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Hello again Patrons!

Almost forgot today was Saturday! Anywho, this week's art time was mostly spent on commissions, in particular for Curious Garchomp, but also some progress for RenardCross (Not pictured in the image above). I also made some additional progress on the Kobold Adoptable batch, getting a good idea for what I wanted the big green one to look like (though I'll probably tweak her markings a bit more before putting her up for sale, I think the brick look is too busy), and completed the inks and flats for the purple one. More on them will be coming soon!

The other thing that took hold of me this week was a character concept I thought up early in the week, a dragon-kobold hybrid who goes by the name of Red. They'll be red in color so it'll be a pretty straightforward name. These are all of the sketches of them so far, and I'm still feeling out the specifics of the design, but I've already got some use for them planned once I'm satisfied with the design.

Lastly, as a heads-up, I'll be out of town this next week, so there won't be a Snapshot Saturday post next weekend. Hope you all have a great week!



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