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Hey there Patrons!

Hope you had a great holiday week, and that you have a blast if you've got plans for celebrating New Years!

This is the last Snapshot post of the year, and we've got a little more to go over than usual due to missing last week's post for the holidays. That said, I'm going to try and keep this post a little shorter since I also have the year's Retrospective to write out after this, so let's get into it!

To quickly summarize, I feel like I'm finally getting out of the funk that's been plaguing me for the past few months, which I think I mentioned on the last post I made for the Cali pic. That said I'm still hesitant to really start celebrating being back into it just because I know how Seasonal Affective Disorder can rear it's head suddenly, but at least for the moment I feel a lot better, and I think taking the time to see family helped!

So a lot of what you see was done prior to Christmas, with only a few warmup sketches and the progress on DragonKiller's commission being done after Christmas, which makes sense given I've only been back for a couple days. I did do some sketches while I was on vacation, but they were mostly more facial practice and aren't pictured above.

Overall I'm very happy with how Aatarashi's commission came out, and while I broadly feel the same for the Cali pic (especially the linework, which is refreshing to be enjoying again), the latter did have a few shortcuts I had to take due to time constraints. I had mentioned I was working against the clock on the previous post, but in this one you can see in the sketch cleanup that I had intended the pic to be even milkier with a lot more fluids. Unfortunately I just didn't have the time to get to it!

Last thing to touch base on for this post is the Val Holiday pic. Another case of not having enough time for everything on my plate to make the particular deadline I was hoping for, but I'm still very happy with the progress so far, particularly how the pose came out. Initially I couldn't decide on what size Val should be, hence all the additional sizes sketched out on the side. Though I did eventually settle on one to be the "actual" size, but since the reason for settling on one size was to try and meet the deadline for the month, and given that I missed that deadline, I'm going to go ahead and finish all the sizes for Patreon. I'll probably wind up splitting them up into a bunch of different growth-progression versions too, assuming it doesn't take too much extra time.

Okay, we're getting a bit long-winded, so I'm going to wrap this one up! I'll be posting the Year In Review later today, and as a quick heads up, I'll also be making some posts in the next few days for Patron Feedback and Changes you'd like to see for the new year, including discussion for possible changes to rewards and posting structure and how things like votes for rewards are handled. I feel like there's been a lot of experimentation to varying levels of success, but it might be better this year to focus on a way to streamline some of that.

As always, thank you all so much for your support! Keep an eye peeled for the Year in Review later!



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