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The two who will be competing in this year's Growth Drive are Vallory and Brisket!

A Dragon and her Kobold get into a playful argument as to who would be the more adored giant and decide to settle it on the battlefield! Will it be Vallory, channeling the age-old notion that dragons are meant to be big, powerful, and majestic? Or will it be Brisket, breaking the expected norms that kobolds are to be small and weak? (Well to be fair she's already doing that quite a bit!) The choice is yours!

Results for the Ranked Choice Vote can be found at the link below for those interested! 
Click here to view a detailed breakdown of the voting results!

Donate to the growth drive via Ko-Fi or by subscribing at Patreon!


Now, lets break down the details for the Growth Drive!

First things first, lets break down the Terminology!

Growth Pool - This is a shared resource between both characters, and is tied to the interactions on any of the images included in the Growth Drive. This is a single unit that is later split between the two characters based on how many votes they get in a weekly poll.
Allocated Growth - This is the amount of the Growth Pool is that a single character will grow by.
Growth Rate - The rate at which the character multiplies the growth from their individual Allocated Growth.


Now lets talk about what you can do to make those girls bigger!
For the most part, participation is pretty straight forward. Interactions are key to making these characters grow! Each week, a new image will go up showcasing the characters current size and growth stats. Viewers can make Vallory or Brisket (or both!) grow by doing any of the following things!

Option 1: Like!
This is by far the easiest way to contribute to the growth! Every Like, Fav, Star, etc., adds a fixed amount to the shared Growth Pool, which will contribute to both characters' growth (the amount of which determined by a separate poll voted on by the viewers)! While liking alone won't guarantee your favorite grows more, it's the foundation for growth without needing to throw in cash!

Option 2: Share!
This is one of the more helpful ways to contribute to the growth on sites where it's applicable! Retweets, reblogs, shares, etc., add a fixed amount to BOTH character's Growth Rates, making all growth they experience that much more potent! Plus it puts the growth drive in front of other people, which can increase interactions even further! We love a good positive feedback loop!

Option 3: Donate!
This is the best way to ensure your favorite grows the most! Each dollar donated via Ko-Fi, or by subscribing at Patreon, etc., will add ten times the fixed amount to a character's Growth Rate of your choice! You can dump it all into one character or spread them between the two however you like! Additionally, each dollar will also add ten times the fixed amount to the shared Growth Pool, and half that value will be added specifically to the character's allocated growth as well!

Option 4: Vote!
For those who aren't donating, this is the most important part for growing the character of your choice! Each week, a poll will go up on My Twitter Page for viewers to vote on to determine who gets what share of the growth pool!  Vote for who you want to see grow more! Once the poll is closed, each character will get a share of the Growth Pool, with the size of the share determined by the percentage of the votes they received!


Last, lets quickly talk about the fundraising goals!

This is the first year I'm including specific milestone goals for the Growth Drive! As milestones are reached, more changes and bonuses will become available for the growth drive, including ways to massively change a characters attributes, guest appearance raffles, and even a bonus week for the Growth Drive complete with an additional image! More information about participation and effects for these different milestones will be published as we reach them, so keep an eye peeled!

And that'll wrap all that up! The first image will be going up in the next day or two, but all interactions on pics posted today and any donations received will count towards that first week's growth all the same!



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