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For this month's bonus episode we watched Gwyneth's sex show and it seemed ... fine? We're as mystified as you are.

You can play the episode directly through Patreon or use our RSS feed to add it to your podcast app. Here are the instructions from Patreon. As ever, leave a comment  if you've got requests for future bonus episodes! 



Hey would you do an episode on Noom? I keep getting ads for it (I've already tried it and didn't stick with it so no thanks). Noom claims to help you keep weight off but considering basically every diet fails I'm very dubious about their claim.


Aubrey! I just flipped on the radio in my car and it was Science Friday, and when they said they were going to be talking about weight loss and health I was like, "Oh no, here we go again ...." But no! Beautifully done interview to a perhaps largely new audience. Brava!


I just read the book, The Wellness Trap, and felt so informed as I knew most of the info because of this podcast (would still recommend as it’s a good read)! Thank you both for hosting my all time favorite podcast—I look forward to it every week. I wonder if you could do an episode on Walter Willet and the Harvard Guide for Healthy Eating??


I also just heard you on Science Friday in my car and you kicked ass and sounded brilliant! Ive already binged every episode and my brain gave me a little dopamine hit when I realized "omg I get to hear Aubrey talk more! BONUS!" Thank you <3


Not Goop, but "fat shaming cause airplanes" https://www.tiktok.com/@boberryvip/video/7235507435237215534?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=6912851264091375109


I just moved to Germany and I was wondering if Mike had context for the weird “nutri-score” on EVERYTHING at the grocery store (or at least at Edeka)? It’s super obviously color-coded as “bad or good” along with “A B C D E” but there is absolutely no context! It’s just there. So weird. It just feels like a weird way to make people “eat healthier” when they start labelling walnuts as a B-rated. Freaking raw walnuts. Edit: grammar


omg there is nowhere to comment on stitcher but michael just said TRIPLEFRIVOULOUS


When I was in UK there was this "5 a day" thing and they would say "counts as 1 of your 5 a day" on frozen margarita pizza...




I'm listening to Apocalypse Cow now and as a former pet care worker I just have to say (maybe tune out Aubrey?)...hamsters default state is cannibalism. The vast majority of adult hamsters and some younger hamsters cannot be safely housed together. They will eat each other. I personally witnessed it more with the gerbils (they can be house together sometimes, but not all get along), but the dwarf and robo hamsters definitely did it occasionally too. Hamsters are also naturally omnivores, unlike every animal except humans mentioned in this episode. It's not unnatural for them to eat meat.


i never saw this with my gerbils so im surprised about that! but i read a study recently indicating 75% of female golden hamsters (out of 157 observed) would eat at least some of their offspring. my cousin had some dwarf hamsters growing up and one attacked the other, because this wasnt common info when i was growing up!


We had hamsters that just SNAPPED one day and one of them ate the other two. We had no idea that could happen as when we adopted the three of them together, we weren't warned about it


A lot of herbivores will eat meat on occasion for the extra nutrients--deer are known to eat baby birds if they find them while grazing and to chew on bones they find for the calcium, for example. But yeah, it's really important for people know whether their pets are safe to cohabitate or not. We have reptiles and while the information that most reptiles should not cohabitate with each other is available, there's a surprising amount of misinformation out there. I remember one reptile person losing it over a care info pamphlet from a pet store that told people they could have male leopard geckos living together, which will guaranteed end in one of the geckos killing the other (you might be able to get away with housing a couple female leopard geckos together because they aren't as territorial, but it's still not a good idea).


My brothers had gerbils and they always ate the babies.


I will say, I feel like when I talk openly about sex with my straight female friends, they clearly think I'm too crass and giving TMI. I'm like...this is part of life, how can we not talk about it?


This is my new favorite way to confirm reality TV 👌

Carolynne Lewis-Arevalo

I didn't read through ALL of the comments so I don't know if someone already mentioned this, but a lot of straight women have sex issues related to early-life sex trauma, either incest, rape, or other unwanted sexual contact as a child or young adult. In adult relationships, these women may desire physical contact but find intercourse to be frightening or painful. Additionally, they might find it extremely difficult to talk about it as they don't want to make their partners feel bad/guilty or feel as though they are continuing the abuse... or they find intercourse triggering... or they have been made to believe that expressing sexual desire means that they are a "whore/slut" or that they had not "really" been assaulted. No amount of sex play is going to make these women feel safe or increase sexual desire. They really need an experienced therapist to help them find safety in their bodies again.


Aw man Aubrey should really shout out whenever she guests on other things. I would love to follow. XD signed me, not really following social media ever, but still obsess over this podcast