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Hey gang, just a quick note to let you know that this month's bonus episode is delayed by a few weeks. We wish we had a better excuse, but the month just got away from us. Mike ended up going down a deep rabbit hole (you'll know what we mean when you hear our next few main-feed episodes) and Aubrey's been on a book deadline. 

We recorded the AMA last night, though, so it should be out soon. And we've got a banger of a bonus episode coming up in April too! Apologies for the delay and see you soon! 





The Wim Hoff stuff drives me up the wall. I'm a cold water swimmer, and there are people studying the effect of bathing in cold water and there is a case study of one person who managed to come off depression medication. This is not enough evidence to justify a TV series (a very bad one where some celebrities got to go on a jolly and do some ice baths) and a general hysteria of people who go into cold water or put pools in their gardens thinking it's going to cure everything. There's a load of weird breathing stuff where basically you hyperventilate until you cry and call it therapy. I see people going into the sea in dangerous conditions because of this, not to mention people who think it will make them thin, usually claiming you burn more calories in the cold. However I genuinely think after seven years of swimming outdoors through the winter that my body adapted to the cold due to body fat, increasing rather than decreasing. I will say that cold water swimming seems to have the most effect on post menopausal women. All the women I know who are post menopausal get a real mental high from a dip or swim in cold water that I don't seem to get. There is some evidence that ice baths etc hamper muscle development so all those spots people who used to do ice baths to aid recovery- it might take down swelling etc but it doesn’t help build muscle.


I can’t wait! I would love to hear a report on essential oils someday. I have so many friends who sell them and swear they fix everything. But I still see them getting colds, living with anxiety, recovering from long COVID.


Check out "The Dream" podcast which covers MLMs, including essential oils!


It’s not exactly weight loss but of course it’s thrown in there. Just Incase. A friend has told me about a friend of her’s doing the Wim Hof method. Pretty much freezing your body into functioning better. Honestly I can’t imagine doing this. It seems insane. Her friend has said she has got off all medications and feels great. Someone else needs to validate this is insane. https://www.wimhofmethod.com/practice-the-method


The teeth one stood out to me- super random and out there but would love a show about teeth health and like the different marketing tactics for toothpastes and charcoal toothpaste, whitening strips, etc.


Would LOVE an episode or bonus episode on the Minnesota starvation experiment. The lowest in take of calories that was thought to be torturous, was 1500 calories. Honestly would love a deep dive into that famous study and the larger implications


When are you guys going to do a Maintenance Phase/ Sawbones Crossover ?!?!?


I’m still waiting on the goop episode!


This is too late for this episode, but I would love to see you guys do an episode about WLS. Everyone I know who has had a WLS like mine (Roux en y) has lost ALL their original teeth. This is not something we were warned about and I don't know of any formal studies, but this is just one of many issues people have had from what is often do


I can't navigate Patreon's comment section after this much wine. Basically, please look into WLS. Those of us who had what we were told was the ultimate solution have suffered a lot. Even though I lost the weight and kept it off, I have developed fibromyalgia and just feel like shit generally all the time. Just like before, although now they blame it on being crazy instead of being fat.


What does WLS stand for? New here?!


Could you pleeeease do an episode on fasting?? I don’t know enough but it seems like it’s the new thing people are doing - it is so prevalent and these people claim that it is “backed by the latest science” 🚩🚩🚩 I did see a video on Instagram where a dietitian was saying that most of that research was done on men and that the benefits are not present when women fast (quite the opposite). Would love to hear your take!