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Got a larger snapshot post for you all today, mainly because I was out of town last weekend, so this combines this week's and last week's works!

Most prominently featured are concept sketches I did over that time frame of a new secondary/alternate sona, who I'm (rather unsurprisingly) naming Onyx for now. In their current iteration, they're a dragon/kobold mix, and take several design queues from Brock's design (black horns, angular stripes, and a mohawk like mane/hairstyle to name a few) based on the last sketch, though you can see where I was experimenting with more varied looks in the earlier sketches. There's still work to be done, and I might have it so they have various hairstyles, because I do like the look of the really long hair in the second sketch.

There were also additional character sketches of Red, who at this point is settling into their design, though minor things still need to be tweaked and cemented, and a new kobold, likely to the surprise of nobody. This kobold doesn't have a name yet, but is unique in that I had their backstory come to me before anything else.

The long and short of it is that she's a kobold from ancient times, thousands of years old. She "served" under a tyrannical king and was at one point tasked with delivering a potion of immortality to said king. However, instead of doing that, she drank it herself and instead delivered a completely mundane drink to the king, while saying that it was still the potion. She was jailed when the king died and she had outlived him, and later escaped when she had outlived her jailers as well. She roams the modern day setting as a delinquent, doing what (or who) she wants when she wants, not really caring about repercussions. More details will come out once I've settled on her design, right now I'm still on the fence on a couple details.

I also did some logo exploration for Onyx Pirate as a brand, and I'm quite happy with the initial direction those took. The symbol overlays the letters O N Y and X to make the shape in various ways. My current plans are to use the shape as a backdrop for the "flag" that the skull will rest on top of, but right now it's a bit noisy when I do that, so I'll have to toy with it a bit more.

Finally we have a WIP snapshot of a sketch I worked on while I was out of town, a group picture featuring my Caliza, Jinash and Marjask's sonas, and Glitch's Jess. I wanted to draw a pic of all of our characters hanging out getting their drink on since we were doing the same in reality as well! That pic will be completed later though as outstanding commission work is going to take priority for the rest of the month.

And that will do it for this week's update! As always, thank you all so much for your support! Have a great rest of your weekend!



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