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Hey there Patrons!

Going to keep this post short despite the number of drawings because I have places to be in a little bit of time, but this week saw a good mix of work. From a time spent standpoint, most of it was on continuing the adoptable kobold designs, one of which had a color update and the other a minor design tweak. Unfortunately my inking on these has been a lot slower than I would like. I also spend a good chunk of time on commissions, mostly on the one for Sampomon.

There were a few days where I spent a good amount of time just doing sketches as well, including getting an idea out of my head for a very heavy kobold named Creampuff, and some sketches that were toying with the idea of redesigning my sona Brock, as well as just some character sketches of Brock and Brooke.

That'll do it for this week's snapshot post! Expect some more updates later this weekend and into the start of next week!



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