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Hey there Patrons! We've got a bunch of sketches for this week's weekend update, so let's jump in! 

There wasn't a ton of progress on commissions this week, or at the very least not from a numbers standpoint. The only one that was started and got progress was the sketch commission for CJ, which will be completed sometime tomorrow. Annoyingly a couple of situations occurred outside of the art space that prevented me from being more productive in that area (including needing to square away a traffic ticket that took place in my old car that was sold while being used by the new owner), so a bit less time for drawing than I would've liked.

That being said, the other contributor to not getting more commissions done is that this last week I wanted to try and get some planning done for some future pictures outside of commissions, with one of the more major potential undertakings being a series of swimsuit pinups of a handful of my characters, mostly the big ladies (shocking I know). So skipping ahead to the right side of the second row, you can see some really rough attempts at poses and body types I wanted to use for those. Unsurprisingly, Onyx, Vallory, and a Mystery Third Person in the top right have your standard poses for sexy swimsuit pics, but I felt an urge to try my hand at something new and do a pregnancy themed pic as well (given that it's May-ternity), so in the top left we have Angel in a particularly gravid state, which actually plays into her backstory and character design, but I'll share more on that later if I get around to doing the piece properly. Short version is that she's a breeder dragon, and thus hyper fertile in every regard.

On the middle left we have yet another character concept, and yet again for a big kobold, but this time was a bit different because Titania here was the result of waking up with a rare degree of extreme creative clarity when I woke up that day, having already formulated a whole world and story setting around her and the dragon princess she both swore to protect and is also secret lovers with. It's not anything groundbreakingly unique, but it resonated extremely powerfully with me, so I had to get her sketched out and then have all her important details written down before they faded into the ether!

And finally at the bottom row, we have more practice with more extreme muscle sizes, including both being massive all around, as well as some localized extremes. These are once again in practice for an upcoming commission that will follow after the sketch for CJ is completed, so if you like big muscles getting even bigger, you all are in for a treat!

And that'll wrap it up for this week's snapshot update! A bit late in the day but at least it's back on a Saturday for a change, haha. As always, thank you all so much for your support! I hope your weekend is going well, and that the rest of it is restful and enjoyable! Have a great week!



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