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Hey there Patrons!

So I didn't make a post about this sooner because at the time my schedule was still kind of up in the air, but if you saw on Twitter, I was out of town visiting family this last week and into the weekend, which is why there was no Snapshot update. I was initially unsure if I was going to return on Saturday or Sunday, which would've left me time to make a snapshot update, but I wound up getting home very late on Sunday, so making an update didn't really make sense when there also wasn't much in the way to show.

A very quick summary of happenings there, a family member was hospitalized for most of the week, which wasn't the initial reason for visiting, but it became the event that sort of overshadowed everything and threw all the other plans out the window. Thankfully they're doing much better now at the time of writing, but it was a very stressful week for everyone involved, to say the least.

As for next week, I will be out of town again, visiting friends this time, and will be gone for just a little under a week, so there will not be a Snapshot update this coming weekend either. Art packs for July will still go out on the 10th like they do every month, as those are already built and scheduled for release, so there shouldn't be any issues there.

That's all for this one! Just wanted to give you a quick check-in because I usually am better at letting folks know ahead of time when there's going to be a delay in a post, but this week things were hectic and it just slipped by. Hope you're having a wonderful day!


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