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For this month's bonus episode, we assigned each other some homework. As years-long Gwyneth obsessives, we've always been curious about the content of her Netflix show, "The Goop Lab." It's advertised as a kind of Consumer Reports for woo-woo health treatments, a quasi-reality show where Goop staffers try to figure out whether energy healing, juice cleanses and vampire facials work as well as their boosters (and, in many cases, Goop's own website) say they do. 

So we decided to watch a few episodes and report back! Here's the conversation we had afterwards. 

You can play the episode directly through Patreon or use our RSS feed to add it to your podcast app. Here are the instructions from Patreon. And as ever, if you've got future bonus episodes you'd like to see, drop those in the comments here.

See you next month!





I'm watching the medium episode and I cannot get over how much the researcher looks like kate mckinnon doing a character


Again listening to this way late but I am FURIOUS with Michael for sandbagging Aubrey’s excellent Hannibal joke


Has the May ep dropped yet?


Psychics and Mediums have always seemed like just another type of grifter to me. I mean, if you like your psychic, you can keep your psychic, but most of them just seem predatory to me.


Aubrey's giggles are so infectious! I love it so much when she laughs, makes me chuckle.


Just wanted to contribute that needling has some dermatological legitimacy. It is used to stimulate collagen formation. Not advocating it ... never encountered the sewing though


My grandmother was a “psychic” in a traveling carnival after running away as a child. She couldn’t read beyond 2nd grade level but new how to read people. Sometimes she would even pick pocket people & then use the information she gained from whatever trinkets they had to impress them.


When I am sad, I think of the line "get as many concessions out of Gwyneth as you can," and it makes me happy again


I was scrolling IG the other day and the algorithm thought I needed to see a Goop-adjacent post about how the Flexner Report is ruining us all ... The caption seemed like a mish-mash of both real and imagined ills stemming from that report but it was the first time I'd heard of it and there does seem to have been some truly wild shit in there ... #futuredeepdive?


I loved the Pete Evans Part 1, can't wait for Part 2. I had a rheumatologist put me on the Paleo diet, claiming that 80% of her patients were helped by it. I stayed on for 3 months (that's how long she said it would take for all the toxins to leave my body). I felt awful the entire time. I did lose weight. As one of my friends said, "You lose weight on the Paleo diet because after a week you lose the will to eat." BTW, I never went back to that doctor.


Well, and the other issue with the "Biological Age" issue is: are they also doing a FULL genetic workup too? Are they also doing a full body MRI? WHICH blood tests did they run -- just a standard blood panel? Did they test for any inflammatory markers? Genes associated with autoimmune or fatal diseases? Did they do a full psychological workup? Did you ask whether this person has stable housing? Because there are SOOO many things they're not taking into consideration when they just ask what your, like, cholesterol level is. They seem to be implying that if you're "Biologically 25," and that's younger than you really are, that you'll live longer and are relatively healthy because you have, like, good cholesterol; but I have good cholesterol and I also see a team of 6 doctors for a genetic inflammatory arthritis that could put me in a wheelchair by the time I'm 50. A simple, barebones blood panel doesn't give you any kind of actual insight into someone's overall health.


Wow. It’s upsetting to learn that a rheumatologist told you you needed “toxins” to leave your body. That’s about as medically sound as saying “you’ll need to stay on it for 3 months for all the evil spirits to get out of your soul” (although if evil spirits were real, I’m sure a paleo diet would very effectively make them decide they’re not interested in hanging out in a body anymore).


I am in the beauty/wellness industry, and it is shocking at how many nonsensical magic treatments and cures are out there. Please know that there are many legitimate treatments and products, but they aren't necessarily sexy of make someone feel like they have the inside track. The MLM huns shill a hundred nonsense cures in the form of oils, powders, pills and shakes, and people just eat it up. There was a recent episode of AHS Stories "facelift" that opens with the amazing Judith Light dabbing her face with her fresh urine that she had collected in a jar. I immediately thought that legit 45% if my clients would be trying that!