastically just because a new year starts.

That said, I'm looking forward to a new year and new projects! As always, thank you all for your continued support! I hope your weekend is going well, and that this next week is a wonderful one for you! Until then!



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