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Howdy Patrons!

It's that time of the week again, and this week there's a little bit more to show!

A lot of time went into redoing the Brisket illustration I showcased last week, and I was able to finish a pass on the inks that I was really happy with, as it kept a lot of the character and weight from the initial sketch that I had lost in my previous attempts. I went from there to do a quick lighting pass on a cropped section, which was then posted to Twitter! I also did a couple of different color passes, as Brisket hadn't actually had a color pass done for her. Thankfully I was able to find some inspiration and take things in a direction that I'm happy with for her, but I'll still need to toy around with it a bit more before I finalize anything.

I also did another Kobold design, this one of a pink rubbery kobold-balloon who's got a thing for inflation. Her name is Claire! This also doubled as commission pre-production for an upcoming piece for Marjask, so you'll be seeing more of her in the future.

The other noteworthy pieces that were worked on this week was a birthday sketch also for Marjask, though I'm not showing it here because it's a surprise, and progress on a model sheet commission for Chrysabliss, who has a very THICC buff character. This is also the first time I've done a model sheet for the purpose of creating a 3D model since... college I think, so that's fun!

That'll do it for this update though! We're moving into a new month and a new quarter, so my calendar is being appropriately slated with work. Expect polls and suggestion posts to go up for October rewards soon! Until then, have a great rest of your weekend, and a great upcoming week!



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