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Hey there Patrons! 

A bit late at night/early in the morning but I wanted to at least get this out before I head in for the night. As you all hopefully know, last week I was on vacation, so there wasn't a snapshot update last weekend. What I *didn't* anticipate was the vacation lasting as long as it did. Long and short as to the why, I had to stick around while we purchased a car to replace my old one. We had taken it in to the shop to get it looked at because I knew there were some aspects needing repair (wheel bearings being the key factor but there was also some engine work that was likely needed based on performance drops I'd noticed), and basically the quote for repairs was worth more than the car was. Granted it was a 25 year old car so it wasn't worth much! But rather than drive it back home and figure out what to do with it there, we decided to get ahead of it and get a replacement right away, which took the rest of the week.

The good news is that even though I wasn't drawing a lot during that week, I did still manage to do SOME drawings, even if it was minimal! Most of the work from the week  prior was again focused on the Macro March Growth Drive, as well as the Easter picture that went out on the holiday (finally able to get something done ahead of time)! From there it was mostly idle sketches, lots of kobolds and trying to figure out alternative art styles I might want to do for work that's less serious or purposefully more stylized. Believe it or not I never really developed a "cartoony" art style, or at least not one I would consider cartoony. So part of it was to work on that. And after that I did a couple sketches for friends of Glitch's Jess and Marjask's Claire while I was waiting for a ferry. Lastly after I got home, I did a sketch for Jinash of her character Dogfat (that's her name), partly because I didn't have time to get to it when I was doing sketches waiting for the ferry, but also because I was still in the mood for big women with bigger tits, so there we are!

And that'll do it for this really late weekend update! I know I said Art Packs were going to go out on the 15th but that is going to get pushed to the 16th. I've also still got to do the finale for the Growth Drive, that will... hopefully go out on the 16th as well but I might have to push that back a day. We'll see!

As always, thank you all for your support, and I hope you have a great rest of your weekend and a great week!



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