Macro March Growth Drive 2023 - Wardrobe Selection! (Patreon)
2023-03-22 03:51:08
Another fundraising goal reward, Wardrobe Selection, is now up and voting is live!
I had meant to get this out sooner but between initially not liking the picture I drew for this and then liking the picture TOO much and getting caught up in the details, we're a few days behind where I'd like to be as far as schedule goes, but I'm still going to be posting more pictures for the drive even if it takes some extra time! That said, I'll be sending out an updated timeline for the rest of the drive to make up for it, so keep an eye peeled for that!
Voting on this poll is open for 2 days to make up for it being posted in the middle of the week, though if it looks like there's a clear winner early on I may end the poll early and take those results into the next piece.
You can vote for which outfit you'd like to see Val and Brisket wear by clicking on the link below and voting in the poll in the replies! As always, a Twitter account is needed in over to vote!