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Saturday again already? Feels like it was Saturday just last week...

Hello again Patrons! Got a better showing this week, as things were, at least in some regards, much more productive, so let's get into it!

So I will start out with a minor complaint I've got that I'm noticing about my work lately, and that it is taking me *way* too long to get inks and linework done these days. Though I might have already made that complaint. Either way, that's the major reason why I don't have more finished work to share. Just been getting stuck in the weeds with linework. Because of that, I also decided to do another week of incrementing multiple pieces rather than focusing on a single one or two. I'm still not sure if that's the best option, but it helps make me feel more productive at the end of the day.

That all being said, most of what I was doing this week was inking and lining a lot of pieces. RileySharkie's Riptide piece managed to get about half-way finished with the linework, and only the big growth final is left on that one (along with the flare and Riptide advertising stuff but that's just text for the most part), so their piece should be one that's done this week. They also mentioned that the middle pic would make for a good sticker, and I agreed! So I really quickly added some flat colors to it as a cool-down one night and then gave it some really quick post-processing in Photoshop to make it look more like a telegram sticker.

There was more Riptide work this week as well (shocker I know), with some initial sketches for Bluesky Observe being done. Originally I wasn't sure if a front facing pose or a rear facing pose would work better, so I sketched out both, but in the end they wanted both, so this piece will actually be the only Riptide piece with an alternate version. It'll be fun to see which version folks like more!

Next we've got a bunch of incremental progress on a number of sketch pages and comics. Admittedly all of these commissions did start out as the wing-it sketch pages, but I've started using these as a means to practice doing more comic-page themed work (at my own discretion I should make absolutely clear). The primary goal for these was to get more comfortable doing more comic pages in the traditional definition, with the longer term goal being to offer them as their own commission type. Sketch pages as they are now will have to get a re-work in their scope and description though, because while I don't regret expanding the scope of these pieces to be more like comics, it is *not* something that I could do sustainably at the price point I've been offering them, but that's a topic for another day. I am looking forward to getting more work on them done though, because I've always enjoyed the end result of the sketch pages and the amount of character they bring out, and these ones will be no exception!

Moving on to the bottom row, we've got quite the gun show on display! I didn't do much this week in the way of new sketches as warmups and instead spent that time on cleaning up and progressing the two sketches on the bottom left of the image, that of Olly and Abby being exceptionally large for Snektember and Biceptember. And Levy the python is showing her own pythons as well, a perfect addition for the month! Still have a little bit of inking left to go on that one before it's finished, but that's another piece that should be done relatively soon, so look forward to that!

And I think that's everything! Admittedly I can't shake the feeling like I forgot to include a picture or sketch in the snapshot, but I had a couple hiccups with Clip Studio this week where it flushed the cache of recent files (no progress was lost, for clarification, it simply didn't list anything in the "recently opened files" menu), and given that I was bouncing between as many projects as I was this week, I guess that feeling isn't entirely without merit. Oh well!

As always, thank you all so much for your support! Every little bit helps more than y'all know, and it means to much that you'd want to help keep this endeavor going. I hope your weekend is going well, and that you have a great next week! Until next time!



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