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Hey there Patrons!

A little late in the weekend for this week's Snapshot update, but at least there's a good showing of content this time! Gonna try and keep it short though because I am *very* tired, so lets get into it!

The big (in more ways than one) piece this week is the completed commission for LyraWulf, of their enormous python gal by the same name! Admittedly this piece could've been finished a lot sooner, but this piece was being worked on initially right as I was really starting to get into the terrible headspace that's been persistent for the last half of a year or however long it's been. Still, I'm very happy with the end result!

We also have initial thumbnails done for another commission, this one a Riptide pinup for Rugal, with the prompt being their character having grown to monumental size and acting as a walking billboard for Riptide. Perks of being such a loyal customer! Initial rounds of feedback were had and the major changes will be substantially larger endowments, so look forward to seeing those soon!

From there we've got a number of different sketches and stuff. The colored cat in the corner is a character design sketch for the ice cream vendor in Humility's "Kitty Kream" comic. Her placeholder name is Kitty, as I haven't really had the time or energy to figure out what all I want to do with her as a character just yet. But Humility expressed interest in getting the comic colored, so I whipped up a quick swatch for her in case it does happen! The rest of the sketches were just various warmups. A page of face practice and style exploration for human faces, still crutching extremely hard on Anime styles there, but that's partly on purpose since I do want to have my own anime-inspired style I'm comfortable with. And last is the sketches of Val, mostly done to scratch an itch and also get more used to the idea of her having a particular flavor of huge for her forms, as historically I've actually been pretty reserved with her size when I draw her, despite her being one of my most powerful/growth happy characters.

Alright, that'll do it for this week's update. As a heads up, there might not be a snapshot update next weekend, what with it being Christmas, but specific plans for when I leave and get back are still being figured out, so I might be able to sneak one in on Saturday, or maybe later Friday. Either way, I hope you have a wonderful holiday, whatever you're celebrating and whoever you're celebrating with! Until next time!



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