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Hey there everyone! 

Another weekend, another snapshot! Not a lot to show on the art front this week, as a lot of my time was spent working on behind the scenes things as well as web presence things. For art, we have another sketch that'll be taken to a completed state for Biceptember, this one of Brisket (since she was tied for first), but this one will be released publicly at completion as soon as it's done, whereas the other will be a Patreon exclusive for about a month.

Unfortunately this sketch was a case of me getting lost in the weeds, as when I went to clean it up I also tweaked her proportions and pose because nothing was getting the vibe I wanted. The first pass has a slightly more feminine build, which I still like, but it didn't relay the feeling of "massive" I was going for. So I kept tweaking and changing little things here and there, and decided at one point to just keep going with what I had (the third cleanup attempt in this case), and you can probably see how a lot of the character and feel of the first sketch was progressively lost. I decided to come back to it with fresh eyes and decided it wasn't worth progressing, so my plan with this is to go back to the initial sketch and clean it up more faithfully.  I'll be looking forward to showing off the picture when it's done!

Like I mentioned though, most of the work was done on other things, behind the scenes stuff. A lot of it was focused on branding and identity, with the first thing being an updated commission price sheet. This mostly was me searching online for themes and motifs I wanted to include into my branding, trying out a bunch of different shapes and patterns for flare, figuring out potential color themes and ultimately a lot of stuff that doesn't *really* translate well into an image just yet, simply because I'm still very early in the process.

But the most notable change I did make, that you can see right now, is I updated the look and feel of my carrd pages, both my old brockthepirate.carrd.co site and my current onyxpirate.carrd.co! The latter has a pretty good feel of what I'm going for, given the time spent and the limitations of not having like, a fully customized page built with React for example, and is likely going to reflect the direction I take for most of the branding stuff I do in the future!

On a more general final note, the July and August art packs will be going out this weekend either tonight or tomorrow, and as I mentioned a few weeks ago, will be bundled together since the amount of content between the two is pretty minor (but the folders in the packs will still be separated into their respective months, if for no other reason than it'll make things easier for me from a storage perspective).

As always, thank you for your continued support, and I hope you have an awesome weekend!



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