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Ahoy there Patrons!

Best take care when going to the beach this week, I hear there's been an influx of shark sightings! Of course that means that Shark Week starts tomorrow, and remember how I said I had a lot of preparation to do last week? Yeah I wasn't kidding, so let's get into this week's update!

So to start, I knew right off the bat that I wanted to do different offerings from my usual commissions, specifically following a theme and intentionally faster, looser quality to allow for more pieces to be done in a shorter period of time. So I needed to whip up some examples of what I was going to offer, and here we have our two promo pieces! A growth series (which has so far been the more popular option for openings), and a more standard pinup for those simply wanting some shark art! Ultimately I'm actually quite happy with how the rough painted piece came out, as it gets a lot of the feel of the more polished rendered lighting pieces with only a fraction of the time. I may start offering them as a more permanent option going forward as well, but for now, it'll just be limited to the shark week pieces.

From there, I made some additional promotional advertising art, a simple beach scene featuring the growy drink in question, Riptide! Nothing too fancy, just something to add to the flavor of the commissions!

And speaking of commissions, we've already got work done on several of them! I managed to complete one for Marjask, featuring my own gal Cali in her massive shark form for the occasion! Quite happy with how that one came out, and was nice to re-do these two as sharks since the last time I did them as sharks a number of years ago. Both of their designs have changed pretty substantially! From there, we have the first Riptide Growth Sequence commission for Glitch underway, which is proving to be a LOT of fun. Kaijus and Sharks go so well together! More work on that will be coming very shortly, as well as a bunch of other shark week comms!

But I'm still working on other commissions as well, albeit somewhat slowly. Thumbnails for another commission were delivered to Levy, which will be a very fun pinup of their huge beefy snake! Can't wait to get more work on that one done!

I also did a bonus sketch of Izzy last night in an art stream, and while there were a few other sketches as well, they were really **really** rough, and I was already struggling to fit everything else in this pic, so I omitted them, but they'll be in the monthly art pack! Definitely had the Izzy brainrot last night though!

And from there it was just a couple of various warmup sketches throughout the week! A shark that is... maybe Onyx? I can't remember, and the design isn't immediately evocative of them. I also wanted to practice more long and slender proportions, mostly to keep the skill from atrophying too much, due to the fact that I've mostly been drawing really wide buff characters lately, as I'm sure you all are aware!

That'll do it for this week's Snapshot! I've still got a lot of work to do for various pictures, both shark week related and not, and hopefully I'll be able to make good progress on them! As always, thank you all so much for your support, and I hope your weekend is a good one for you! Happy Shark Week! :D



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