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Hey there Patrons, and welcome to Spooky Month!

Okay so there's not really any spooky art this week, and not a ton to show overall, so I'll keep it quick!

TL;DR on why this week's update is as small as it is: The issues with inking are persisting, and I was fairly busy with a lot of non-art related things this week, including helping a friend move, so I just didn't have the time I normally would have liked to have. Now onto the art.

The most noteworthy piece is the sketch I did of Cookie which was used as an example for the most recent commission openings. I made it a point there that I'm only offering sketches because of a number of reasons, mainly the ongoing struggles with inking and not wanting to adversely affect the backlog any further, but to note, I was able to get that entire piece done in the span of a couple of hours, coloring and shading included, which, if you'll forgive the minor tangent, is really a perfect summary of the issues I'm having with my lineart right now. Everything else about the creative process is moving along so smoothly that I can knock out stuff like that almost without thinking about it, but as soon as polished line work comes into play, things just... freeze. I'm still struggling to figure out why that's the case, but hopefully I can get to a solution that works for both myself and my clients. I might just have to get more comfortable with messier line work, but I'd want to survey my clientele to see if that's something they'd be okay with, or if the particular precision is something they're after in those pieces. I've been told that's part of the appeal before, so I'll have to see if that's still the case.

Anyway, from there we only have a number of sketches and minimal progress on more polished pieces. I'm keeping up my tradition of being fashionably late for themed pieces apparently by not having the Biceptember Olly piece done in time, though if I can get it finished before the art packs for the month go out, I might include it in there just to keep the theme in tact. Some warmup sketches were done of Scarlett to practice snake faces, because some of them were looking pretty "generic furry" and I wanted to inject some more actual snake shapes into the design. There was also a little bit of progress on Mar's sketch page.

That'll do it for this week's snapshot! In more broad news things seem to be on the upswing as far as how I'm feeling/WRT headspaces, so hopefully this coming week will be a lot more productive! Until then, I hope your weekend was relaxing and restful for you, and that you have a wonderful week! Thank you all so much for your continued support!



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