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Welcome to my Patreon, and thank you very much for your support! Let's get things going right off the bat, shall we?

So for February, I like to shift my usual content for art and focus more on fan art, sort of as an excuse to draw characters I might not set aside time to draw otherwise from franchises I like. Last year was the first year I did a major push for Fanart February, as I like to call it, and this year I'm going to give you all a chance to have me draw a character of your choice!

How does it work? Simple! Suggest up to three characters you'd like to see, and I'll choose a selection from everyone's answers that I'm particularly interested in drawing, and in a couple weeks, I'll make a poll for you to vote on! The only other rule is you can't suggest your own or a friend's original characters!

Lastly, normally polls like these would be limited to $3 Patrons and above, but since it's the first month of my Patreon being launched, as a thanks to everyone who pledges to my Patreon, I'm allowing everyone to vote in the Fanart February poll!

Thank you again so much for your support, and I look forward to seeing who you suggest for the poll!


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