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Hey there Patrons!

Another Saturday, another snapshot. Much like last week, this one doesn't have a ton of volume (well, unless you're talking about the size of the characters, in which case...), but we've got another completed piece to show for it instead!

This week had a couple of character sketches as warm-ups/free time work, with Brock being one, and a revisit to one of my first OC's being the other. I'm not telling you her name just yet, but maybe soon! ;D

The biggest piece this week is the commission for Killed by Curiosity, which I'm only just now realizing that I've been spelling that word wrong this entire time, so I guess I'm going to have to update some watermarks. Ah well, that's an easy fix! But Joan is now in color and looking better than ever! Absolutely love her.

Though I guess if we're talking character volume, the BIGGEST piece worked on this week was the redesign of Hibiscus, one of the adoptable kobolds! To say she's a lot bigger now is, frankly, a huge understatement. I think she's going to wind up being the biggest of the adoptable kobolds in every regard except proportional muscle mass. Aspen/Rubell still has everyone beat there! But I'm excited to see what stats Hibiscus' buyer gives her in the end. They mentioned her being a macro and of course that got my ears perked.

That'll do it for this snapshot post though! I'm off to figure out how I want to break the tie for the monthly reward polls! I've already got a couple ideas in my head, so it's a matter of figuring out which one to go with.

As always, thanks for your continued support, and I hope you have a great rest of your weekend!



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